The Official So Anyway Thread

So anyway, on the ONE hand, I DO occasionally like to surf a particular porn site. On the OTHER hand, I will NOT tell you what sometimes gets ON that hand.;)
So anyways......I have fence that needs fixing......I have had three people come out and look at the job......none have been interested, 2 never bid...#3 changed his mind.

I really dont want to do this myself, I am no spring chicken, the last time I did this repair on this fence the job sucked because it was not built right....

Plus there is the matter that I am lazy.

So anyways......I have fence that needs fixing......I have had three people come out and look at the job......none have been interested, 2 never bid...#3 changed his mind.

I really dont want to do this myself, I am no spring chicken, the last time I did this repair on this fence the job sucked because it was not built right....

Plus there is the matter that I am lazy.


Oh, boy. Maybe you can just MOVE, so you wouldn't have to worry about the fence. I kid, I kid! I'm also getting VERY tired, it's almost 1:30AM here. I'll try to hang on for a bit more.
Oh, boy. Maybe you can just MOVE, so you wouldn't have to worry about the fence. I kid, I kid! I'm also getting VERY tired, it's almost 1:30AM here. I'll try to hang on for a bit more.


I have still a good 4 hours before I even make an attempt at and sleep have a really crappy relationship now.

I know that it is mostly my fault.


I have still a good 4 hours before I even make an attempt at and sleep have a really crappy relationship now.

I know that it is mostly my fault.

So anyway, here's a Henny Youngman joke that has always made me laugh. "This very attractive woman came up to me one night after I had done my comedy routine. She said she really liked me, and said for 40 bucks (This IS an old joke, that 40 bucks today would probably be about 400.) I could take her home, and she would do anything I wanted her to do. So, when we got to my place, I told her, "Paint my house". It wasn't mentioned if the fence was included.
So anyway, here's a Henny Youngman joke that has always made me laugh. "This very attractive woman came up to me one night after I had done my comedy routine. She said she really liked me, and said for 40 bucks (This IS an old joke, that 40 bucks today would probably be about 400.) I could take her home, and she would do anything I wanted her to do. So, when we got to my place, I told her, "Paint my house". It wasn't mentioned if the fence was included.

My wife found this today....we have had Newfoundlands all of our marriage.....if you know Newfs you will get it:

A German Shepherd, Doberman and a Newfoundland have died.

All three are faced with God who wants to know what they believe in.

The German shepherd says: "I believe in discipline training and loyalty to my master."

"Good," says God. "Then sit down on my right side. Doberman, what do you believe in?"

The Doberman answers: "I believe in the love, care and protection of my master."

Ah," said God. "You may sit to my left."

Then he looks at the Newfie and asks, "And what do you believe in?"

The newf answers: "I believe you're sitting in my seat."
My wife found this today....we have had Newfoundlands all of our marriage.....if you know Newfs you will get it:

A German Shepherd, Doberman and a Newfoundland have died.

All three are faced with God who wants to know what they believe in.

The German shepherd says: "I believe in discipline training and loyalty to my master."

"Good," says God. "Then sit down on my right side. Doberman, what do you believe in?"

The Doberman answers: "I believe in the love, care and protection of my master."

Ah," said God. "You may sit to my left."

Then he looks at the Newfie and asks, "And what do you believe in?"

The newf answers: "I believe you're sitting in my seat."

Ha-ha! Good one, thanks. And that's it for me tonight, I'll "see" you on here tomorrow night. It was fun this evening.