Well ...isnt too bad that traditional Cultural Activities... (because when it comes down to it..thats what religion really is ...) are being suppressed ...? Due to multu-culturalism? One group must oppress and forfeit their traditions due to the demands (feelings) of the new kid in town?
Im sure there are those who would quickly respond with ... "well they could celebrate it at home in their own privacy" .. .. Thats not the point .. the school in question obviously has been celebrating Christmas for generations ...but now have decided to oppress their long cultural traditions due to the "feelings" of another group. one could easily correlate this with the American Tradition of Christmas being a National Holiday ... how long before this gets challanged in the courts because it offends certain groups? The name Christmas is obviously in referance to Christ .. so Im sure in one way or another it offends someone? It will happen ..mark my words.
Where do we draw the line? How far will we compromise our cultural traditions due to the oppresive nature of political correctness?
i love the holidays...... makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside... (though it might be the wiskey....
Don't let them bother you. I actually laughed when I read this interview with Coulter. I just thought to myself, what kind of miserable bastard do you have to be in order to await the holiday season so that you can tell people to go f themselves? I'm way happier than that. And I love December and all of the holidays. I tell people Merry Christmas if I know them and know that they celebrate it, and I mean it. If I don't know them well enough to know what they celebrate I say Happy Holidays, and I mean it.
You almost have to feel sorry for these miserable people.
All traditions change... Clearly. Do you really celebrate Christmass the same way your grandparents did?
Do you celebrate Christmas the way your parents did?
Do you celebrate Christmas the way you did when you were a kid?
Telling people you dont know "Merry Christmas" instead of happy holidays is akin to asking someone you dont know how there kids are, when you dont know if they have kids, dont have kids or lost their kids in a trajic acident!
Who would be offended by someone saying "Merry Christmas" during the holiday...Christains believe in Jesus,Muslims believe in Jesus,Jews recognize Jesus as one of their own...and why would an atheist be offended...ya did not ask him/her to convert just expressed your joy!
where did I use the word "offended"?
My joy at the birth of Jesus, by the way, pales in comparision to my joy at His resurrection. And I express my joy in both of those events as well as my joy at the life He live and the message He left us the Holy Spirit He gave us to intercede for us on His behalf...I express my joy for all of that in my actions every single day. I do not feel compelled by some seasonal rush of religiousity to blurt Merry Christmas into stranger's faces each December. My faith is not words and it certainly isn't "seasonal".