The origin of life.

why should anyone create the Creator?.....

In part because a cohesive social group was strong if they had a shared narrative about origins and history.. identity as it were.. Plus, they shared ritual and tradition.

Much of what is assumed to be Islam isn't.. but ancient tribal customs just incorporated ..
lol.....that may explain why you created your denials of God's existence, but the question I raised was actually why an eternal deity would need a creator.....I always have to chuckle about the idiots who mutter "why created the Creator" as if was a switch that could shut down tells us that matter and energy did in fact have a tells us nothing at all about God.......
You know, it's funny. They claim to believe in science, but they refuse to accept the simple scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself. It's the equivalent of being your own father. And yet they refuse to see the obvious. They also now claim that gravity created the universe. So, what created gravity? EL OH EL. They will believe anything rather than the obvious conclusion that the universe was created by a Creator. They do this because they love their sin more than their Creator. Foolish pride is what it is.

You try to pretend you are being scientific...when you are acting anything but scientific.

You are claiming that the universe was that you can then claim that it requires a Creator.

And your "Creator" of course, has to be that thing that requires you to bow down to it...that thing that is offended by damn near everything humans do. And you pretend to "love" it.

You love that thing the way the Iraqi people used to "love" Saddam Hussein. The moment Saddam no longer posed a threat to them...they were stomping on pictures of him. Their "love" was nothing but abject fear.

You fear that god of yours...and are sucking up to it by making these childish arguments.

Foolish pride at work in you, Grugore.
lol.....that may explain why you created your denials of God's existence, but the question I raised was actually why an eternal deity would need a creator.....I always have to chuckle about the idiots who mutter "why created the Creator" as if was a switch that could shut down tells us that matter and energy did in fact have a tells us nothing at all about God.......

No...but most scientists do.

Scientists are 10 times more likely than average to "believe" there are no gods...than that there are.

And of the half who are not part of that group, most tend to "believe" in some "higher power" rather than in what YOU would term "God."

You people who argue that "science" proves (or indicates) the need for a higher power...are just shooting off your mouths. It doesn't.
That's pretty vague. Is there a guidebook for declaring something a theory?

No that’s not vague but it’s a general explanation. For that over arching explanation to be considered a scientific theory it must meet some specific requirements.

#1. It must model some natural phenomena.
#2. It must make testable predictions.
#3. Those test results must be independently verified and published.
#4. It must, in principle, be falsifiable.
You know, it's funny. They claim to believe in science, but they refuse to accept the simple scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself. It's the equivalent of being your own father. And yet they refuse to see the obvious. They also now claim that gravity created the universe. So, what created gravity? EL OH EL. They will believe anything rather than the obvious conclusion that the universe was created by a Creator. They do this because they love their sin more than their Creator. Foolish pride is what it is.
How can you know if some does or does not believe in science when you don’t even know what science is? You’re making the same illogical circular argument based on your own beliefs and not supported by fact but by unscientific and illogical rhetorical arguments.

I mean there’s really nothing to discuss here other than your lack of education in science.
easily explainable as mass hysteria.....

There is a thing "easily explainable as mass hysteria"...but that thing is not the fact that scientists as a group reject "belief" that a God exists.

The hysteria comes from the people who suppose the 200+ billion stars in our galaxy...and all the stars in the 300+ billion galaxies that we know of who is offended if a human jerks off...or if a human male or female is sexually aroused by same sex individuals and acts on that arousal.

That kind of thing is not only is madness. Absolute madness.