Well said Maineman .... what creeps me out is many of your left wing pals will not challange your belief in his resurrection ... but if a right winger were to have expressed the exact same sentiments they will have been openly ridiculed ... not by all mind you.. but by many.
As far as Merry Christmas ... it is such a sad commentary that we should be debating over a phrase that simply expresses the Joy of a Season. Christmas is a National Holiday .. it is not mandatory to celebrate (nor should it be) but it is recognised as such ... as it is throughout much of the World. Since it is recognised as a National Holdiay it flies in the face of all logic for the words Merry Christmas to be subjected to such scrutiny as to whether or not one is offended by them. It is on par with being offended by Happy Fourth of July ... because like Christmas this is also a National Holiday. Like I said in an earlier post... this Holiday of Christmas will one day be fought in the courts as to whether or not it violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment ...you know the one .. where people somehow interpret it as a Seperation of Church and State... where any mention of God or Creator in the public square...locally, State or federal is in direct violation. We have taken the iontentions of Freely Choosing ones faith to the degree of Censorship ... trying to uphold one Ammendment by mincing the words while violating another.
My goodness, someone is feeling persecuted today.
It never ceases to amaze me how in a country that is majority Christian, that has elected only Christian presidents, Christians somehow always feel persecuted. It must be the martyr complex.
Who on this board would "ridicule" you for expressing a belief in the resurrection of Christ, Klaatu? To me, common manners tells you not to wish a Jewish person a "merry christmas". That's not ridiculing your belief that Christ was the son of God.
It's very amusing that many Christians spend their time railing against the degenerate leftists for ruining Christmas, when it is so obvious that Christmas no longer has anything to do with Christ, if it ever did. It's nothing but a boondoggle for retailers and big business. Most Americans spend more on Christmas than they can afford, and a significant percentage of them, are still paying off last Christmas' bills. Christmas means financial stress to most people, and the added stress of trying to figure out who's going to get what, and who wants what, and who's not going to like their gift, and what is enough to spend. It's about advertising that tells people, if you really love her, she'll have a BMW in her driveway Christmas morning. How many parents are so desperate that their child has the "it" toy for this year, that they actually wait on lines before stores open to get it? Some of the idiots are actually bidding four or five or six times the retail value on ebay, because what are you going to tell your kid if Santa didn't bring them Tickle Me Elmo #46? God forbid you should tell them that Santa brings those toys to poor children who have very little else, and guess what? That's not you. Maybe teach them a little something about thinking about someone else. No, they'd rather punch out someone else's dad at the local Toys R Us, in order to get the last one.
Oh, it's all very Christ like alright. Wake up Klaatu. Federated department stores took the Christ out of Christmas long before any liberals thought to, or, cared to.