The origin of life.

That's complete tripe. It's just one of a very large number of scientific theories that model natural behavior. It doesn't matter what the ultimate cause of something is. If it cannot be explained by natural causation it is not, by definition, a scientific definition.

Dude, there are people who like....make a living at this sciency thing. I am one of them. Now, I'm not one to judge your motives. You may be sincere for all I know in debating creationism and I can be a bit of a smug asshole, but really need to step up your game. That's circular reasoning. If I wanted a circular argument I'd go debate PiMP. He's much better at it than you and far more annoying than you. Which I mean as a compliment.

you never debate this just claim you know more about it and leave.....
Shoot. I'm disappointed. It's been a long time since we've had a good Creationism debate. I was hoping this kid had some talent.

ever since I got here, I hoped you had some......Yurt promised me a challenge and others told me you were a ringer, because you had been taught how to mix agar and fill petri dishes.......
The more we learn about life, the worse it looks for the theory of abiogenesis. We now know the minimum requirements for life to exist, and scientists haven't got a clue how it could have happened. The only reason people believe in abiogenesis is because they want to. Because the alternative is abhorrent to them. A Creator who they will one day be accountable to. Here is an article that explains it all. And it uses science, not the Bible.

Hating on others beliefs makes you an idiot hater

which religion do you believe is correct

Or all the god centered ones correct


they all FIGHT to be the last one standing

even resorting to killing "gods creatures" to do so

If your god were real he would hate organized religions
"scientific experiments like Miller Uley prove that all the necessary elements of life were present in the universe."

some shit happened in a mud puddle

"human life can be tracked from single celled organisms to the present"

the lib'rul argument regarding the origin of life.....
ever since I got here, I hoped you had some......Yurt promised me a challenge and others told me you were a ringer, because you had been taught how to mix agar and fill petri dishes.......
Give me a break PiMP. You might be one heck of a lawyer....but science is definitely not your thing. You've virtually no formal training in it, don't recognize its most basic ground rules and mostly use the same circular logic that poor old Grugore is using. You've done an amazing job of convincing yourself, if no one else. LOL
"scientific experiments like Miller Uley prove that all the necessary elements of life were present in the universe."

some shit happened in a mud puddle

"human life can be tracked from single celled organisms to the present"

the lib'rul argument regarding the origin of life.....
Yes well PiMP....the problem is "GAWD DID IT" isn't a scientific explanation.
I am quite familiar with science and the scientific method. I'm also familiar with the law of cause and effect. Nothing can happen, or even exist, without something causing it to do so. So, I ask you. What caused the universe to exist? What about the universal physical constants? They are immaterial, yet they affect the material. Did they just pop into existence on their own? Also, where did energy come from? It exists, therefore something caused it to exist. What was it?


What problem do you have with the answer to your question being: WE DO NOT KNOW?

What problem do you have with the answer to your question being: WE DO NOT KNOW?

Imagine a time warp where the Pilgrims of Plymoth Rock were given a useable telephone. There's no way they could explain how it works so they might would chalk it up to the supernatural. Now we know .
Yes well PiMP....the problem is "GAWD DID IT" isn't a scientific explanation.

Actually, the problem is that nothing physical could have done it, according to all scientific evidence. Everything requires a causative effect. Since nothing physical could have done it, that leaves only one thing. Something, or Someone, who is not physical.
Actually, the problem is that nothing physical could have done it, according to all scientific evidence. Everything requires a causative effect. Since nothing physical could have done it, that leaves only one thing. Something, or Someone, who is not physical.

Well...I guess you have to avoid my suggestion of, "We do not know what did it."

And I guess you are going to avoid a suggestion of, "Do we know if ANYTHING did it."

Perhaps what you call the "physical world" not a physical world at all. It may be, as Albert Einstein often said, an illusion...a very persistent illusion. Maybe nobody "did it" because it was not something that had to be done.

I have no true knowledge that anything exists except what I perceive to exist. But what I perceive to exist, may be just an illusion.

I do not know.

People like you, Grugore, do not know either.

But you want to narrow the possible answers to your question that you can arrive at, "The god I say exists (because I accept the guesses about the true nature of the REALITY of existence of the superstitious ancient Hebrews)...HAS TO EXIST."

If you must guess (for whatever reason) that is the ONLY answer that makes sense, go ahead and guess it.

But pretending it is logical or laughably absurd.
Given that I was led to understand that it was a theory, and now I'm hearing that it is merely an hypothesis, I'm still in the initial stages of WTF. A theory follows the testing of an hypothesis, if I remember correctly.
No. A hypothesis is a guess or idea based on empirical observation that is testable. A scientific theory is an over arching scientific explanation of a group of related natural phenomena.
Actually, the problem is that nothing physical could have done it, according to all scientific evidence. Everything requires a causative effect. Since nothing physical could have done it, that leaves only one thing. Something, or Someone, who is not physical.

Well that may or may not be true but such an explanation is simply not a scientific one. So if you wish to discuss science please learn some.
Well that may or may not be true but such an explanation is simply not a scientific one. So if you wish to discuss science please learn some.

I AM discussing science. Specifically, the law of cause and effect. The foundation of modern science. Nothing can exist without something causing it to exist. This applies to all physical entities. There are no exceptions. There has to be a first cause that was not itself caused. You cannot have an infinite regression of causes. It's a physical impossibility. There has to be a first cause. And science says it cannot be a physical cause. What does that leave you? Something non physical.
I AM discussing science. Specifically, the law of cause and effect. The foundation of modern science. Nothing can exist without something causing it to exist. This applies to all physical entities. There are no exceptions. There has to be a first cause that was not itself caused. You cannot have an infinite regression of causes. It's a physical impossibility. There has to be a first cause. And science says it cannot be a physical cause. What does that leave you? Something non physical.

And you are saying that "science" has determined that everything that one time did not exist???

In "The Science Of What's Happenin' Now, Baby"...perhaps.