The origin of life.

Despite what the Bible says about the garden of Eden could it be possible that a supreme being created the materials that became life? But either way does it really matter if someone believes in god? Are you effected in any way?
How can you know if some does or does not believe in science when you don’t even know what science is? You’re making the same illogical circular argument based on your own beliefs and not supported by fact but by unscientific and illogical rhetorical arguments.

I mean there’s really nothing to discuss here other than your lack of education in science.

I provided scientific facts. Nothing physical can create itself. That's a fact. It is also a scientific fact that every thing that exists requires a cause for it's existence. Since nothing physical can create itself, there had to be a non physical cause for the universe. This is simple science. And you say that I don't understand science? Laughable. Tell you what. If you can refute one of these two facts, I might decide to start taking you seriously. Until then, you are simply a clueless troll.
Despite what the Bible says about the garden of Eden could it be possible that a supreme being created the materials that became life? But either way does it really matter if someone believes in god? Are you effected in any way?

When someone rejects God, they become a servant of the Devil. His demons are constantly whispering in their ears, egging them on to do his bidding. He is the father of lies, and those who have sold their souls to him are also liars.
When someone rejects God, they become a servant of the Devil. His demons are constantly whispering in their ears, egging them on to do his bidding. He is the father of lies, and those who have sold their souls to him are also liars.

“The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"...

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When someone rejects God, they become a servant of the Devil. His demons are constantly whispering in their ears, egging them on to do his bidding. He is the father of lies, and those who have sold their souls to him are also liars.

You didn't answer my question. I believe in God but I also believe he created the conditions for life to evolve be it man or animal.
I provided scientific facts. Nothing physical can create itself. That's a fact. It is also a scientific fact that every thing that exists requires a cause for it's existence. Since nothing physical can create itself, there had to be a non physical cause for the universe. This is simple science. And you say that I don't understand science? Laughable. Tell you what. If you can refute one of these two facts, I might decide to start taking you seriously. Until then, you are simply a clueless troll.

What sort of church do you attend. You know Christians pretty much changed the definition of Satan.. Were the Jews wrong?
What sort of church do you attend. You know Christians pretty much changed the definition of Satan.. Were the Jews wrong?

lol.....sorry Christians didn't accept your definition.......perhaps its because you came along a couple of thousand years too late to explain it to them......
Nice evasion. Please explain that paradox.


Hating on others beliefs makes you an idiot hater

which religion do you believe is correct

Or all the god centered ones correct


they all FIGHT to be the last one standing

even resorting to killing "gods creatures" to do so

If your god were real he would hate organized religions
I propose that whenever Desh enters a thread, it is guaranteed to turn to shit. That's a law not a theory!

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I provided scientific facts. Nothing physical can create itself. That's a fact. It is also a scientific fact that every thing that exists requires a cause for it's existence. Since nothing physical can create itself, there had to be a non physical cause for the universe. This is simple science. And you say that I don't understand science? Laughable. Tell you what. If you can refute one of these two facts, I might decide to start taking you seriously. Until then, you are simply a clueless troll.
Thats not a scientific fact. That is your own personal belief. If you are invoking supernatural causation, no matter how true that belief may be, you’re completely outside the realm of science.

That is why your argument is intellectually dishonest. You cannot change the definition of science to suit your beliefs.