The only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun!

It is not criminals that gun owners are truly worried about, it is what people like you will allow the government to do when we have no defence against them, as you clearly wish.

The 2nd will never be amended. It is part of the Bill of Rights, the importance of which, you sadly have no idea.

There has never in our history been a more important time for private ownership of guns than now.

More unsupported malarkey! I would love to see any evidence for any of this including your claims concerning the future and my personal knowledge or understanding; both of which you absolutely can know nothing about! As far as George Washington's claims, they are suspect; if I had a 1,000 slaves I would want to have some guns, too. As to the rest of it: Are you planning on leading a revolution? If so I wish you luck! I can't wait to see how that turns out!
It is not criminals that gun owners are truly worried about, it is what people like you will allow the government to do when we have no defence against them, as you clearly wish.

The 2nd will never be amended. It is part of the Bill of Rights, the importance of which, you sadly have no idea.

There has never in our history been a more important time for private ownership of guns than now.

It's true, Obama is going to send his black hordes to take away your guns in the middle of the night. Now is the time to start planting them in your potato gardens. Your nose is also a safe place to hide one of your smaller guns.
More unsupported malarkey! I would love to see any evidence for any of this including your claims concerning the future and my personal knowledge or understanding; both of which you absolutely can know nothing about! Are you planning on leading a revolution? I can't wait to see how that turns out!

The Bill of Rights is unsupported malarkey?
260 mass shootings in the last 250 days, and you don't think there is a revolution underway already?

I wish I had the un-tethered faith in our benevolent leader you suffer from, but Obama's admited murder of 3 US citizens with zero due process will not allow me the pleasure.
The Bill of Rights is unsupported malarkey?
260 mass shootings in the last 250 days, and you don't think there is a revolution underway already?

I wish I had the un-tethered faith in our benevolent leader you suffer from, but Obama's admited murder of 3 US citizens with zero due process will not allow me the pleasure.

Either you can't read or you are suffering from some sort of delusion. I didn't say the Bill of Rights was unsupported malarkey; I said your comment was. You are also making more claims about my sensibilities that you have no basis for making. As to those three citizens that have you so agitated, I guess those three citizens weren't armed were they? Oh wait a minute it didn't matter whether they were armed or not did it because they were taken out by missiles, that is weapons possessed by the U.S. Military that your gun is of no use against. As Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac said "Oh, well!" And as I already said, Good luck with taking on the U.S. Military, let me know how you and your friends with guns fare! Do you have an address where I might send flowers?
This represents more debunking, if any was necessary at this point, of the all too common and irrational notion among some Democrats-In-Name-Only (DINOs) and most Republicans that more guns equal fewer gun deaths. This was a notion first promulgated by John Lott, an economics PhD who made his mark and his millions on the right wing political scene with his fabricated, and statistically challenged book from 1999 titled More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws now in its 3rd edition. This book is the source for most of the mistaken notions about gun ownership in America. But in what can only be seen as shades of Eugene McCarthy an earlier article and this book were based at least partly on a survey of 2,424 people that was lost in a 1997 hard drive crash and has never been substantiated beyond Lott's claims of its authenticity and other papers he claimed he abandoned when he moved from Yale to Chicago. I think his dog ate some of it too, but this hasn't been substantiated either. In short, Lott and those who quote him are using questionable statistics in nearly every case. This shyster, even posted a positive review of his own book using an alias at Amazon. But like far too many right wing myths, this one too is now part of the conservative DINO lexicon and its confused logic and questionable statistics have been absorbed as fact by too many intellectually challenged individuals on both the left and right. The evidence is exceedingly clear that more guns do not make us safer they result in more gun deaths. What this article from Sunday's New York Times shows is that the number of deaths of children from gun violence is underreported by about half. And that the very idea that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun is a foolish and ignorant mockery of common sense. But if true and we take it to its logical conclusion the only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun so we must begin arming all children at the age of three and making sure that everyone of them can shoot straight. If this idea sounds ridiculous to you, and it should, then you might want to rethink all the NRA propaganda you have heard for the past year since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and reassess what it means to arm so many people and have guns laying around. We need to begin getting serious about restricting access to guns. The fewer guns there are the fewer gun deaths there will be. The more guns there are the more children will be killed with them. And more children will kill other children when they find them. And find them they will, to believe otherwise is moronic in the extreme. Indeed, since the tragedy of Sandy Hook at least 120 children have died in accidental gun shootings.

Do you know what the fuck a paragraph is?
The Bill of Rights is unsupported malarkey?
260 mass shootings in the last 250 days, and you don't think there is a revolution underway already?

I wish I had the un-tethered faith in our benevolent leader you suffer from, but Obama's admited murder of 3 US citizens with zero due process will not allow me the pleasure.

And I see NO action by the govt to come after your guns even with the mass shootings.

You actually call the mass shootings a "revolution"? I certainly hope you are opposed to the revolution in that case.

I call them crimes, not a revolution. If it is a revolution then they should all be prosecuted for treason.
Do you know what the fuck a paragraph is?

Irrelevant, the thread is about children killing other children with found guns, not my knowledge of paragraphs! But as long as we are asking irrelevant questions, I have one for you:

How did that debate that you swore you were going to win turn out for you? I hear you got your ass handed to you by a huge margin, is that correct? That must have stung, huh? I guess braggadocio isn't indicative of debating skills is it? (I know that is more than one question, so I underestimated by a factor of 4, oh well!)
Irrelevant, the thread is about children killing other children with found guns, not my knowledge of paragraphs! But as long as we are asking irrelevant questions, I have one for you:

How did that debate that you swore you were going to win turn out for you? I hear you got your ass handed to you by a huge margin, is that correct? That must have stung, huh? I guess braggadocio isn't indicative of debating skills is it? (I know that is more than one question, so I underestimated by a factor of 4, oh well!)

Honestly I thought I had the easier end of the question than Darla, so more power to her for not only beating me but doing so with a harder position to defend.
Either you can't read or you are suffering from some sort of delusion. I didn't say the Bill of Rights was unsupported malarkey; I said your comment was. You are also making more claims about my sensibilities that you have no basis for making. As to those three citizens that have you so agitated, I guess those three citizens weren't armed were they? Oh wait a minute it didn't matter whether they were armed or not did it because they were taken out by missiles, that is weapons possessed by the U.S. Military that your gun is of no use against. As Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac said "Oh, well!" And as I already said, Good luck with taking on the U.S. Military, let me know how you and your friends with guns fare! Do you have an address where I might send flowers?

To your great disappointment, many in the US military will honor their oaths and not fire upon their brothers and sisters.

As to your defence of the murders of US citizens, if they were armed or not matters not at all. All were US citizens, entitled to due process before execution, as guaranteed by the Constitution you hold in such low regard. One was a 16 year old child, searching for his recently murdered father, and yes, he was unarmed (as if it made any difference)

Finally, I don't have any guns, and when the US Military starts raining drones on our citizenry, even those such as yourself will likely have a quick change of hearts about repealing the 2nd.
If you think it should be amended and that you'd have support to amend the constitution to look more like you want it to look then start. Get your representative to start.
If you think it should be amended and that you'd have support to amend the constitution to look more like you want it to look then start. Get your representative to start.
THIS! Go out and grab your hoards chomping at the bit to repeal the second amendment. I'll wait.

The left-wing in this country floors me. MOST of you are pro-choice, as am I. Most of you support Roe v. Wade, as do I. You will argue tooth and nail with the SCOTUS decision in Heller, but buy the convoluted wisdom of Griswold v. Connecticut which is the foundation for Roe. It pisses you off when a federal court strikes down a state or city gun control measure but not when the very same court strikes down a state abortion law (Righties, switch the scenario and you all in the exact same boat as the left). There are almost 1 gun for every person in the US, yet Guns were used in 11,078 homicides in the U.S. in 2010, comprising ONLY 35% of all gun deaths, while Firearms were used in 19,392 suicides in the U.S. in 2010, constituting almost 62% of all gun deaths.(Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, supra note 1) I am not trying to make light of these numbers, but when there are approximately 300 million guns in the US and less than 35k die from guns, most by their own hand, there is not a problem with guns in the US. The Majority of them are never used kill anyone.
THIS! Go out and grab your hoards chomping at the bit to repeal the second amendment. I'll wait.

The left-wing in this country floors me. MOST of you are pro-choice, as am I. Most of you support Roe v. Wade, as do I. But you will argue tooth and nail with the SCOTUS decision in Heller, but buy the convoluted wisdom of Griswold v. Connecticut which is the foundation for Roe. It pisses you off when a federal court strikes down a state or city gun control measure but not when the very same court strikes down a state abortion law (Righties, switch the scenario and you all in the exact same boat as the left). There are almost 1 gun for every person in the US, yet Guns were used in 11,078 homicides in the U.S. in 2010, comprising ONLY 35% of all gun deaths, while Firearms were used in 19,392 suicides in the U.S. in 2010, constituting almost 62% of all gun deaths.(Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) Nonfatal Injury Reports WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, supra note 1) I am not trying to make light of these numbers, but when there are approximately 300 million guns in the US and less than 35k die from guns, most by their own hand, there is not a problem with guns in the US. The Majority of them are never used kill anyone.

I wonder how many of those deaths were by cops...