The Official So Anyway Thread

So Anyway I was bitching about the LOW LOW LOW quality of modern fishsticks recently, something that our ancestors could manage...We cant....And I have news...

If you spray the pan with Pam, then spray the fish sticks, then liberally top with Old Bay before cooking as instructed in the oven, then when they come out liberally apply the juice of a good lemon over them, they will be edible.
So Anyway I was bitching about the LOW LOW LOW quality of modern fishsticks recently, something that our ancestors could manage...We cant....And I have news...

If you spray the pan with Pam, then spray the fish sticks, then liberally top with Old Bay before cooking as instructed in the oven, then when they come out liberally apply the juice of a good lemon over them, they will be edible.

After MRE's, if it don't kill you it is edible. I'd recommend the Tabasco sauce... Tabasco sauce makes everything taste like you are a zombie...



There's one in every MRE!

My other suggestion is curry powder. Always have a bag of it with you. Everything tastes better with curry powder. I prefer the rasam version. The madras version they sell in most grocery stores is LAME!

After MRE's, if it don't kill you it is edible. I'd recommend the Tabasco sauce... Tabasco sauce makes everything taste like you are a zombie...



There's one in every MRE!

My other suggestion is curry powder. Always have a bag of it with you. Everything tastes better with curry powder. I prefer the rasam version. The madras version they sell in most grocery stores is LAME!


My wife is 26 years enlisted, was picked up for SGM but she could not take it because of PTSD, one of the best interigators in the Army,,,,the CIA used to come get her after they failed.

So anyway, why DO the moronic liberal lunatics that post on this site get SO upset and downright LOONY whenever our great president has a rally? Is it jealousy that THEIR lame duck candidates for president could never HOPE to have rallies like our president has? Or possibly anger and despair knowing that NONE of their pathetic candidates could ever draw as many people President Trump is able to do? I believe it's a combination of all of these things, plus the fact that to at least those libtards that have at LEAST half a functioning brain finally realize that yes, they really and TRULY are fucked come election time in November. Thank you.
I kinda liked Oly beer in the day. I haven’t looked on the shelves in a long time. Do they still brew it?

The brewery closed about 20 years ago.....somebody still makes a little bit of what they brand OLY Beer but I dont know if it follows the old recipe. Pretty much no one around here drinks it....the go to Piss Beer is Rainier.
The brewery closed about 20 years ago.....somebody still makes a little bit of what they brand OLY Beer but I dont know if it follows the old recipe. Pretty much no one around here drinks it....the go to Piss Beer is Rainier.

Mickey Rooney did some funny Rainier commercials way back when. I still have a “Vitamin R” t-shirt somewhere.

I kinda liked Oly beer in the day. I haven’t looked on the shelves in a long time. Do they still brew it?

Hey, domer, how YOU doin'? Thanks for contributing to the thread. I BELIEVE Oly beer is still around. I kinda liked it, as well. But I tried Olympia Light one time, and it was NOT good. I bought a twelve pack for me and a friend because it was on sale and VERY cheap. I don't believe we finished the twelve pack, and I left the remaining three or four beers with him. And I hope you're doing well up there in Idaho.
My Brother!

Where did you get that information about drinking? I have been a heavy drinker since 19 which my doctors know, they have never said anything about it. In fact my worse AIC was when I almost stopped drinking for two fucked me up I think.


As long as alcohol is not causing problems in your life, drinking with moderation and drinking responsibly as your guide, is probably OK.

Just as long as you know that alcohol is a poison to the human body.

As long as alcohol is not causing problems in your life, drinking with moderation and drinking responsibly as your guide, is probably OK.

Just as long as you know that alcohol is a poison to the human body.

Yep, moderation IS the key, no doubt about it. Then again, moderation really IS the key to ANYTHING in life.
That's hilarious!

One of these days, most people will be thinking on the same terms again.

It probably won't happen while Donald Trump is in office. He is just far too controversial

Perhaps after he is gone!

Yes, perhaps. He won't be officially leaving the White House until January of 2025, so a lot could happen in that time. I just hope the Dems get their act together by then.
I'm feeling much calmer and more peaceful tonight than I did LAST night. I had a hair, a HUGE hair up my ass last night, and it wasn't a good feeling. I'm MUCH more mellow tonight. I WISH I could feel like this every night.:)