The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

How much money did your Daddy pay for your education?

Learn how to quote a post you incredibly ugly, small minded, vulgar asshat.

If you are talking to me, I worked my way through college; my daddy didn't have the money to pay for my education. He was too busy protecting this nation so asshats like you could go on political forums and post incredibly stupid and vulgar bullshit removing all doubt how badly our education systems are failing our citizens.

Regardless of BMW, the overwhelming trend is that we are losing all kinds of jobs.

If you weren’t such an uninformed dullard, you would know that it isn’t JUST BMW. But then, who would a buffoon like Obama have to vote for him if Americans were intelligent and informed right?

Like i said before, i think some companies are keeping some showcase factories here to "prove they care".

I know you have said it before; and it looked just as retarded then as it does now. Yet here you are saying the same moronic thing in a vacuum of reality or the facts.

Such comments are more proof that you are nothing but an incredibly uninformed moron mindlessly parroting Marxist rhetoric.
Hey asshat; did you know that BMW manufactures cars in South Carolina. Why not China asshat?

I’ll help out the fucking leftist idiots. Auto manufactures moved to the southern United States and pay a living middle class wage because wages are simply a small consideration in the cost of doing business. The greater concerns are State & Federal taxes in northern States, State & Federal environmental regulations among other State regulations in northern States, outrageous fucking union demands and contracts in northern States and the fact that it’s cheaper to ship autos from the southern States than it is to ship them from China and other parts of the world.

Of course fucking leftist don’t even know about southern US manufacturing and why it’s going well, or if they do know about it they choose to ignore it and deny its doing well when rightist and libertarians point it out. It’s like all them guns in Switzerland and the very, very low murder rate there. Leftist communist true believers would rather stick their heads up their asses than accept reality, fact and logic.
If you weren’t such an uninformed dullard, you would know that it isn’t JUST BMW. But then, who would a buffoon like Obama have to vote for him if Americans were intelligent and informed right?

I know you have said it before; and it looked just as retarded then as it does now. Yet here you are saying the same moronic thing in a vacuum of reality or the facts.

Such comments are more proof that you are nothing but an incredibly uninformed moron mindlessly parroting Marxist rhetoric.

A couple others, big woop. Overall, globalization is destroying our economy. DO you know the phrase "drop in the bucket"? The few showcase factories being built here are mostly a PR stunt, they're a drop in the bucket, meaning they are insignificant.

All these articles on the alleged resurgence of manufacturing in america always pose it as something that may be happening, something just down the road. It's not actually happening. It's something they keep dangling hope about.

Additionally, it's not just manufacturing job loss that's destroying our economy, it's tech, science and engineering jobs of all kinds.

I'll believe it when I see it, annata. this is what the talking heads on CNBC do too. Signs of Recovery just around the corner? We fascist cheerleaders at CNBC think so! next after these messages. I mean, of course I like steve santelli. But kramer is the anti-christ.
A couple others, big woop. Overall, globalization is destroying our economy. DO you know the phrase "drop in the bucket"? The few showcase factories being built here are mostly a PR stunt, they're a drop in the bucket, meaning they are insignificant.

Translation; Im an uninformed dipshit stuck on stupid and no amount of facts are going to stop me from uttering stupid Union talking points like a brain dead lemming.

Carry on dipshit.
Wrong again; but then being wrong appears to be a state of mind with you. But if you have a credible link that will support your erroneous conclusions I am all eyes and ears.

Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt what a moron you are. No wonder I had you on ignore.
Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt what a moron you are. No wonder I had you on ignore.

Thanks for once again adding absolutely nothing to the debate other than trolling with your dullard ignorant spam.

Please do me the favor and stop lying and really place neon ignore; I hate it when brain dead asshats like you feel ciompelled to remove all doubt they're morons lacking substance or intelligence.

Dumbass. Your selective outrage has been dismissed.

The Huffington Post? Rational folks are supposed to garner some kind of unbiased truth and logic from a left-wing rag that y’all neo-commies worship?

The fact of the matter is, corporations are simply responsible to their investors/stock holders and bribing government is a prerequisite for sound, sane business practices because “if ya don’t,” your competition will and you’ll be shit-out-of-luck. However the elected crooks in Washington swear an oath to the Constitution and when they allow themselves to be bribed by corporations and other special interest they are intentionally practicing the lowest of low-life, scumbag, bottom dwelling, scum-sucking traitorous crimes against the nation and its Constitution. They betray their oath and our trust.

As long as there are politicians willing to be bribed, there will be a long line of special interest ready and willing to bribe them.

America, a nation of the bribed, by the bribed and for the bribed.
Strange how every failing government is controlled by big business huh.......:awesome:

Wrong; but being wrong appears to be a permanent thing with brain dead leftists who place their faith in BIg Government rather than free markets.

If you were to actually look at failed governments, they all have one thing in common; they were massive socialists states run by Marxist dictators who thought they knew better what was good for the sheeple.

The Soviet Union, Communust China, Cuba and currently Venezuela. But youre a clueless dullard who merely parrots idiot Union/Marxist talking points.
In other words "I didn't read it because I'm scared I might learn something"....I knew you wouldn't read it, you hate new information. Cults are never allowed to take in new information or they are shunned.

Just because people dont want to be bothered reading a wall of text doenst mean they are 'afraid.'

If that's the kind of conclusions drawn in the post, no wonder no one's getting involved.
The Huffington Post? Rational folks are supposed to garner some kind of unbiased truth and logic from a left-wing rag that y’all neo-commies worship?

The fact of the matter is, corporations are simply responsible to their investors/stock holders and bribing government is a prerequisite for sound, sane business practices because “if ya don’t,” your competition will and you’ll be shit-out-of-luck. However the elected crooks in Washington swear an oath to the Constitution and when they allow themselves to be bribed by corporations and other special interest they are intentionally practicing the lowest of low-life, scumbag, bottom dwelling, scum-sucking traitorous crimes against the nation and its Constitution. They betray their oath and our trust.

As long as there are politicians willing to be bribed, there will be a long line of special interest ready and willing to bribe them.

America, a nation of the bribed, by the bribed and for the bribed.

Thank you for acknowledging that our government is controlled by large corporations.

Funny how you hold corporations blameless though and only blame the politicians. Your abuse of logic is hilarious.
This is the problem with the existence of "corporations" as a legal entity. They seem to shield individuals from all moral responsibility as long as there's profit. that's messed up.
what are you groaning at, dude? why should there be a morality free zone around corporations? Do you have anything besides an animalistic groan?

Groans are for Marxist asshats that lie, post incredibly stupid comments and arguments and deny reality. Yeah, we need to remove Corporations legal status so we can all become dumbass wards of the state.

The crap you post is beyond makes stupid appear smart.
