The Official So Anyway Thread

Yes, perhaps. He won't be officially leaving the White House until January of 2025, so a lot could happen in that time. I just hope the Dems get their act together by then.

Donald Trump still has a chance to turn it around you know? We are still 6 months away!

What would be your best advice to Donald Trump?

My best advice would be- "Donald, just tell the people the truth about everything"! Be Honest about stuff!

Of course, that would be my best advice to anyone!
Is Oly beer the same as Olympia?

That is what it was all about since 1933...the place has been abandoned for nearly 20 years....the local leaders can never figure anything out.

Really nice property too, lots of places like this in the Midwest have been reclaimed, repurposed...but these fucks around here cant manage.

As long as alcohol is not causing problems in your life, drinking with moderation and drinking responsibly as your guide, is probably OK.

Just as long as you know that alcohol is a poison to the human body.

I moderate with a glass pipe filled with 90% indica and 10% kief.
That is what it was all about since 1933...the place has been abandoned for nearly 20 years....the local leaders can never figure anything out.

Really nice property too, lots of places like this in the Midwest have been reclaimed, repurposed...but these fucks around here cant manage.

That's a shame what happened to Olympia Brewery. If their beer was still available around here, I'd give it a shot again. But NOT Olympia Light, Yikes! The go-to cheap beer around here is Miller High Life or PBR. I don't mind either of them, they're OK for lower priced beer. And the Miller is usually even about a buck cheaper a six pack than the PBR. But I've had only Michelob Ultra since the onset of my diabetes, and I'm OK with that. Michelob Ultra isn't the greatest tasting beer, by any means, but it's very low in carbs and calories. I'm content with it.
That's a shame what happened to Olympia Brewery. If their beer was still available around here, I'd give it a shot again. But NOT Olympia Light, Yikes! The go-to cheap beer around here is Miller High Life or PBR. I don't mind either of them, they're OK for lower priced beer. And the Miller is usually even about a buck cheaper a six pack than the PBR. But I've had only Michelob Ultra since the onset of my diabetes, and I'm OK with that. Michelob Ultra isn't the greatest tasting beer, by any means, but it's very low in carbs and calories. I'm content with it.

Do you remember Strohs? That was the beer at Michigan State, I could not stand it!
Do you remember Strohs? That was the beer at Michigan State, I could not stand it!

I sure DO remember Strohs. It was my dad's go-to beer in the early to late 1970's. I got my very first drunk when I stole about four or five of his beers from the fridge, while the rest of the family took an out of state trip to visit some relatives. My dad was NOT amused. It tasted great to me at the time, but the times I drank it after this it wasn't that good. Stroh's is still available around here, I believe a local liquor store carries it all the time.
I sure DO remember Strohs. It was my dad's go-to beer in the early to late 1970's. I got my very first drunk when I stole about four or five of his beers from the fridge, while the rest of the family took an out of state trip to visit some relatives. My dad was NOT amused. It tasted great to me at the time, but the times I drank it after this it wasn't that good. Stroh's is still available around here, I believe a local liquor store carries it all the time.

I AM tempted to buy some Stroh's, mainly because it's QUITE cheap.
So anyway, unlike most of my inane AND insane babble on here, THIS is entirely true. In high school, in Indiana, my counselor's name was Donald Dick. And rather unfortunately, he DID live up to his name. My choir director's name was Bernie Butt. Fortunately he was a very nice guy, despite his unfortunate name.:cool:
So anyway, unlike most of my inane AND insane babble on here, THIS is entirely true. In high school, in Indiana, my counselor's name was Donald Dick. And rather unfortunately, he DID live up to his name. My choir director's name was Bernie Butt. Fortunately he was a very nice guy, despite his unfortunate name.:cool:

I shit you not!
So anyway, if you were to add the I.Q.'s of THREE Dim Dems that post on this site, would that total be higher than MY I.Q.? I'd say most likely NOT.;)