Which hate group has Ron Paul actually gone to a function of? So far you have posted a few quotes that have yet to be proven to be his in context. Then you posted a site that had his congressional office address on it.
So far you have about as much, or less, on this than AHZ does on the supposed Kennedy Family Conspiracy to Take Over The World....
I am not saying you are wrong in that those remarks are discomfitting, to say the least, I am saying that you are insisting his "participation" without evidence of such yet displayed.
At some point people of conscience are simply going to have to end the denials and face what is clearly before them. I recognize the depth of denial and continue to present the all-too-obvious.
Do a bit of research on the Political Cesspool where he has been a guest many times. It's the radio program for the White Citizens Council ... you'll find him listed under P, right above Prussian Blue, the white supremacist teenage singing duo. Waht was that Paul said about "racial identity" .. I guess that's only bad if you're not white.
Of course the Birchers would view him as "distinguished" as he is the ONLY congressperson to get a 100% rating from them.
Paul has a close association with Larry Pratt and Pete Peters, leader of Christian Identity which preaches that Jews are the offspring of Satan and that blacks are a "pre-Adamic" race of subhumans created before Adam and Eve. In his 1990 book, Armed People Victorious, he urged the United States to adopt a system of civil defense patrols like the one imposed on the population of Guatemala by its military bosses. "It is time that the United States return to reliance on an armed people," he wrote. "There is no acceptable alternative." Pratt endorses Paul for President and Paul refuses to distance himself from him.
He has been a guest speaker on fuctions of the Neo-Confederate Movement, which espouses beliefs like,
"A major factor in the monopoly by black athletes of our major sports is that many white potential athletes refuse to enter a sport that is dominated by blacks and to live in close personal and intimate contact with blacks that is required on athletic teams."
They are opposed to the Civil Rights Act and any and all civil rights legislation .. just like Paul.
They are opposed to all hate crime legislation .. just like Paul.
They openly advocate a division of the United States of America .. just like Paul. "Why do we need the federal government? There's no Cold War and no Communist threat. Many other nations are breaking into smaller and smaller pieces. The centralization of power in Washington occurred in a different time. Why not think about getting rid of the federal government, returning to the system of our Founders, and breaking up the United States into smaller government units?" .. Ron Paul
"Negroes, Asians and Orientals (is Japan the exception?); Hispanics, Latins, and Eastern Europeans; have no temperament for democracy, never had, and probably never will ..." .. which mirrors a comment by Paul about blacks.
They are supportive of violence against gays and Lesbians.
April 7th to 9th 1995 it held a symposium on "Secession, State, and Economy" in Charleston, South Carolina. One speaker was former member of Congress Ron Paul.
This is
PARTICIPATION and why would any sane politician even remotely associate themselves with such groups .. which
I have no illusions about being able to convince everyone and I'm not trying to do so. But common sense is all that's required here.