The Weed Shack

I'm going too have to send you all some gummies for all this excellent information and advice. Much appreciated!!
i baked a few brownies in my life time...too strong or too slow to come on.
But good for rock shows where you can't light up anymore
Observe the stamens in the buds. They will be white when they start to mature. As they mature they will change color at the tips. Usually a reddish/rust color. When the stamens completely change color it’s harvest time.

We aren't growing Mexican seed weed here.
When 50% of the white is red or brown, harvest. If you wait at that stage it starts regressing.
Sweet! Hmm. Got fresh new plans for Mr. Stud out there. lol
You actually do make it from the buds, it’s the strain, low thc strains. I was high when I wrote my comment and being silly.
Its such a science now, so different from the days we grew by the river.
You actually do make it from the buds, it’s the strain, low thc strains. I was high when I wrote my comment and being silly.
Its such a science now, so different from the days we grew by the river.

And when we bought a nickel bag and it was all stems and seeds and only made you cough but not much more. lol
We aren't growing Mexican seed weed here.
When 50% of the white is red or brown, harvest. If you wait at that stage it starts regressing.

I’ve heard some argue that but if you’re keeping a close eye on them I recommend picking them just as soon as the stamen changes color completely. They are at peak potency then and yes a little after they change color they will lose a little potency. I wouldn’t sweat that either. Between 50% and 100% isn’t going to make a big difference. If you started out with good seed they will be anywhere between those to points and I doubt you’ll complain about the potency.

The main point being is when the white stamens appear in the buds you’ll want to pay close attention to their color change.
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less then a year to Medicare for me.
I was smoking weed in 1967 -dropped acid for the moon landing in '69.

"Those were the daze my friend we thought they'd never end." ( some song lyric)

You gonna celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing with a Centrum Silver cocktail? lol

This is definitely an interesting anniversary year.... Woodstock, the Moon landing, the Manson murders, Chappaquidick, ARPANET and PBS were born, Golda Meir became PM of Israel, Stonewall riots, the Chicago 7 trial, and my parents took my sister and me for a three-week-long journey out West to see the National Parks and other cool stuff including two cousins we'd never met and haven't seen since. lol

What events do you remember from that momentous year?
You gonna celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing with a Centrum Silver cocktail? lol

This is definitely an interesting anniversary year.... Woodstock, the Moon landing, the Manson murders, Chappaquidick, ARPANET and PBS were born, Golda Meir became PM of Israel, Stonewall riots, the Chicago 7 trial, and my parents took my sister and me for a three-week-long journey out West to see the National Parks and other cool stuff including two cousins we'd never met and haven't seen since. lol

What events do you remember from that momentous year?
there were SO MANY.. nice list~

It was the year I went to my first large scale anti-war demonstration at College Park Md. ( U of Md.)

a riot broke out. cops charged the rioters ( demonstrators) and the demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails and rocks -unreal- stuff flying over my head and the skirmish line going back and forth. they tossed back the tear gas cannisters too.

A cop pulled up next to me on horse back and raised his club to knock me on the head. I cowered.
for some reason he pulled his horse up and wheeled away. I thought i was gonna get beaten.

That was it though, I found a concrete stairwell next to one of the buildings,and spent the night at the bottom of that stair well - it went on all night
there were SO MANY.. nice list~

It was the year I went to my first large scale anti-war demonstration at College Park Md. ( U of Md.)

a riot broke out. cops charged the rioters ( demonstrators) and the demonstrators threw Molotov cocktails and rocks -unreal- stuff flying over my head and the skirmish line going back and forth. they tossed back the tear gas cannisters too.

A cop pulled up next to me on horse back and raised his club to knock me on the head. I cowered.
for some reason he pulled his horse up and wheeled away. I thought i was gonna get beaten.

That was it though, I found a concrete stairwell next to one of the buildings,and spent the night at the bottom of that stair well - it went on all night

Holy shit! Wow, can't even imagine. Nothing like that where we lived (St. Louis), but every night it played out on the news, over and over. How awesome to have been part of history like that.
Holy shit! Wow, can't even imagine. Nothing like that where we lived (St. Louis), but every night it played out on the news, over and over. How awesome to have been part of history like that.
it is seared in my memory. Not sure if I consider it "awesome" it was terrifying at the time -especially the
rocks and Molotovs overhead and the tear gas and the National Guard, and the moving skirmish line...*yikes*

I had my back up aginst the wall in the bottom of the stairwell all night..just waiting for some shit to come down at me.

The students shut down US-1 most of the night I heard later
it is seared in my memory. Not sure if I consider it "awesome" it was terrifying at the time -especially the
rocks and Molotovs overhead and the tear gas and the National Guard, and the moving skirmish line...*yikes*

I had my back up aginst the wall in the bottom of the stairwell all night..just waiting for some shit to come down at me.

The students shut down US-1 most of the night I heard later

Do you have pics of yourself from back then?
Do you have pics of yourself from back then?
I doubt it..they would be Polaroids that have long yellowed out

Long black straight hair, John Lennon wire rim glasses, and carried a gut.. I'm getting rid of the gut though -
I dropped 25 pounds and am swimming EVERY DAY