The Official So Anyway Thread

I love Ya man....this is what I am listening to:

Hey, Dude, I'm back from just a so-so night of trivia, food, and a bit of beer drinking. I had pizza again, and it was fantastic. But we didn't win the sci-fi trivia game. My buddy, Erik, was just a little bit off on his game, but he did finish #8 nationally, and I finished #10. I met THE best overall player in the whole network tonight. He lives in Illinois, but just a little bit over the Indiana/Illinois state line. He comes to the Old Chicago in Merrillville, Indiana a couple times a month. I had been informed by a regular player at Old Chicago that this best player, Lorin, was a nice guy and great to talk to. Wrong. I sat next to him for a little over an hour, and I was NOT impressed. He seems to be an arrogant prick, unfortunately. With NO sense of humor. He takes the trivia so seriously, that I don't think he CAN have fun playing. And THAT'S the most important thing for me, to have FUN. And he seemed a bit perturbed that I knew the answers to a couple of questions HE didn't know. So if I see him there again, I will NOT sit next to him, and just ignore his sorry, arrogant ass. It was SUCH a letdown meeting this guy. Oh well. I hope you've had a nice evening so far.
Hey, Dude, I'm back from just a so-so night of trivia, food, and a bit of beer drinking. I had pizza again, and it was fantastic. But we didn't win the sci-fi trivia game. My buddy, Erik, was just a little bit off on his game, but he did finish #8 nationally, and I finished #10. I met THE best overall player in the whole network tonight. He lives in Illinois, but just a little bit over the Indiana/Illinois state line. He comes to the Old Chicago in Merrillville, Indiana a couple times a month. I had been informed by a regular player at Old Chicago that this best player, Lorin, was a nice guy and great to talk to. Wrong. I sat next to him for a little over an hour, and I was NOT impressed. He seems to be an arrogant prick, unfortunately. With NO sense of humor. He takes the trivia so seriously, that I don't think he CAN have fun playing. And THAT'S the most important thing for me, to have FUN. And he seemed a bit perturbed that I knew the answers to a couple of questions HE didn't know. So if I see him there again, I will NOT sit next to him, and just ignore his sorry, arrogant ass. It was SUCH a letdown meeting this guy. Oh well. I hope you've had a nice evening so far.

You tell the best stories but I dont understand this trivia game.....I have heard about such things for maybe two decades but I never cared enough to listen. My brain is not the best...I try to not clog it up with useless information if you know what I mean (no offense intended) .....I need the bandwidth to fully comprehend the true nature of the Universe.....the Project of Zen.

I just got done watching A fish Called Wanda with the woman, a movie that I strangely had never seen though I had heard about it. I cant figure out why I never got to it, the movie features Jamie Lee Curtis.....some of the best tits in Hollywood.

Salmon Softshell Taco with Strawberry Salsa tonight....the strawberries from Spooners Farm which is local but the weather has not been the best for strawberries this year I am afraid.

You tell the best stories but I dont understand this trivia game.....I have heard about such things for maybe two decades but I never cared enough to listen. My brain is not the best...I try to not clog it up with useless information if you know what I mean (no offense intended) .....I need the bandwidth to fully comprehend the true nature of the Universe.....the Project of Zen.

I just got done watching A fish Called Wanda with the woman, a movie that I strangely had never seen though I had heard about it. I cant figure out why I never got to it, the movie features Jamie Lee Curtis.....some of the best tits in Hollywood.

The Salmon softshell taco with Strawberry Salsa tonight....the strawberries from Spooners Farm which is local but the weather has not been the best for strawberries this year I am afraid.


That food sounds great! A Fish Called Wanda is a wonderfully funny movie. It has a couple scenes that are ABSOLUTELY laugh out loud funny. I'll have to watch that one again. It really IS a hoot!
That food sounds great! A Fish Called Wanda is a wonderfully funny movie. It has a couple scenes that are ABSOLUTELY laugh out loud funny. I'll have to watch that one again. It really IS a hoot!

So Anyways please explain to me the appeal of trivia.....why do you drive 18 miles one way (was that right?) to do this?
So Anyways explain to me the appeal of trivia.....why do you drive 18 miles one way (was that right?) to do this?

Well, it's a LOT of fun, it's free to play, and it's the only time I can see my best friend. The food there is great, and they have a huge selection of beer. It's tough to hook up with my friend because he works a lot, and he takes care of his elderly mother at home.
Well, it's a LOT of fun, it's free to play, and it's the only time I can see my best friend. The food there is great, and they have a huge selection of beer. It's tough to hook up with my friend because he works a lot, and he takes care of his elderly mother at home.

Do you live in the deep deep in the middle of nowhere this a sanity and remember what people look like excursion?

Someone recently accused you of being basically a hermit was the way I took it.
Do you live in the deep deep in the middle of nowhere this a sanity and remember what people look like excursion?

Someone recently accused you of being basically a hermit was the way I took it.

Nope, I'm NOT a hermit, by any means. I live in Valparaiso, Indiana, close to the center of town. I believe the population of this town is 30-35,000. The town has built up quite a bit in the last 15-20 years or so. There are quite a few newer subdivisions on the outskirts of town, areas that were once wooded. Heavy forest areas are just 5-6 miles or so from where we live. The city of Merrillville, Indiana, where the Old Chicago restaurant is, I believe, around 75-100,000 population, but I'd have to check that number. And we're only about 65 miles from downtown Chicago, although I haven't been there since 2012, and don't plan on ever going back.
Nope, I'm NOT a hermit, by any means. I live in Valparaiso, Indiana, close to the center of town. I believe the population of this town is 30-35,000. The town has built up quite a bit in the last 15-20 years or so. There are quite a few newer subdivisions on the outskirts of town, areas that were once wooded. Heavy forest areas are just 5-6 miles or so from where we live. The city of Merrillville, Indiana, where the Old Chicago restaurant is, I believe, around 75-100,000 population, but I'd have to check that number. And we're only about 65 miles from downtown Chicago, although I haven't been there since 2012, and don't plan on ever going back.

Not a Hermit.....good to know.

Somebody was wrong about you!

It happens to me all the time, I dont know where some people get their ideas, the stupid is astounding.
So Anyways my ten year old self would kill me for saying this but fireworks that any Yahoo can buy can go away .

They are so aggressively loud now.
So Anyways my ten year old self would kill me for saying this but fireworks that any Yahoo can buy can go away .

They are so aggressively loud now.

I know how you feel. We have yahoos living close by that had a pretty big fireworks night last SATURDAY. They carried on until about 11PM. What assholes! The only good thing is we've been running our air conditioning 24/7, which helps cut down on the noise a bit. This weekend should be a real BLAST. (Pun definitely intended.)