The only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun!

How is 105,000,000 less than 68,000,000? Or is this one of those 'math' questions like when they say my premium increase of 110% is getting my costs lowered?

i guess that it depends on whose statistics you believe. i got my numbers from the right wing local newspaper (santa barbara news press)
Once again; your sources are lying to you hoping you are indeed as gullible and stupid as you type/look.

So tell me something genius; how disgruntled laws prevent the killings in the DC Naval Base? How did gun laws prevent Newtown? The reality and fact is that they didn't do a thing to prevent nutbags from committing their heinous crimes.

For the quadrillionth time; criminals don't give a rats ass about laws. They're criminals. They BREAK the law. On,y dimwitted dipshits think that passing more restrictive laws will cause criminals to stop BREAKING our laws.

What bunch of incredible dumbasses.

You don't get it Truth Deflector.
She doesn't care about more gun laws, she wants less guns left lying around, where children can find the and shoot each other and the only way to accomplish this is to repeal the 2nd amendment.

In other words, if anyone has any guns it is just cops and military.
Then we will finally be safe.

For one day.
Lol, just in your mind. Progression is what gave us our Constitution. The enlightenment and change are what made America great, conservation is what stagnates us.

It set up trials of witches too - very exciting and something for the brainless to get worked up about. Guns are the same - the witless can shoot one another, and other people's children, while feeling self-righteous about it. Long live the Right, and back to the trees!
Lol, just in your mind. Progression is what gave us our Constitution. The enlightenment and change are what made America great, conservation is what stagnates us.

Not really. Under the English system, there was an unwritten constitution that was open to broad interpretation. The Constitution was intended to be a step backward, in that it set out clearly defined expectations and limitations upon government. In modern times, we have caught back up with the English system that we replaced, because the Constitution is once again open to broad interpretation by the courts. There is your progression, for all that it is not worth.
Lol, just in your mind. Progression is what gave us our Constitution. The enlightenment and change are what made America great, conservation is what stagnates us.

Wrong; now learn to read and comprehend what is you are reading instead of filtering everything through your rose colored leftist glasses:

Wrong; with Progressive leftism we become Detroit.

Read; learn to comprehend. :rolleyes:
You don't get it Truth Deflector.
She doesn't care about more gun laws, she wants less guns left lying around, where children can find the and shoot each other and the only way to accomplish this is to repeal the 2nd amendment.

In other words, if anyone has any guns it is just cops and military.
Then we will finally be safe.

For one day.

i disagree with you on this one. there are trigger locks and gun safes to keep children from using firearms.
I educated you on the first Amendment. That was not an attack. Now my question was in wonder, you really don't actually think before you type nor, it seems, can you actually sound out your own words so that you can know how inane you sound...

Again, Yes. The NRA is a guaranteed right (see first Amendment guarantee to assemble), along with weapons (see second Amendment).

If you believe you have enough support to Amend it so it fits your image, then please do so, but otherwise sit back and learn before you make a further fool of yourself.

Oh my sweet lord I don't know why I try.

I get that you can't admit you were wrong to the same guy you just referred to as witless, but Jeebus, your pig-headed refusal to admit what's right in front of your face is astounding.

No's obvious your anger and need to insult comes from your anger towards anyone who supports some reasonable gun regulation.

Your side lost, you are bitter and now you take out your impotent rage on those who showcase your stupidity.
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Not really. Under the English system, there was an unwritten constitution that was open to broad interpretation. The Constitution was intended to be a step backward, in that it set out clearly defined expectations and limitations upon government. In modern times, we have caught back up with the English system that we replaced, because the Constitution is once again open to broad interpretation by the courts. There is your progression, for all that it is not worth.

prove it.
i disagree with you on this one. there are trigger locks and gun safes to keep children from using firearms.

Now see, trigger locks and gun safes are whats called, a "reasonable argument".

Therefore it will get shouted down and ridiculed by the gun nuts.
Lol, just in your mind. Progression is what gave us our Constitution. The enlightenment and change are what made America great, conservation is what stagnates us.

That is because the founders, who so many fetishize, were generally anti-democratic monarchists who decided early on that nearly everything including protecting their private property rights in slaves was more important than the right to vote, which was grossly restricted at the time the Constitution was ratified by property requirements. Indeed, the ratification of the Constitution was a ritual that only about 7-8 percent of the colonial population participated in; in toto about 4 percent of the population, and those being the wealthiest, ratified the document that so many all across the political spectrum now tout as incontrovertible. Meanwhile, most spend their time trying to conform to a lack of government rather than trying to generate a government that can meet the needs of the country's population because the same rich people who founded this country are now in nearly complete control of it. It is widely believed that George Washington, the fetishized first president, was the richest man in the United States at the time of his ascendency to the presidency.

Source, because people here are so hung up on sources: Toward an American Revolution: Exposing the Constitution & Other Illusions (1988).

For women and sympathetic men (although I haven't seen many here yet) more generally here are two recent reads:

The Rosa Luxemburg Reader (2004) which contains some of her feminist writings. She has largely been portrayed as uninterested in women's issues but this isn't an accurate depiction and some of the writings here go some way to debunking that conception.

Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation (2001) by Kate Weigand. A recuperation of the role of communism and communist thought in the making of feminism.
That is because the founders, who so many fetishize, were generally anti-democratic monarchists who decided early on that nearly everything including protecting their private property rights in slaves was more important than the right to vote, which was grossly restricted at the time the Constitution was ratified by property requirements. Indeed, the ratification of the Constitution was a ritual that only about 7-8 percent of the colonial population participated in; in toto about 4 percent of the population, and those being the wealthiest, ratified the document that so many all across the political spectrum now tout as incontrovertible. Meanwhile, most spend their time trying to conform to a lack of government rather than trying to generate a government that can meet the needs of the country's population because the same rich people who founded this country are now in nearly complete control of it. It is widely believed that George Washington, the fetishized first president, was the richest man in the United States at the time of his ascendency to the presidency.

Source, because people here are so hung up on sources: Toward an American Revolution: Exposing the Constitution & Other Illusions (1988).

For women and sympathetic men (although I haven't seen many here yet) more generally here are two recent reads:

The Rosa Luxemburg Reader (2004) which contains some of her feminist writings. She has largely been portrayed as uninterested in women's issues but this isn't an accurate depiction and some of the writings here go some way to debunking that conception.

Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation (2001) by Kate Weigand. A recuperation of the role of communism and communist thought in the making of feminism.

Thanks, one I recommend, "Women Without Superstition- No Gods- No Masters"
How in the world is giving firearms to children a logical conclusion to the claim that civilians can defend themselves? When you throw horsecrap in like this you pretty much blow any actual point you may have made.

The reason I said it is because it shows just how stupid the original propaganda that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun is. Case in point: Jerad Lee Laughner the shooter in the Massacre that felled but did not kill Gabby Giffords was wrestled to the ground by an unarmed woman and unarmed others.
Not really. Under the English system, there was an unwritten constitution that was open to broad interpretation. The Constitution was intended to be a step backward, in that it set out clearly defined expectations and limitations upon government. In modern times, we have caught back up with the English system that we replaced, because the Constitution is once again open to broad interpretation by the courts. There is your progression, for all that it is not worth.

Not really.

Progress gave us the Magna Carta and English Common Law was not unwritten, being based on precedent, though definitely open to interpretation.
Limiting the power of government to the will of the people is not a step backwards, it is a step away from Feudalism, in other words, not conservative at all.

I guess being innately conservative you can't see that things must change, change being the only constant, hence the utter failure of conservatism.
I think your adjective here puts me one step ahead of you! I don't think anyone takes someone who believes in "deadly vaginas" seriously!

You didn't think when you wrote the post I quoted, so I doubt you actually thought about this one either.

You wouldn't know though would you, since you have one. How many men do yhou think have killed themselves because of women? I suppose you are right though since it was the women's minds that actually destroyed those men.