The Tiki Room.

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Good morning everyone. Plumber snaked the drain got a lot of hair. How can hair get in the washer drain? I can see the tub and sink but the washer? Any suggestions?

Well, in the other nice thread you made a reference to missing hair. Maybe you found it! lol

Seriously though, it can stick to your clothes and end up in the wash.
Well, in the other nice thread you made a reference to missing hair. Maybe you found it! lol

It was directed at both of you. Jack has already replied.

I must have missed that part, where you directed it to "both of us"; because you quoted only me.

And you call this a "reply"??

No 'war' here. I was glad that USF found a 'Neutral Zone' where he could get a sasparella (Sarsaparilla) and chill for a while.

I guess if I would have said that I was glad that Jack finally pulled the stick out of his ass, over being thread banned; would have been acceptable.
Here's something nicer. First time I ever saw lupines blooming was in 2006, the year after I lost my husband. A photographer friend invited me to come up to Alaska and visit Denali Natl Park with him. He was a much older man and we only knew each other via the internet and our mutual interests in photography, especially the northern lights. Because he was an actual photog who made his living via that art, he was one of the few granted three-day passes to drive a private vehicle through the Park. There were designated turn-offs for camping, out of sight of the road. The photogs are also given the privilege of exiting their vehicles to take pictures of wildlife or vistas or flowers, or just to pull off the narrow road and explore. What a gift! He let me borrow his excellent camera at times and taught me how to do close-ups of flowers, small critters, or large vistas. First time that I ever saw lupines in bloom. They do not like the southern climate where I was from. I just loved them! Fast forward 13 years.... and we have lupines in our garden now.

It was directed at both of you. Jack has already replied.

Jack: "No 'war' here. I was glad that USF found a 'Neutral Zone' where he could get a sasparella (Sarsaparilla) and chill for a while."
USF: "And you call this a "reply"??"
USF: "I guess if I would have said that I was glad that Jack finally pulled the stick out of his ass, over being thread banned; would have been acceptable."
Owl; "*sigh* This is why we can't have nice things."
USF: "Or you could learn, at your age, to STFU and STFD."
Jack: Grumpy. Next time USF orders something, could you drop a few Quaaludes in it? Seems very tense, anal, amped, and ... 'triggered'.

Owl. Could you tell your twin brother to kick it down a few notches? I've had a hard day at my grandson's 16 y.o. birthday party. Tennis ... didn't do well, will NOT make any further comments. Pool ... did NOT get in, but did watch. Chess ... BINGO! Don't want to brag, but ...
Here's something nicer. First time I ever saw lupines blooming was in 2006, the year after I lost my husband. A photographer friend invited me to come up to Alaska and visit Denali Natl Park with him. He was a much older man and we only knew each other via the internet and our mutual interests in photography, especially the northern lights. Because he was an actual photog who made his living via that art, he was one of the few granted three-day passes to drive a private vehicle through the Park. There were designated turn-offs for camping, out of sight of the road. The photogs are also given the privilege of exiting their vehicles to take pictures of wildlife or vistas or flowers, or just to pull off the narrow road and explore. What a gift! He let me borrow his excellent camera at times and taught me how to do close-ups of flowers, small critters, or large vistas. First time that I ever saw lupines in bloom. They do not like the southern climate where I was from. I just loved them! Fast forward 13 years.... and we have lupines in our garden now.


Jack: "No 'war' here. I was glad that USF found a 'Neutral Zone' where he could get a sasparella (Sarsaparilla) and chill for a while."
USF: "And you call this a "reply"??"
USF: "I guess if I would have said that I was glad that Jack finally pulled the stick out of his ass, over being thread banned; would have been acceptable."
Owl; "*sigh* This is why we can't have nice things."
USF: "Or you could learn, at your age, to STFU and STFD."
Jack: Grumpy. Next time USF orders something, could you drop a few Quaaludes in it? Seems very tense, anal, amped, and ... 'triggered'.

Owl. Could you tell your twin brother to kick it down a few notches? I've had a hard day at my grandson's 16 y.o. birthday party. Tennis ... didn't do well, will NOT make any further comments. Pool ... did NOT get in, but did watch. Chess ... BINGO! Don't want to brag, but ...

After all that psychobabble, all you really wanted to say is brag about beating a 16 yr. old at chess?
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