The Rich vs. Poor Pay Gap In America; When will the people say "enough is enough"..

What did this country's founders think of corporations? Do you know, loud mouth bigot?

Corporations have had to bribe endlessly and brainwash the likes of you to establish the position they hold in society today. Talk about dullards!
What would a moron like you know about what our founders thought or what the Constitution stands for? Talk about loud mouthed bigots, you have nothing to add to any thread debate other than your playground asshattery.

Try to think before you rant for a change. Suggesting that I have been brain washed by Corporations is about as moronic as claiming you are intelligent.

What planet do you hail from; planet stupid? Why don't you enlighten us with your brain dead Union/DNC brain washed talking points how this nation would be better off without corporations, banks and individuals willing to take risk asshat?

When it comes to stupid, you give it a really bad name dimwit. Now run along and try to impress some third graders with your dimwitted nonsense.

If you came here to prove what a dimwitted asshat you are; congratulations, you have succeeded. Dumbass.
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LOL, nice rebuttal.(Not).

Thanks for providing eminent proof of your complete lack of debate skills.
Irony; a brain dead thread trollwhore who thinks his ad hominem bullshit constitutes honest thoughtful debate. Its official; you're a dumbass.
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No. The Citizens United ruling was a travesty, an injustice and evidence that we are transforming into a fascist oligarchy.

I disagree! This time the court got one right. In accordance with our 1st Amendment, political donations are most certainly free speech. McCain/Feingold was the travesty in violation of free speech.

Actually, it’s the duty and obligation of every citizen that votes to get informed about where the candidates get their campaign loot and vote accordingly. If you don’t think candidates should accept special interest money, then don’t vote for the bastards. Problem is though y’all fucking duopoly dupes are so fucking partisan and stupid you like the special interest loot your party and candidates get. The only special interest loot you oppose is that donated to the other half of y’all’s fucking duopoly. You’re partisan biased morons getting the fucking BIG corrupt government y’all deserve.
Again, nice complete lack of proofs. You really don't understand do you?

Your opinion is;
A. meaningless.
B. not a proof of anything (except your foolishness)
C. incorrect.

What's this; another ad hominem thread containing nothing of substance? Say it isn't so!!

Another lying asshat leftist thread troll who claims they put people who kick their dumb asses in every thread on ignore.; no shocker here.

Run along and try to impress some third graders with your schoolyard antics moron. :rolleyes: Who the fuck is talking to you anyway asshat?
Profits can be created without the legal entity known as a corporation moron. There are many other ways to organise a business.

Another brain dead leftist asshat who is clueless to the purpose of incorporation. No shocker here.

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Laughing my fucking ass off. You are nothing but a simple minded conservative trying to appear as if you have a legitimate thought in your head.

This coming from a simple minded dullard who thinks the primary purpose of a corporation is merely profits. Hopefully you are looking into a mirror laughing at your own dullard rhetoric.

I formed an LLC; not to reap profits dullard, but for the legal protections it offered. Read and become partially informed instead of removing all doubt what a dullard asshat you are:

The idea of thecorporation as a separate entity goes back to ancient times, but the moderncorporation developed out of Queen Elizabeth I's East Indian Trading Company in1601, reports Citizen Works. The English crown used chartered corporations asan arm of the monarchy to serve a certain purpose. In the case of some Americancolonies, corporations were the liaison for the king. The legality ofcorporations remained even after American independence, because the country wasmade up of mostly agrarian farmers and not concerned with large companiesgaining too much power.

All statesrequire businesses to file their articles of incorporation if the entity wantsto become a corporation, according to FindLaw. In the situation of a limitedliability company (LLC), the owner files articles of organization. These areessentially the same thing as articles of incorporation because LLCs share manyof the same characteristics as corporations, such as limited liability.

The articles ofincorporation include the most basic information about the company, such aslocation of the initiating agent, the reason for incorporation, managementhierarchy and the amount of stock available, states Investopedia. Theinitiating agent is usually the president of the company or anyone who handleslegal paperwork and mail. Most states use a rubber-stamped state of purpose,such as to function within the legal limits of a corporation or something justas vague.

What would a moron like you know about what our founders thought or what the Constitution stands for? Talk about loud mouthed bigots, you have nothing to add to any thread debate other than your playground asshattery.

Try to think before you rant for a change. Suggesting that I have been brain washed by Corporations is about as moronic as claiming you are intelligent.

What planet do you hail from; planet stupid? Why don't you enlighten us with your brain dead Union/DNC brain washed talking points how this nation would be better off without corporations, banks and individuals willing to take risk asshat?

When it comes to stupid, you give it a really bad name dimwit. Now run along and try to impress some third graders with your dimwitted nonsense.

If you came here to prove what a dimwitted asshat you are; congratulations, you have succeeded. Dumbass.

Read and learn ignoramous. It took corporations over 100 years to bypass the safeguards the founders put in place against them.

If you knew anything of our government at all, you would know that the American Revolution was actually fought over corporate influence over government, and Central Banks influence over government.

You have again proven yourself to be completely ignorant of our country, what it stands for, how it came about and why.
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1. Show where I said I had a problem.
2. The list is too long for the amount of storage available at this forum. Corporate stooge.

Translation; I can't defend the dullard ignorance thatconstitutes my post; therefore I shall deflect to my tired ad hominems. What a complete utter dumbass.
Read and learn ignoramous. It tookcorporations over 100 years to bypass the safeguards the founders put in placeagainst them.

What a moronic leftist dupe; you think a revisionist leftist blog supports your retarded arguments about corporations? The biggest threat to this republic the founders warned us about were ignorant voters like you who vote for political asshats who promise idiots like you something for nothing using other people’s money.

If you knew anything of our government at all, you wouldknow that the American Revolution was actually fought over corporate influenceover government, and Central Banks influence over government.

Another moronic revisionist version of our history;further proof that our educational systems are tragically failing the Republic putting out dullards like you incapable of rational thought or logic.

You have again proven yourself to be completely ignorant ofor country, what it stands for, how it came about and why.

This coming from a dullard who claims we fought the revolutionary war due to corporations. You are a moron of the highest order and illustrative proof how a buffoon like Obama can get elected by low information dullards like you.
Really; you have successfully removed all doubt what an incredible uninformed moron you really are…congratulations. You really give stupid a bad name.

What a moronic leftist dupe; you think a leftist blogsupports your retarded arguments about corporations? The biggest threat to this republic thefounders warned us about were ignorant voters like you who vote for politicalasshats who promise idiots something for nothing using other people’smoney.

Another moronic revisionist version of our history;further proof that our educational systems are tragically failing the Republicputting out dullards like you incapable of rational thought or logic.

This coming from a dullard who claims we fought therevolutionary war due to corporations. You are a moron of the highest order and illustrative proof how abuffoon like Obama can get elected by low information dullards like you.
Really; you have successfully removed all doubt what anincredible uninformed moron you really are…congratulations. You really givestupid a bad name.

Idiot, there is no point in discussing your version of facts.
History stands for those who would look to it.
Those who ignore ignore it are doomed to repeat it. The founders had a healthy fear of corporate power. You are doomed.
The idea of you being able to translate anything written by me is truly laughable.

The notion of you being capable of rational thought or putting anything together one sentence remotely coherent or related to the truth requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

Our founders warned us about the dullard class; the end of the republic will not come from outside our borders, it will come from within when ignorant dullards on the left realize that they can vote themselves money. Dismissed dumbass; you truly are a caricature of ignorance.
Idiot, there is no point indiscussing your version of facts.

Translation; don’t bore me with reality or facts…I prefer to be an ignorant gullible dullard who thinks we fought for our independence for corporations.

History stands for those who would look to it.

Translation; I am a dullard and will fabricate my own version of history so that I can remain and ignorant asshat.

Those who ignore ignore it are doomed to repeat it. Thefounders had a healthy fear of corporate power. You are doomed.

Translation; I will continue to parrot such idiot meme’s no matter how many facts you throw at me because I am brain dead dullard swilling leftist kool-aid.

No dumbass, they had a healthy fear of political power and of dullards like you having the ability to vote. But you’re an incredibly uninformed dimwit;how can you begin to comprehend the obvious of simplest facts?

Dismissed dumbass; thanks for again removing all doubtwhat an incredible dimwit you really are.

Now are you going to put me back on ignore or continue removing all doubt what a dullard you are?

The notion of you being capable of rational thought or putting anything together one sentence remotely coherent or related to the truth requires the willing suspension of disbelief.

Our founders warned us about the dullard class; the end of the republic will not come from outside our borders, it will come from within when ignorant dullards on the left realize that they can vote themselves money. Dismissed dumbass; you truly are a caricature of ignorance.

Once more for the truly ignorant among us;

You fucking idiot. Learn something.
Once more for the truly ignorant among us;

You fucking idiot. Learn something.

Once again, and because you are an incredible buffoon who cannot read and comprehend the Liberal blogs you desperately think support your laughably dense version of history; from your own link:

Still, since we are forced to speculate, there is evidence of how the Founders, and the society they created, viewed these legal entities.

It says "SPECULATE" dipshit...I don't buy into speculation, I go for reality, the truth and the facts. Now run off and play in the sandbox with the kinder gardners; you're incapable of coherent debate.


Again, what the founders really feared was an all powerful Government and politicians being elected by uneducated dullards like you.

Read and become informed dimwit:

The design of the government under the Constitution was not haphazard. Our Founding Fathers understood that governments can oppress people. They knew it from their own experience—and they knew it from their extensive scrutiny of governmental forms throughout history. Concentrated power was more than dangerous … it was life threatening.

That’s why:

1.They balanced power between the three branches.
2.They gave each branch robust checks on the other two.
3.They gave the national government only enumerated powers, and retained all other power in the hands of either the people or the states.
4.They used the states to check the national government.
5.The members of each branch were chosen by a different method.
6.The term of office varied by government position.
7.An impeachment process was defined for extreme cases.

Concentrated political power frightened the Founders. They believed that only by limiting government could liberty survive the natural tendency of man to dictate the habits of other men. The balanced separation of power with checks was designed to prevent tyranny. Each branch was given delineated powers, and then each of these powers was limited and checked by another branch or entity. The system was purposely designed to slow governmental actions enough to allow due deliberation. This frustrates those who want the government to always “do something” about every problem, but it also hampers the government from doing something grievous that affects our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

I understand your desperate attempts to prove what an ignorant asshat you are, but even the dimmest wit would know when to give it a rest.
The thought that we wouldn't be better off with more rich is not rational.

The claim that the rich are the problem is an irrational argument for uneducated dullards who seldom engage their tiny incapable brains.

Thank you again for removing all doubt that you are a dumbass. Have some more of that Marxist kool-aid; dimwit.
The claim that the rich are the problem is an irrational argument for uneducated dullards who seldom engage their tiny incapable brains.

Thank you again for removing all doubt that you are a dumbass. Have some more of that Marxist kool-aid; dimwit.

The rich are a problem when they use their influence and power to rig the system in their favor, to the detriment of the lives of others.
Once again, and because you are an incredible buffoon who cannot read and comprehend the Liberal blogs you desperately think support your laughably dense version of history; from your own link:

Still, since we are forced to speculate, there is evidence of how the Founders, and the society they created, viewed these legal entities.

It says "SPECULATE" dipshit...I don't buy into speculation, I go for reality, the truth and the facts. Now run off and play in the sandbox with the kinder gardners; you're incapable of coherent debate.


Again, what the founders really feared was an all powerful Government and politicians being elected by uneducated dullards like you.

Read and become informed dimwit:

The design of the government under the Constitution was not haphazard. Our Founding Fathers understood that governments can oppress people. They knew it from their own experience—and they knew it from their extensive scrutiny of governmental forms throughout history. Concentrated power was more than dangerous … it was life threatening.

That’s why:

1.They balanced power between the three branches.
2.They gave each branch robust checks on the other two.
3.They gave the national government only enumerated powers, and retained all other power in the hands of either the people or the states.
4.They used the states to check the national government.
5.The members of each branch were chosen by a different method.
6.The term of office varied by government position.
7.An impeachment process was defined for extreme cases.

Concentrated political power frightened the Founders. They believed that only by limiting government could liberty survive the natural tendency of man to dictate the habits of other men. The balanced separation of power with checks was designed to prevent tyranny. Each branch was given delineated powers, and then each of these powers was limited and checked by another branch or entity. The system was purposely designed to slow governmental actions enough to allow due deliberation. This frustrates those who want the government to always “do something” about every problem, but it also hampers the government from doing something grievous that affects our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

I understand your desperate attempts to prove what an ignorant asshat you are, but even the dimmest wit would know when to give it a rest.

“The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. ”

― Thomas Jefferson