The Official Round II Debate thread

Well it does sting that they made such a quick decision our debate when even my opponent thought I one and then they take 4 days and still haven't announced the winner of 3D and Yurt who didn't even have a debate but a dictionary quoting contest. It's absurd.

So don't get on your high horse, I can whoop your ass in a debate with one hemisphere of my brain tied behind my back.

you're a moron....our debate was about definitions and meaning of words.... idiot
you're a moron....our debate was about definitions and meaning of words.... idiot
Oh yea...right.....I'm an idiot?

Here's Your and 3D's debate.

3D - OK man, like here's my question Yurt, "What is your name?"
Yurt - Oh wow man, that's a hard one.
3D - It starts with a "Y" Yurt.
Yurt - Uhhhhh
3D - You got 30 seconds left Yurt
Yurt - Uhhhh, oh wow man, I'm thinking.
3D - It ends in a "t" Yurt.
Yurt - Uhhhhhh
3D - You have 5 seconds left Yurt.
Yurt - Yurt man! My name is Yurt!
3D - Whoa, that was bitchin dude!!
Oh yea...right.....I'm an idiot?

Here's Your and 3D's debate.

3D - OK man, like here's my question Yurt, "What is your name?"
Yurt - Oh wow man, that's a hard one.
3D - It starts with a "Y" Yurt.
Yurt - Uhhhhh
3D - You got 30 seconds left Yurt
Yurt - Uhhhh, oh wow man, I'm thinking.
3D - It ends in a "t" Yurt.
Yurt - Uhhhhhh
3D - You have 5 seconds left Yurt.
Yurt - Yurt man! My name is Yurt!
3D - Whoa, that was bitchin dude!!

Well it does sting that they made such a quick decision our debate when even my opponent thought I one and then they take 4 days and still haven't announced the winner of 3D and Yurt who didn't even have a debate but a dictionary quoting contest. It's absurd.

So don't get on your high horse, I can whoop your ass in a debate with one hemisphere of my brain tied behind my back.
That sounds like a challenge. :)
I'm pretty disgusted at which ever judge it was that has left this competition hanging. Common courtesy and simple manners dictate that they could have at least sent a simple message stating their inability to continue. There's a lot of people who have put a lot of effort into this competition only to have one person screw up the whole thing for all of us.
I'm pretty disgusted at which ever judge it was that has left this competition hanging. Common courtesy and simple manners dictate that they could have at least sent a simple message stating their inability to continue. There's a lot of people who have put a lot of effort into this competition only to have one person screw up the whole thing for all of us.

Just so you know it wasn't me. I'm a dependable dude.
I'm pretty disgusted at which ever judge it was that has left this competition hanging. Common courtesy and simple manners dictate that they could have at least sent a simple message stating their inability to continue. There's a lot of people who have put a lot of effort into this competition only to have one person screw up the whole thing for all of us.

I can't help but notice that Grind and Annie have not been around lately.

At least we all know you didn't even make the final four.
Just so you know it wasn't me. I'm a dependable dude.
The bitch of it is, is that had that particular judge not walked off and left us today would have been the Finals.

Now two of the contestants have resigned and at this stage there's no replacing them and I can't find it in me to blame them at all. As far as I'm concerned the damned contest has been ruined and there is no sense in continuing with it. The efforts of 18 people have been ruined by the inconsiderate behavior of one person who's name I will not mention. I mean just a simple note that they could no longer continue as a judge would have been all's that was needed. Even PMP did that!

To Yurt, 3D, SM, SF, Nigel, Winter and Capt Billy, my sincerest apologies that you have been left hanging like this after your efforts.