The Plan, not a "theory"

But is our country really a democracy and doing the best for all of it's people when it locks up a high percentage of them ?
Of course those locked up no longer have a voice in our government either....
But is our country really a democracy and doing the best for all of it's people when it locks up a high percentage of them ?
Of course those locked up no longer have a voice in our government either....

Boy oh boy, what a classic example of liberal pinheadedness! I suppose you think our government just willy-nilly goes out and rounds up heathens and throws them in jail, no trial, no charges, just on general fucking principle?

Maybe we should adopt a liberal policy with law enforcement... no arrests of any kind, if our percentage of imprisoned rises above a certain percent! We must keep that percentage down, so the real people have a voice in government! Murderers, rapists, it doesn't matter... let 'em go... we are over quota this month! Can't have too high a percentage of people locked up, it damages our constitutional rights!

What a fucking idiot!
But is our country really a democracy and doing the best for all of it's people when it locks up a high percentage of them ?
Of course those locked up no longer have a voice in our government either....

Boy oh boy, what a classic example of liberal pinheadedness! I suppose you think our government just willy-nilly goes out and rounds up heathens and throws them in jail, no trial, no charges, just on general fucking principle?

Maybe we should adopt a liberal policy with law enforcement... no arrests of any kind, if our percentage of imprisoned rises above a certain percent! We must keep that percentage down, so the real people have a voice in government! Murderers, rapists, it doesn't matter... let 'em go... we are over quota this month! Can't have too high a percentage of people locked up, it damages our constitutional rights!

What a fucking idiot!

I got a plan dixie, let's make them all manufacture goods for export and treat them like slaves, and then arrest more when we need to meet quota for the month. Those no good liberal layabouts have nothing better to do than be slaves for upright citizens like you.
I got a plan dixie, let's make them all manufacture goods for export and treat them like slaves, and then arrest more when we need to meet quota for the month. Those no good liberal layabouts have nothing better to do than be slaves for upright citizens like you.

You know what, that isn't a half bad idea. We could actually make people who were convicted of a crime by a jury of their peirs, do some hard labor while they are doing their time! I think it would be a lot more productive use of their time, than working out in the weight rooms, watching TV, or planning their appeal in the legal library of the prison. And you know, I bet some of these hoodlums we're locking up, would be a hell of a lot more detered from their lives of crime, if they knew and understood the punishment would be having to work like a Chinese slave. I bet CapYoAss Dadddy would be a little less likely to do the crime, knowing this was how he was going to do the time, don't you?

........Of course, being the LIBERAL you are, it is your belief that most of the people in prison did nothing wrong, and are merely victims of society and our uptight right-wing moral judgements.
I got a plan dixie, let's make them all manufacture goods for export and treat them like slaves, and then arrest more when we need to meet quota for the month. Those no good liberal layabouts have nothing better to do than be slaves for upright citizens like you.

You know what, that isn't a half bad idea. We could actually make people who were convicted of a crime by a jury of their peirs, do some hard labor while they are doing their time! I think it would be a lot more productive use of their time, than working out in the weight rooms, watching TV, or planning their appeal in the legal library of the prison. And you know, I bet some of these hoodlums we're locking up, would be a hell of a lot more detered from their lives of crime, if they knew and understood the punishment would be having to work like a Chinese slave. I bet CapYoAss Dadddy would be a little less likely to do the crime, knowing this was how he was going to do the time, don't you?

........Of course, being the LIBERAL you are, it is your belief that most of the people in prison did nothing wrong, and are merely victims of society and our uptight right-wing moral judgements.

No. I believe the use of prison labor will only lead to abuse of the legal system.

Thanks for exposing the reality of the New World Order. You have been a useful fool.
No. I believe the use of prison labor will only lead to abuse of the legal system.

Sorry you missed the sarcasm, another typical pinhead mistake.

Thanks for exposing the reality of the New World Order. You have been a useful fool.

Wow, I wasn't aware the New World Order had infiltrated our prison system, when did that happen? And how was I of use to them as a fool? You failed to explain that part. In fact, you've pretty much failed to explain anything in any of these threads, you merely resort to the typical pinhead responses and over-blown rhetoric.

I tell ya, AssHat, I would've saved myself the trouble of registering a new screen name, if this was the best I could do at fooling people. You are never going to convince me you aren't a flaming bleeding heart liberal, I can smell them a mile away, I tell you! Every post you make, you reveal another nuance, another indication you are a liberal at heart, and a contradiction of the persona you are trying to portray. I can't quite pin down who you are, but you are not a conservative, and you are not very open-minded, so I don't believe you are independent. My guess, you are either a pinhead libertarian, (maybe Beefy), or you are Lummox or rcfrom2d2 or dlescock, I can't decide. In any event, you have a nice time playing your little charade game here, you haven't fooled me one bit, though.
No. I believe the use of prison labor will only lead to abuse of the legal system.

Sorry you missed the sarcasm, another typical pinhead mistake.

Thanks for exposing the reality of the New World Order. You have been a useful fool.

Wow, I wasn't aware the New World Order had infiltrated our prison system, when did that happen? And how was I of use to them as a fool? You failed to explain that part. In fact, you've pretty much failed to explain anything in any of these threads, you merely resort to the typical pinhead responses and over-blown rhetoric.

I tell ya, AssHat, I would've saved myself the trouble of registering a new screen name, if this was the best I could do at fooling people. You are never going to convince me you aren't a flaming bleeding heart liberal, I can smell them a mile away, I tell you! Every post you make, you reveal another nuance, another indication you are a liberal at heart, and a contradiction of the persona you are trying to portray. I can't quite pin down who you are, but you are not a conservative, and you are not very open-minded, so I don't believe you are independent. My guess, you are either a pinhead libertarian, (maybe Beefy), or you are Lummox or rcfrom2d2 or dlescock, I can't decide. In any event, you have a nice time playing your little charade game here, you haven't fooled me one bit, though.

You apply your basically sound economic principles in an oversweeping ignorant manner. Economic growth isn't the be-all, end all of human pursuits. It is right and civilized to constrain business inside a moral context. You have given up on morality and adopted a "if you can't beat it join it" mentality towards evil. We could beat china, and you're a coward traitor and sellout for agreeing with the neocon appeasement package. Your mentality guarantees the prevalance of totalitarianism in our world.
You apply your basically sound economic principles in an oversweeping ignorant manner. Economic growth isn't the be-all, end all of human pursuits. It is right and civilized to constrain business inside a moral context. You have given up on morality and adopted a "if you can't beat it join it" mentality towards evil. We could beat china, and you're a coward traitor and sellout for agreeing with the neocon appeasement package. Your mentality guarantees the prevalance of totalitarianism in our world.

This just isn't true in any aspect. I have not given up on morality, or fighting for it, and I have explained how free trade with China is more conducive to effecting change in this area, than isolating ourselves and ignoring the problem. You can say 'we could beat China' but the fact is, China has become the #2 world superpower, while we practiced your strategy, so this is not actually true, we haven't beat China, and there is no reasonable cause to believe we ever will, unless we can establish some foothold or leverage with the Chinese government.

You continue to rant like a kook lunatic about the "neocon appeasement package" but Bill Clinton wasn't a neocon, as far as I am aware. He signed the MFN treaty with China, so how do you chalk this up to neocons? I don't understand that, and especially when I start delving into the issue of trade with China, and find it dates back to Truman and beyond. This is not some evil Halliburton conspiracy, with Dick Cheney at the helm, trying to control the world with some maniacal plot of a new world order, that is what you want to make it out to be, that is what you are suggesting over and over again, but that is just plain ignorance and stupidity, and anyone with the ability to research it, can find out the truth.

Of course, some people aren't really interested in truth, they just want to have things their way, and fuck the consequences. They just bully their way through the debates and insist they have some profound moral wisdom that trumps common sense and logic. They can't make their point, they can't back up their idiocy, and they simply resort to lobbing shit bombs at people, and attacking them personally, rather than being intellectually honest.
You apply your basically sound economic principles in an oversweeping ignorant manner. Economic growth isn't the be-all, end all of human pursuits. It is right and civilized to constrain business inside a moral context. You have given up on morality and adopted a "if you can't beat it join it" mentality towards evil. We could beat china, and you're a coward traitor and sellout for agreeing with the neocon appeasement package. Your mentality guarantees the prevalance of totalitarianism in our world.

This just isn't true in any aspect.
It's true in every aspect.
I have not given up on morality, or fighting for it,
Yes you have. You conceded that we cannot beat china, ever, and that all we can do is appease and hope for the best.
and I have explained how free trade with China is more conducive to effecting change in this area, than isolating ourselves and ignoring the problem.
No. You just keep claiming it's true. ALl I see is the continued profitablity of human slavery.
You can say 'we could beat China' but the fact is, China has become the #2 world superpower, while we practiced your strategy, so this is not actually true, we haven't beat China, and there is no reasonable cause to believe we ever will, unless we can establish some foothold or leverage with the Chinese government.
Exactly. You've conceded defeat and see cozying up to the dictators as the only strategy. You're a coward, and an appeaser. Why do you keep arguing with me when I describe you accurately?
You continue to rant like a kook lunatic about the "neocon appeasement package" but Bill Clinton wasn't a neocon, as far as I am aware. He signed the MFN treaty with China, so how do you chalk this up to neocons? I don't understand that, and especially when I start delving into the issue of trade with China, and find it dates back to Truman and beyond. This is not some evil Halliburton conspiracy, with Dick Cheney at the helm, trying to control the world with some maniacal plot of a new world order, that is what you want to make it out to be, that is what you are suggesting over and over again, but that is just plain ignorance and stupidity, and anyone with the ability to research it, can find out the truth.
It goes slightly deeper than the neocons, but they're the main advocates of the NWO at this point. Libs are too, in different ways.
Of course, some people aren't really interested in truth, they just want to have things their way, and fuck the consequences. They just bully their way through the debates and insist they have some profound moral wisdom that trumps common sense and logic. They can't make their point, they can't back up their idiocy, and they simply resort to lobbing shit bombs at people, and attacking them personally, rather than being intellectually honest.

Yeah, that's you.
It's true in every aspect.

Empty repudiation # 10034

Yes you have. You conceded that we cannot beat china, ever, and that all we can do is appease and hope for the best.

No, that is what you concede, that we can't beat China, and we must take the moral high ground, and oppose them. We must return to ignoring the problems in China and washing our moral hands of it completely. That is your position, mine is a position of effecting eventual political change in China, through free trade. With my position, there is no appeasement, we are not trading with China to give the Chinese anything, or capitulate to something they demand from us or even want. There can't be any appeasement, when there is nothing to appease. You want to view it as such, but here again, you can't support your argument with relevant fact.

No. You just keep claiming it's true. ALl I see is the continued profitablity of human slavery.

I've not claimed anything to be true, I have presented a logical premise to you, and asked you to refute it, or find the flaw in it, and you can't. It makes logical sense that we can effect more of a political change in China, with some means to leverage the Chinese government, than isolating ourselves and alienating the Chinese further. It makes more logical sense to absorb the Chinese goods into the world market, so that we have stability in the global market, as opposed to getting our brains kicked in trying to compete with them for the European trade. Whether we look at this from human rights, or economics, it makes better sense for us to engage the Chinese in diplomacy, foster a strong and mutual trade alliance, and eventually use that mutual interest to pressure for political reforms.

Exactly. You've conceded defeat and see cozying up to the dictators as the only strategy. You're a coward, and an appeaser. Why do you keep arguing with me when I describe you accurately?

No, I have repeatedly asked for you to articulate your alternative options, and you really don't have any. No one has conceded any defeat, the game has just begun from my perspective, you are still in the locker room, hoping to have the game cancelled so you can go home and lock your doors. Don't call me a coward!

It goes slightly deeper than the neocons, but they're the main advocates of the NWO at this point. Libs are too, in different ways.

Yes, and then there are the Illuminati... invisible little men from outer space... men in black, with little devices that wipe out your memory... they meet in a secret underground location at area 51... where they keep the alien bodies... and dick cheney goes when they say he is in an undisclosed location.... yes... they are all out to get us man... we can't trust anyone... they are listening to us at this very moment... shhh...

*whispers* i think we should stop talking about them now, or we might be putting our safety in jeopardy... we wouldn't want to end up like ron brown or vince foster, would we?
hey lying sack of is that redneck alabama version of google spellcheck working?

does it tell you that ASSHOLE is a word?
all I can tell you is that when I type the following words in the quick reply box and hit google spellcheck here is what it looks like:

refudiate repudiate stupid stoopid
now maybe Dixie does have some racist redneck version of google spellcheck that is only sold to idiots in alabama trailer parks...

or maybe he is too fucking "stoopid" to know how to use google spellcheck correctly...

or maybe he is a fucking slanderous shithead liar who tries to pawn off his own mistakes onto computer software rather than show the grace to admit he fucked up.

my money is on the last option...but then, putting my "money" on any bet with Dixie is like pissing up a fucking rope