The Tiki Room.

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Good morning everyone :)

A few friends and myself are taking our cars to Boalsburg, PA. tomorrow (where the holiday of Memorial Day was started) for their annual car show and Memorial Day festivities. It's about a 2 hr. drive so I sure hope it doesn't rain. Driving a car with no top in the rain sucks! Weather is looking pretty good as of now, but it will be a bit cool on the way there. Sweatshirt is a must in the early mornings.
Don't forget to include our first responders, they are American heroes as well.
..absolutely.....It's time for a National First Responders* addition to the ones already in place for our police, fire fighters, EMS ' providers, and public service employees...
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Good morning all. More work, The Staghorn hung under the front Oak tree and thrived. Now that the Oak is gone he just isn't doing well. Did some research and found that they don't like direct sunlight. So I am building a sun roof for him. I hope this works.
I think threads like this are a good idea, and Jade Dragon must be given credit for being the foremost proponent of civilized threads in this genre.

I recently started reading the the Iliad and the Odyssey. I can't remember if we read them in high school, but I felt that any educated person should have read them at least once by now. An intriguing backdrop to these landmarks of the western literary canon is what scholars call the Homeric Question.

The Homeric Question concerns the doubts and consequent debate over the identity of Homer, the authorship of the Iliad and Odyssey, and their historicity. The main subtopics of the Homeric Question are: "Who is Homer?"; "Are the Iliad and the Odyssey of multiple or single authorship?"; "By whom, when, where, and under what circumstances were the poems composed?"

Following the seminal work of Milman Parry, most classicists agree that, whether or not there was ever such a composer as Homer, the poems attributed to him are to some degree dependent on oral tradition, a generations-old technique that was the collective inheritance of many singer-poets.

source - wikipeida

The professor I am listening to makes a compelling case that the Iliad and the Odyssey were in fact composed by one source, a literary genius. The beauty and continuity of these epics points to a design by one person of remarkable imagination and literary skill, rather than a series of poems stitched and cobbled together from various and sundry bardic sources.
Good morning all. More work, The Staghorn hung under the front Oak tree and thrived. Now that the Oak is gone he just isn't doing well. Did some research and found that they don't like direct sunlight. So I am building a sun roof for him. I hope this works.

Got to love a person who builds a sunroof for a plant!
It is, I am blessed, we have very quiet neighbors, too. I love mornings especially when all the birds come to feed.

I am convinced that having serenity in one's life is paramount to mental, emotional, and physical health.
What are your favorite birds? I love the cardinals that visit my step-mothers yard.
I probably am in a vast minority in that I also like crows...a lot!
I am convinced that having serenity in one's life is paramount to mental, emotional, and physical health.
What are your favorite birds? I love the cardinals that visit my step-mothers yard.
I probably am in a vast minority in that I also like crows...a lot!
Crows and ravens are so intelligent. I also like them. I love the cardinals and the blue jays. It’s funny to watch the doves, they are very territorial with the other doves. There is one particular dove with a couple of rumpled feathers who is very bossy. The red headed blackbird is a new favorite. It is also very melodious. The Bluejays are very loud.

You can tell when the hawks are in the area, it gets very quiet. The other day a hawk swooped down after a dove, it flew through our neighbors tree. It happened so quickly. The dove was able to escape it, I don’t know how. They dive so quickly!
Crows and ravens are so intelligent. I also like them. I love the cardinals and the blue jays. It’s funny to watch the doves, they are very territorial with the other doves. There is one particular dove with a couple of rumpled feathers who is very bossy. The red headed blackbird is a new favorite. It is also very melodious. The Bluejays are very loud.

You can tell when the hawks are in the area, it gets very quiet. The other day a hawk swooped down after a dove, it flew through our neighbors tree. It happened so quickly. The dove was able to escape it, I don’t know how. They dive so quickly!

Enjoy your feathered friends!

I love to watch birds too. They are endlessly interesting. Personally, I cannot get enough of penguins!
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