The Tiki Room.

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I've seen a few Sandhill Cranes around. I'm sickened by the fucktards among Michigan's lawmakers wanting to make a hunting season for them. Not my pic, but it's a good one.

I bet they were Republicans, like the assholes who introduced the two resolutions. The only time life is precious to those pricks is when it's in the womb of someone not their concubine.

Even if it was a liberal, they can still eat my shit for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
I bet they were Republicans, like the assholes who introduced the two resolutions. The only time life is precious to those pricks is when it's in the womb of someone not their concubine.

Yes, the ones who want cranes hunted are Republicans

Two Michigan lawmakers are pushing for a hunting season for sandhill cranes.

On April 10, House Resolution 61 and Senate Resolution 30 were introduced by Rep. Jim Lower (R-Cedar Lake), and Sen. Dale Zorn (R-Ida). Lower introduced a similar resolution (HR 154) in 2017.

The resolutions call on Michigan's Natural Resources Commission to add sandhill cranes to the game species list. And they urge the commission to seek the required approval from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to establish a hunting season for the birds.

The article gives me the impression this is just show boating by these two Republican legislators. Supposedly, their farmer constituents claim the cranes are a nuisance and harmful to their crops. But the state wildlife commission says there is zero chance they are planning on approving the hunting of cranes, resolutions or not.

My two cents: It is Kabuki theater so two wingnut legislators can give the impression they are fighting for the property rights of their farmer constituents.
What's that supposed to mean? Republicans are supposed to be wildlife haters now, not merely racist sexist homophobe hillbilly drunks lol?

I guess you haven't seen the attacks on the EPA and environmental regulations in general in the last few years, eh? As I pointed out when I posted the link to the proposed legislation in MI allowing sandhills to be hunted, it was (R)s who introduced it. One in the senate, one in the house.

There are plenty of other things to legally hunt. It's unlikely that the proposed legislation will go anywhere anyways because the cranes are a federally-protected species like all migratory birds. Some subspecies are threatened and/or endangered.
I guess you haven't seen the attacks on the EPA and environmental regulations in general in the last few years, eh? As I pointed out when I posted the link to the proposed legislation in MI allowing sandhills to be hunted, it was (R)s who introduced it. One in the senate, one in the house.

There are plenty of other things to legally hunt. It's unlikely that the proposed legislation will go anywhere anyways because the cranes are a federally-protected species like all migratory birds. Some subspecies are threatened and/or endangered.

I don't understand why some think animals are just out there to be shot.
I guess you haven't seen the attacks on the EPA and environmental regulations in general in the last few years, eh? As I pointed out when I posted the link to the proposed legislation in MI allowing sandhills to be hunted, it was (R)s who introduced it. One in the senate, one in the house.

There are plenty of other things to legally hunt. It's unlikely that the proposed legislation will go anywhere anyways because the cranes are a federally-protected species like all migratory birds. Some subspecies are threatened and/or endangered.

So instead of attacking the issue you attack the opposition Party. Got it.
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