The Tiki Room.

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I just love this so much. (I still do that now.) Maybe there are more of us than we know!

Hunting is not for me, but it is a way of life for a lot of ppl. Some of the families of kids I go to school with are subsistence hunters and fishermen/women. Because they are native and live on a rez, they are allowed to take a certain number of animals and/or fish in the ceded territories during times when hunting in general is not in season. They don't have the money or means to go to the grocery store like we do.

Do you eat meat? What do you think happens in the slaughter houses? At least in the wild, the prey have their natural habitat and senses to defeat the hunter.
Do you eat meat? What do you think happens in the slaughter houses? At least in the wild, the prey have their natural habitat and senses to defeat the hunter.

I understand that. As I said in several posts, I don't have anything against hunting for food. It's trophy hunting that I abhor, and killing just to kill -- not to eat. I'm fortunate enough to live in a time and place where we can afford to have someone else do the killing and butchering for us. You're right though; factory farms are often extremely inhumane places.
If you're full after a eating meal at a restaurant, then given the choice of desert:

Pro tip:

Don't eat it and don't whine about it on the internet because you chose to eat it.
Trump family loves to murder leopards, giraffes and elephants.


Has your cheese finally slid entirely off of the saltine??

Well, let a hunter chime in on this;

Our license fees go toward game management. That management keeps the populations in check. An example is coyotes, left to over-populate, they kill everything to near extinction from squirrels to small elk.
Example: When I was young, it was no rarity to see a herd of 15 -20 deer in the fields below the mountain I hunted when I scouted and spotlighted before the deer season. The coyote population increased significantly in that area and we're lucky to see 4 or 5 (usually 2 or 3) at one time anymore. Coyotes and fox have taken their toll on our deer herds, and virtually eliminated the ringneck population. In other areas that have no coyotes, the deer herds have increased to the point that during winter, they die of starvation because of competition for food (especially in deep snows), and in summer, put a major hurting on farm fields. So, in other words, hunters do protect wildlife.
Personally, with the exception of coyotes and groundhogs (that devastate the soybean fields and dig holes that break farm equipment), I've never hunted anything I didn't eat. My GF's brother-in-law hunts deer on his own land, butchers it and donates the meat to the local food bank. I have never had an interest in hunting exotic animals in foreign countries (it's the very rich who can afford it) so I cannot comment on what they do with the meat, but have heard they donate the meat to the locals. Myself, I know no one who hunts exotic game.
So, say and hate on us hunters all you want, but the truth of the matter is we hunters DO eat what we hunt and are responsible for the management and respect of our wildlife.

I've posted this before; but it's been some time ago:

In one of my jobs, I inspected cotton crops and one day I was talking to an older farmer and he was complaining about the ground squirrels destroying his field roads.

He said he had been living and working the same fields for years and he could remember when the Mexican Gray Wolf was still around; but when they were hunted to "extinction" in AZ, the coyotes took over.

The reason was because the wolves kept the coyote population in check, which meant the coyotes hunted quick meals like ground squirrels and rabbits.

He said that while they might lose a few cattle or sheep to the wolves, it was usually the older ones or those that were sick; but without an apex predator, the coyotes no longer were afraid of anything and they would kill new born calves and ewes.

And since the coyotes were no longer hunting the ground squirrels or rabbits, populations grew enough to now be a problem.

I had a wolf mix, back then, and we live about 2 miles from a river bottom.

During the summer nights, I would be sitting outside with him and we could hear the coyote packs yipping.

He would sit up and give out this long howl, the coyotes would shut up for the rest of the evening, and I swear he was smiling, when he laid back down. :D

He's been gone for some time now; but every now and then I'll be outside, during a summer evening, and can hear the coyotes yipping in the river bottom.

I'll throw my head back, mimic his howl and it has the same effect on the coyotes.

I've always wanted to visit somewhere, where wolves are still prevalent and see if I could get any answers to my howl. :)
Quite true. I think DS confused "civil" with "nonpartisan."

What did Dark Soul say that started it, seeing as how this is the post that you then participated in??

Trump family loves to murder leopards, giraffes and elephants.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Cypress For This Post: Aimée (Yesterday), Phantasmal (Today), ThatOwlWoman (Yesterday)

I wish someone would hunt them to extinction.

I bet they were Republicans, like the assholes who introduced the two resolutions. The only time life is precious to those pricks is when it's in the womb of someone not their concubine.

When it comes to protecting wildlife and/or other animals, you bet your bippy that it's not.
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Good morning Top. We got 2/3 of the shop/garage's vinyl siding installed. Ran out of material. Nephew is getting more and we will continue after he gets off work. Will send you pic when done.
What did Dark Soul say that started it, seeing as how this is the post that you then participated in??

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Cypress For This Post: Aimée (Yesterday), Phantasmal (Today), ThatOwlWoman (Yesterday)

Actually the posts are in line with the thread rule. People can post their opinions as long as they do it in a civil manor no name calling insults etc.
Good morning Top. We got 2/3 of the shop/garage's vinyl siding installed. Ran out of material. Nephew is getting more and we will continue after he gets off work. Will send you pic when done.
Excellent news:) Except for the running out, of course...;) Do send pics;)
Lots of weather "issues" here and around Ohio last night...we're collecting and will be sending supplies to a couple of hard hit areas today...pretty scary for a while....
So far no people or pets perished, though...stuff can be you know....
Excellent news:) Except for the running out, of course...;) Do send pics;)
Lots of weather "issues" here and around Ohio last night...we're collecting and will be sending supplies to a couple of hard hit areas today...pretty scary for a while....
So far no people or pets perished, though...stuff can be you know....

Yea I saw that Ohio was hit by two tornados. At least we know when a hurricane is headed our way.
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