The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

What have i fabricated? Name one thing.
You're kidding right?

So you hold corporations to alower standard, that means you're a fascist, not that corporations areblameless for destroying society.

there should not be a legal entity known as a corporation that has noresponsibility but profit.

Thank you for acknowledgingthat our government is controlled by large corporations.

Funny how you hold corporations blameless though and only blame thepoliticians. Your abuse of logic is hilarious.

This is the problem with theexistence of "corporations" as a legal entity. They seem to shieldindividuals from all moral responsibility as long as there's profit. that'smessed up.

This is just a small sampling; hell dude, just about allof your posts are nothing more than fabricated hyperbole and incredibly dense opinion;nothing that could be mistaken as factual.
So you hold corporations to a lower standard, that means you're a fascist, not that corporations are blameless for destroying society.

A fascist is a crony capitalist. That describes most of Congress, not me. I oppose crony capitalism and promote pure capitalism.

“Hold to a lower standard?” Not at all! I simply hold corporations and government to different standards, those being the standards they agreeably and separately attach themselves to. The former to the financial growth of those who trust them to grow their invested wealth and the latter to the oath of office, (“preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,”) they take and the trust of the folks that gave them their office with their vote to obey that sacred oath.

there should not be a legal entity known as a corporation that has no responsibility but profit.

Why not? Profits are the stuff that wealth, wealthy economies, employment, self-worth and incentive to create and expand technology and the pursuit of happiness are made of. Without profits you’d live in a fucking cave eating road kill and you wouldn’t have ever known what that fucking computer is you promote your fucking leftist propaganda and horseshit on.

Oh! That’s right you likely got your computer and your Obama phone from the fucking government, huh?
The Huffington Post? Rational folks are supposed to garner some kind of unbiased truth and logic from a left-wing rag that y’all neo-commies worship?

The fact of the matter is, corporations are simply responsible to their investors/stock holders and bribing government is a prerequisite for sound, sane business practices because “if ya don’t,” your competition will and you’ll be shit-out-of-luck. However the elected crooks in Washington swear an oath to the Constitution and when they allow themselves to be bribed by corporations and other special interest they are intentionally practicing the lowest of low-life, scumbag, bottom dwelling, scum-sucking traitorous crimes against the nation and its Constitution. They betray their oath and our trust.

As long as there are politicians willing to be bribed, there will be a long line of special interest ready and willing to bribe them.

America, a nation of the bribed, by the bribed and for the bribed.

Without the changes wrought by CU, much of what is happening now would be illegal.

Do you denounce the Citizens United ruling, or are you a simple hypocrite?
Groans are for Marxist asshats that lie, post incredibly stupid comments and arguments and deny reality. Yeah, we need to remove Corporations legal status so we can all become dumbass wards of the state.

The crap you post is beyond makes stupid appear smart.


What did this country's founders think of corporations? Do you know, loud mouth bigot?

Corporations have had to bribe endlessly and brainwash the likes of you to establish the position they hold in society today. Talk about dullards!
Oh! But I have a perfectly logical and rational reason for laying 99% of the blame for the crony capitalist bribery at the feet of government.

As I have explained several times to the fucking idiot Anti-Fox, corporations are only sworn to preserve, protect and defend and grow the investments of their share-holders. They make no political promises to the masses, nor are they sworn to embellish the good of the nation or any particular community except their investors. They are not sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of these United States. Corporations are only required to operate within the law of the land and as of today and every other proceeding day here to, bribing politicians with campaign donations and promises of future jobs as lobbyist isn’t illegal and if corporations fail to do so, they won’t be preserving, protecting, defending and growing their investor’s investments because their competitors sure as hell will be bribing the politicians and they’ll be shit-out-of-luck.

The government’s sitting politicians on the other hand take an oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of these United States. They make endless promises to work for the best interest of the nation then they violate their oath of office and work for their own fucking interest.

Government by definition is force. Government by nature is corrupt. BIG government is BIG force and BIG corruption.

Fucking idiots that love laws and sausages, should not look at how they are made.


Translation; "Greed is Good." (Gecko)
There can be trade without corporations. We will just cease having an abstraction in place that creates a morality free zone for supercriminals.

No, then it would be far more difficult for the non-productive to extract their ounces of blood, for the corrupt to gain their share, for the lazy to tax the productive, for the lawyers to ensure their financial futures after their periods of "public service".
Trade without corporations; where do you come up with thus brain dead stupidity? Corporations don't trade you moron; they provide goods and services for a profit.

Morality free zone for super criminals? You're not just simple minded, you're downright retarded.

You don't even understand the meaning of the word trade you simple minded moron. All financial activity, business activity is correctly known as trade. Idiot.
Without the changes wrought by CU, much of what is happening now would be illegal.

Do you denounce the Citizens United ruling, or are you a simple hypocrite?

The Citizens United ruling was correct. It’s not the authority or the power of the court to change the law or make new law. Unless and until the Constitution is amended to eliminate political bribery, the FACT shall remain that campaign donations and job offers for politicians once they leave government is FREE SPEECH.

Of course neither left or right wants to really eliminate the bribery, that’s how y’all get your fucking crooks elected. Whenever I see y’all ardently promoting a constitutional amendment to eliminate the bribery I’ll remain not just skeptical of your agendas but assured that you’re as fucking crooked as the bastards in your parties you vote for and install into the fucking den of corruption.
You're a moron of incredible proportions. But who can argue with clueless morons who haven't even the most basic comprehension about economics, markets and the formation of capital.

By the way, where did you get your degree? It would be a school for all to avoid.

LOL, nice rebuttal.(Not).

Thanks for providing eminent proof of your complete lack of debate skills.
You're kidding right?

This is just a small sampling; hell dude, just about allof your posts are nothing more than fabricated hyperbole and incredibly dense opinion;nothing that could be mistaken as factual.

Again, nice complete lack of proofs. You really don't understand do you?

Your opinion is;
A. meaningless.
B. not a proof of anything (except your foolishness)
C. incorrect.
A fascist is a crony capitalist. That describes most of Congress, not me. I oppose crony capitalism and promote pure capitalism.

“Hold to a lower standard?” Not at all! I simply hold corporations and government to different standards, those being the standards they agreeably and separately attach themselves to. The former to the financial growth of those who trust them to grow their invested wealth and the latter to the oath of office, (“preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,”) they take and the trust of the folks that gave them their office with their vote to obey that sacred oath.

Why not? Profits are the stuff that wealth, wealthy economies, employment, self-worth and incentive to create and expand technology and the pursuit of happiness are made of. Without profits you’d live in a fucking cave eating road kill and you wouldn’t have ever known what that fucking computer is you promote your fucking leftist propaganda and horseshit on.

Oh! That’s right you likely got your computer and your Obama phone from the fucking government, huh?

Profits can be created without the legal entity known as a corporation moron. There are many other ways to organise a business.
The Citizens United ruling was correct. It’s not the authority or the power of the court to change the law or make new law. Unless and until the Constitution is amended to eliminate political bribery, the FACT shall remain that campaign donations and job offers for politicians once they leave government is FREE SPEECH.

Of course neither left or right wants to really eliminate the bribery, that’s how y’all get your fucking crooks elected. Whenever I see y’all ardently promoting a constitutional amendment to eliminate the bribery I’ll remain not just skeptical of your agendas but assured that you’re as fucking crooked as the bastards in your parties you vote for and install into the fucking den of corruption.

Laughing my fucking ass off. You are nothing but a simple minded conservative trying to appear as if you have a legitimate thought in your head.
The Citizens United ruling was correct. It’s not the authority or the power of the court to change the law or make new law. Unless and until the Constitution is amended to eliminate political bribery, the FACT shall remain that campaign donations and job offers for politicians once they leave government is FREE SPEECH.

Of course neither left or right wants to really eliminate the bribery, that’s how y’all get your fucking crooks elected. Whenever I see y’all ardently promoting a constitutional amendment to eliminate the bribery I’ll remain not just skeptical of your agendas but assured that you’re as fucking crooked as the bastards in your parties you vote for and install into the fucking den of corruption.

No. The Citizens United ruling was a travesty, an injustice and evidence that we are transforming into a fascist oligarchy.
Profits can be created without the legal entity known as a corporation moron. There are many other ways to organise a business.

And your problem with corporate profits as opposed to the profits of other businesses are what numb-nuts?
Laughing my fucking ass off. You are nothing but a simple minded conservative trying to appear as if you have a legitimate thought in your head.

So, in other words you have no rational argument with my post so your only response is another feeble laughable insult, right Goober?