The Official So Anyway Thread

So anyway, I BELIEVE I MAY be nuts. But I'm OK with that, it helps me keep MYSELF company in the wee hours of the night. I have some of THE best conversations I have, in ANY of my wakeful time, WITH myself. Of course, I AM more intelligent AND possess a better sense of humor than ANYONE I know. I'm VERY good company.
So anyway, I BELIEVE I MAY be nuts. But I'm OK with that, it helps me keep MYSELF company in the wee hours of the night. I have some of THE best conversations I have, in ANY of my wakeful time, WITH myself. Of course, I AM more intelligent AND possess a better sense of humor than ANYONE I know. I'm VERY good company.

And I DO love talking to our cats!:cool:
So anyways Brother Steven....Just how was the company and entertainment this evening?

It was an absolutely fantastic evening. Our trivia playing was top-notch, my friend Erik and I helped our team achieve #1 rankings on two different games. One was General trivia, which encompasses pretty much ANY topic or subject you can think of. I'm VERY strong in this department, while Erik is mighty good himself. We play together and share answers, to give our team better scores. I finished #5 on one of the General trivia games, with Erik's help. We compete against roughly 100-120 other bars and roughly 500-600 other players around the country and in a few places in Canada. Erik, who is THE #1 ranked player for Science Fiction trivia, had an awesome game tonight. He finished #3 overall, and I finished #7, and we took #1 as a team. The games are played on Buzztime playmakers and are free to play. The playmakers are connected to the Buzztime network. Most games, like General trivia and Science Fiction trivia, are 15 questions in length, divided into 3 rounds. The games are a half hour in total length. There's about a two minute break between rounds, and about a 7 minute break between games. This 7 minute break is designed to tally all the scores, and a top 20 list of the individuals AND bars is shown. You CAN win Amazon gift cards on some of the games, but these prizes are only occasionally given out. And I don't believe there HAVE been any prizes since the Wu Flu hit. For about a month and a half after the virus hit full-throttle, you could play only on a phone app because none of the bars had lifted lockdown yet. VERY few people played during this time, and you could play ONLY if you owned a smart phone. I don't own one, and do NOT ever plan on owning one. I have absolutely NO need for one. Plus to upgrade, I'd have to pay a considerable amount more per month than I'm doing now. So NO smart phone for me, my dumb phone works just fine for me. So anyway, Erik, because of his fantastic knowledge of pretty much ANYTHING connected to Science Fiction, has won roughly 700-800 bucks in Amazon cards during the little over 8 years we've been playing together. In comparison, I've won about 200 bucks in Amazon cards. But it's really NOT about the money, obviously. We play to have fun AND have bragging rights nationally when we play well. I also had one of THE best pizzas I've EVER had tonight. It was deep dish with Italian sausage and green pepper toppings. The toppings were generous, the pizza itself had a very nice consistency, and the sauce tasted great. Just fantastic pizza. To top it all off, I made a new trivia friend. Erik does NOT like him because he's strongly conservative and is a huge supporter of our president. So I talked to him before Erik got there and after he left. This new friend is probably 5-6 years older than I am, has a great sense of humor and is QUITE good at trivia. He told me he plays there at Old Chicago quite a bit more than Erik and I do because he lives very close to the restaurant/bar. Erik and I have been playing there just once a week for the past month because it's an 18 mile drive for me, one way, and Erik has about a 12 mile drive one way. And this new trivia friend, Jeff, said his wife APPRECIATES him getting out of the house to pursue his hobby. Lucky guy! So anyway, it was easily THE best evening I've had all year.
It was an absolutely fantastic evening. Our trivia playing was top-notch, my friend Erik and I helped our team achieve #1 rankings on two different games. One was General trivia, which encompasses pretty much ANY topic or subject you can think of. I'm VERY strong in this department, while Erik is mighty good himself. We play together and share answers, to give our team better scores. I finished #5 on one of the General trivia games, with Erik's help. We compete against roughly 100-120 other bars and roughly 500-600 other players around the country and in a few places in Canada. Erik, who is THE #1 ranked player for Science Fiction trivia, had an awesome game tonight. He finished #3 overall, and I finished #7, and we took #1 as a team. The games are played on Buzztime playmakers and are free to play. The playmakers are connected to the Buzztime network. Most games, like General trivia and Science Fiction trivia, are 15 questions in length, divided into 3 rounds. The games are a half hour in total length. There's about a two minute break between rounds, and about a 7 minute break between games. This 7 minute break is designed to tally all the scores, and a top 20 list of the individuals AND bars is shown. You CAN win Amazon gift cards on some of the games, but these prizes are only occasionally given out. And I don't believe there HAVE been any prizes since the Wu Flu hit. For about a month and a half after the virus hit full-throttle, you could play only on a phone app because none of the bars had lifted lockdown yet. VERY few people played during this time, and you could play ONLY if you owned a smart phone. I don't own one, and do NOT ever plan on owning one. I have absolutely NO need for one. Plus to upgrade, I'd have to pay a considerable amount more per month than I'm doing now. So NO smart phone for me, my dumb phone works just fine for me. So anyway, Erik, because of his fantastic knowledge of pretty much ANYTHING connected to Science Fiction, has won roughly 700-800 bucks in Amazon cards during the little over 8 years we've been playing together. In comparison, I've won about 200 bucks in Amazon cards. But it's really NOT about the money, obviously. We play to have fun AND have bragging rights nationally when we play well. I also had one of THE best pizzas I've EVER had tonight. It was deep dish with Italian sausage and green pepper toppings. The toppings were generous, the pizza itself had a very nice consistency, and the sauce tasted great. Just fantastic pizza. To top it all off, I made a new trivia friend. Erik does NOT like him because he's strongly conservative and is a huge supporter of our president. So I talked to him before Erik got there and after he left. This new friend is probably 5-6 years older than I am, has a great sense of humor and is QUITE good at trivia. He told me he plays there at Old Chicago quite a bit more than Erik and I do because he lives very close to the restaurant/bar. Erik and I have been playing there just once a week for the past month because it's an 18 mile drive for me, one way, and Erik has about a 12 mile drive one way. And this new trivia friend, Jeff, said his wife APPRECIATES him getting out of the house to pursue his hobby. Lucky guy! So anyway, it was easily THE best evening I've had all year.

I just noted you in TOP's thread but thanks for the increased did not need to go to all that bother but I am glad you did.

"Maybe the best night in a year" I think I saw you say...WAY TO GO BROTHER STEVEN!....That's WINNING!
I just noted you in TOP's thread but thanks for the increased did not need to go to all that bother but I am glad you did.

"Maybe the best night in a year" I think I saw you say...WAY TO GO BROTHER STEVEN!....That's WINNING!

Thanks. It really WAS a great evening. Great in several different ways. THESE are the times that make life worth living.
I like that quote. Thanks for posting it.

OK I need to tell you this...Preston, my moms last husband who is like 87 and lives in Rockford, takes a Two Hour one way to get to his entertainment....he picks his woman up from Wisconsin along the way you see....then they go square dancing.

Course on the way home he only goes to her house,...where they play.

Surely you.....YOU....understand what I am talking awesome this is.
OK I need to tell you this...Preston, my moms last husband who is like 87 and lives in Rockford, takes a Two Hour one way to get to his entertainment....he picks his woman up from Wisconsin along the way you see....then they go square dancing.

Course on the way home he only goes to her house,...where they play.

Surely you.....YOU....understand what I am talking awesome this is.

That IS awesome. I hope, if I DO live to see 87, I have THAT kind of energy!
Here is the thing about getting old everyone tells can have pretty much as much pussy as you want.... on what over terms you want to make.

Well, in my case, that's NOT an option right now. But I'm perfectly OK with that. My libido almost completely disappeared after I turned 50. I, of course, find MANY other ways to keep myself entertained.
Well, in my case, that's NOT an option right now. But I'm perfectly OK with that. My libido almost completely disappeared after I turned 50. I, of course, find MANY other ways to keep myself entertained.

But you know that I am right....that the old guys who can still get it up by hook or crook and like to have fun with women are having the time of their lives....being a man has never been better!
THAT is absolutely true.

Ya and you are like me I think, right a high percentage of the time...we do better than most because we made an effort over the whole of this life when most were not interested.


Fuck me now, and fuck me hard...PLEASE!
Ya and you are like me I think, right a high percentage of the time...we do better than most because we made an effort over the whole of this life when most were not interested.


Fuck me now, and fuck me hard...PLEASE!

Yep, we're right a high percentage of the time because we're both HIGHLY intelligent. THAT would stand to reason. That's it for me tonight, it's just after 3AM here, and I have to hit the sheets. It was good "talking" to you tonight, I'll be "talking" to you tomorrow night. Good night, my friend.
Yep, we're right a high percentage of the time because we're both HIGHLY intelligent. THAT would stand to reason. That's it for me tonight, it's just after 3AM here, and I have to hit the sheets. It was good "talking" to you tonight, I'll be "talking" to you tomorrow night. Good night, my friend.

I love Ya man....this is what I am listening to: