The Tiki Room.

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I've got no quibble with that at all, esp. because it is all true. I wasn't "hating on hunters" at all. I was appalled that my state (which is also Jade's) has a couple of bozos who want to legalize the murder of a non-game inedible species by turning them into a game species. Unlike a population of deer which as you say can outgrow the food supply and become weak and diseased w/o judicious hunting, that's not an issue for these migratory cranes.
I hate hunting, period.....not ashamed to say it. :D
I hate hunting, period.....not ashamed to say it. :D

I cannot begrudge responsible game hunters, but I personally cannot kill animals - I even save spiders from certain doom!

I make capital punishment exceptions for roaches, flies, and misquitos.

I admit to enjoying some free range beef or chicken, but I am trying to really limit the amount of meat I consume.
One of the Best signs ever:
If you want to thank a soldier properly, be the kind of American worth fighting for;)
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I cannot begrudge responsible game hunters, but I personally cannot kill animals - I even save spiders from certain doom!

I make capital punishment exceptions for roaches, flies, and misquitos.

I admit to enjoying some free range beef or chicken, but I am trying to really limit the amount of meat I consume.
I agree 100%. When I was little, I used to put sugar on ant beds, so they would have something to eat and I avoid stepping on them or any other living creature.

Don't understand how people can shoot and kill innocent animals but that's just me...
the evidence is in our court system

the court cases all prove that republican party cheats in elections and has done so for decades


right up to the SCOTUS
republican party has worked to cheat voters of color out of their rights to vote for decades

the proof is written in stone in our court records

only a traitor to our nation would lie about that
how is it not true ?

are you denying all those court cases are not part of American history?
One of the Best signs ever:
If you want to thank a soldier properly, be the kind of American worth fighting for....
How is that not true?...
Have a lovely morning/afternoon...Try to be one of those worth fighting for....
DNC v. RNC Consent Decree
November 5, 2016

In 1982, after caging in predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhoods, the Republican National Committee and New Jersey Republican State Committee entered into a consent decree with their Democratic party counterparts. Under that decree and its 1987 successor, the Republican party organizations agreed to allow a federal court to review proposed “ballot security” programs, including any proposed voter caging.
The consent decree has been invoked several times, by the parties to the decree and by others. In late 2008, the Democratic National Committee and Obama for America sought to enforce the consent decree, claiming that the RNC had not submitted alleged ballot security operations for review. After the election, the RNC asked the federal court to vacate or substantially modify the decree. The court denied the RNC's motion to vacate the consent decree and ordered the decree remain in effect until December 2017. The RNC then appealed to the Third Circuit, which unanimously rejected the appeal and affirmed the District Court's decision. A subsequent petition for rehearing en banc by the full Third Circuit, and a certiorari petition to U.S. Supreme Court, were denied.
On October 26, 2016, the DNC filed a motion asking that the court find the RNC had violated the decree. On November 5, after abbreviated discovery, the district court denied the DNC’s request, ruling that the DNC had not provided sufficient evidence of coordination between the Trump campaign and the RNC on ballot-security operations, but will allow the DNC to offer further evidence after the election.
Click here to learn more about voter caging.
Click here to learn more about ballot security programs.
Related Court Documents
Order Denying Request to Extend Decree (11/05/2016)
RNC's Memorandum in Opposition to Order to Show Cause (10/31/2016)
DNC's Memorandum in Support of Order to Show Cause (10/26/2016)
Petition for Rehearing (03/22/2012)
Third Circuit Opinion (03/08/2012)
Debevoise Order (12/01/2009)
Debevoise Opinion (12/01/2009)
RNC Post-Hearing Brief (06/26/2009)
DNC Post-Hearing Brief (06/26/2009)
RNC Reply Brief (02/19/2009)
DNC Brief Opposing Motion to Vacate (01/19/2009)
RNC Brief in Support of Motion (11/03/2008)
2008 (several states)
DNC Brief (11/03/2008)
DNC Brief Atty. Certification of Exhibits (11/03/2008)
OFA Intervention Memo (11/03/2008)
Minute Entry (11/03/2008)
2004 (Ohio)
Malone Dismissal (02/03/2005)
Malone en banc Decision (11/09/2004)
Malone Appellate Decision (11/01/2004)
Malone Order (11/01/2004)
Malone Intervenor PI brief (11/01/2004)
Malone Intervenor Complaint (10/31/2004)
Malone Memo in Support of Intervention (10/28/2004)
Malone Motion to Intervene (10/28/2004)
2004 (South Dakota)
Daschle Temporary Restraining Order (11/02/2004)
Daschle SD Complaint (11/01/2004)
2002 (New Jersey)
Order (10/31/2002)
1990 (North Carolina)
Order (11/05/1990)
1987 (several states)
Consent Decree (07/27/1987)
Original 1981 case (New Jersey)
Consent Decree (11/01/1982)
Complaint (02/11/1982)
One of the Best signs ever:
If you want to thank a soldier properly, be the kind of American worth fighting for....
How is that not true?...
Have a lovely morning/afternoon...Try to be one of those worth fighting for....

I fight against people who want to destroy the right to vote in this democracy

you protect the ones who do those crimes

its just fact
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