The Weed Shack

I doubt it..they would be Polaroids that have long yellowed out

Long black straight hair, John Lennon wire rim glasses, and carried a gut.. I'm getting rid of the gut though -
I dropped 25 pounds and am swimming EVERY DAY

Oh wow.... good for you!
this thread still going? :thinking:

Well, time for a review.

This sessions weed of choice is called Citrus Sap.

The strain is a sativa leaning hybrid. This particular batch has a THC content of about 15%. This is a bit on the low end for yours truly, but I bought it for it's supposed very relaxing properties. According to leafly, it's very relaxing and uplifting. Medially, it's great for handling stress and pain primarily. Negatives are potential dry mouth, though I have not personally experienced this so far.

The texture is very spongy and soft. I love it when weed is like that. Not brittle, not falling apart to dust. This has a real squish too it.
It smells very grapefruity mixed with that musty smell of your grandmothers piano she put in her basement. Yum.

Taste.... is sparse. Sublte if you will, a bit earthy and grassy (as in actual grass, not weed parlance).

Overall effect is pretty mild. I would say it delivers on the relaxing/chill front. This may be good choice for "taking the edge off" while not being completely blasted at the same time.

However, I have vaped oil concentrates for the past month, so it could be my tolerance is up again and I need another tolerance break.

I will have to do more tests for my final review, but as of first impressions, I am going to give it a grade of "respectable and intriguing"
my review scale is as follows:

Level 1: Not worth it/not good/disappointing/would rather I spent my money on something else
Level 2: Respectable/decent/intriguing/interesting/no regrets purchasing/niche value
Level 3: Exceptional/a bonefide standout/better than most strains/would buy again

I think 1-10 scales are worthless. What does a 2 or a 3 tell you that a 1 doesn't? Below a certain threshold, it doens't matter how much something sucks. So my scale is basically, it was bad, it's pretty good/decent or it's exceptional. 1, 2 or 3. Easy.
My next qusi review is due up shortly with a pure sativa called lemon haze. Much higher THC content. Gonna take a night shower and shave off my beard (3 months in at this point, and I dont' give a shit, I'll nuke my beard in an instant).

Nothing better than stoned showers in the summer at night.
What? All of my friends smoke weed.

I know man, it's hard to believe. I forget sometimes not everyone partakes.

At the same time, every time I have stayed in line for a dispensary, I see a good mix of people. Seems equal numbers of women and men, old and young. I do notice that some of the older types have a very northeastern hippie vibe to most of them, think burlington. But plenty of adults just seem like normal people too.

I remember not even 10 years ago still playing that game where you try to figure people out by looking at them, how they talk, how they carry themselves, and try to piece together if they are a stoner or not. I kinda miss those days where cannabis culture was less mainstream and finding someone that was into weed was like this cool thing you both shared. And at the same time you wanted to keep it on the downlow amongst strangers because you don't know how they'd react.

Of course, I am not complaining, it's 1000 times better the way it is today. And just like we have wine snobs now, weed culture will continue to evolve and we'll still have our types that are more into it than others.

However, what has changed is I think that game I was describing wher eyou try to feel people out, isn't as useful anymore. Today, I don't think you would be able to tell by looking at all these people if they smoked weed. At this point, I assume most people have at some point in their lives, to not have smoked would be the exception, but perhaps that is just liberal massachusetts and the midwest/south still have more of a social stigma where they don't want to broadcast it. I wonder if motts friends are a bit stealth in that regard.
fuck... i need a tolerance break. this sucks.

starting tomorrow... i guess... for 7 days? ;_;

im so bummed now lol. fucking concentrates.
fuck... i need a tolerance break. this sucks.

starting tomorrow... i guess... for 7 days? ;_;

im so bummed now lol. fucking concentrates.
with that quality weed you are way over-partaking.

I'm told from my weed guy ( Florida means you still need a weed guy) that the CA hi-dose sensimilla
is being seized by the Post Office, and we are in a drought for excellent herb.

I don't smoke daytime ( reduces mental clarity) and at night it's a couple tokes spaced out over time.

The glut of good weed means you might be smoking more and enjoying it less.
kick the daytime use for awhile, that should keep you high for relaxation later

"Everybody's smoking but no ones getting high" - John Lennon
with that quality weed you are way over-partaking.

I'm told from my weed guy ( Florida means you still need a weed guy) that the CA hi-dose sensimilla
is being seized by the Post Office, and we are in a drought for excellent herb.

I don't smoke daytime ( reduces mental clarity) and at night it's a couple tokes spaced out over time.

The glut of good weed means you might be smoking more and enjoying it less.
kick the daytime use for awhile, that should keep you high for relaxation later

i actually don't usually use during the day. every now and then on the weekend i might try to make the day more interesting. or if there is rain during the day, I'll do it then. but on an average day I use it at night to wind down.

In the old days I would vape a couple of times a month, and I miss those days, because it was always this special little thing I was doing and it was like this major fun thing. Now it's just routine.

and I had concentrates for the last month which will get your tolerance up realll quick.

so yeah, time for another tolerance break. 7 days, lets go.
My next qusi review is due up shortly with a pure sativa called lemon haze. Much higher THC content. Gonna take a night shower and shave off my beard (3 months in at this point, and I dont' give a shit, I'll nuke my beard in an instant).

Nothing better than stoned showers in the summer at night.

Since you've confessed to having a black thumb, is it safe to assume that you get your weed at a shop? How is it dispensed there for vaping? How much does it cost?
i actually don't usually use during the day. every now and then on the weekend i might try to make the day more interesting. or if there is rain during the day, I'll do it then. but on an average day I use it at night to wind down.

In the old days I would vape a couple of times a month, and I miss those days, because it was always this special little thing I was doing and it was like this major fun thing. Now it's just routine.

and I had concentrates for the last month which will get your tolerance up realll quick.

so yeah, time for another tolerance break. 7 days, lets go.
it must be the concentrates then .
I smoke nightly and the dosage rarely changes - I keep it to a minimum..concentrations are the culprit as you say.
I know man, it's hard to believe. I forget sometimes not everyone partakes.

At the same time, every time I have stayed in line for a dispensary, I see a good mix of people. Seems equal numbers of women and men, old and young. I do notice that some of the older types have a very northeastern hippie vibe to most of them, think burlington. But plenty of adults just seem like normal people too.

I remember not even 10 years ago still playing that game where you try to figure people out by looking at them, how they talk, how they carry themselves, and try to piece together if they are a stoner or not. I kinda miss those days where cannabis culture was less mainstream and finding someone that was into weed was like this cool thing you both shared. And at the same time you wanted to keep it on the downlow amongst strangers because you don't know how they'd react.

Of course, I am not complaining, it's 1000 times better the way it is today. And just like we have wine snobs now, weed culture will continue to evolve and we'll still have our types that are more into it than others.

However, what has changed is I think that game I was describing wher eyou try to feel people out, isn't as useful anymore. Today, I don't think you would be able to tell by looking at all these people if they smoked weed. At this point, I assume most people have at some point in their lives, to not have smoked would be the exception, but perhaps that is just liberal massachusetts and the midwest/south still have more of a social stigma where they don't want to broadcast it. I wonder if motts friends are a bit stealth in that regard.

I hear ya.
I bet all Mott's friends excuse themselves from the dining table one after another and hit their one hitters by themselves while thinking what cubes the rest of the bunnies are.
Poor Mott
this thread still going? :thinking:

Well, time for a review.

This sessions weed of choice is called Citrus Sap.

The strain is a sativa leaning hybrid. This particular batch has a THC content of about 15%. This is a bit on the low end for yours truly, but I bought it for it's supposed very relaxing properties. According to leafly, it's very relaxing and uplifting. Medially, it's great for handling stress and pain primarily. Negatives are potential dry mouth, though I have not personally experienced this so far.

The texture is very spongy and soft. I love it when weed is like that. Not brittle, not falling apart to dust. This has a real squish too it.
It smells very grapefruity mixed with that musty smell of your grandmothers piano she put in her basement. Yum.

Taste.... is sparse. Sublte if you will, a bit earthy and grassy (as in actual grass, not weed parlance).

Overall effect is pretty mild. I would say it delivers on the relaxing/chill front. This may be good choice for "taking the edge off" while not being completely blasted at the same time.

However, I have vaped oil concentrates for the past month, so it could be my tolerance is up again and I need another tolerance break.

I will have to do more tests for my final review, but as of first impressions, I am going to give it a grade of "respectable and intriguing"
You don't have a tolerance problem, you have a weak weed problem.

Today's tasty treat: GG#4. THC, 22.8%.
Since you've confessed to having a black thumb, is it safe to assume that you get your weed at a shop? How is it dispensed there for vaping? How much does it cost?

I buy normal buds. They sell them in what like look little film canisters. In massachusetts it's 50 for 1/8th, and then mass throws a 20% tax on top. I bought 2 8ths of different strains, and it cost me around 120.

Then I grind up the herb, and put it in my grasshopper.

The grasshopper is a vaporizer disguised to look like a pen. You unscrew the bottom and put the weed inside.

It looks like this:

Then I click the button and I inhale.

Vaporization has numerous benefits. First it's much healthier as you don't actually combust the weed. You aren't getting tar or other carcinogens you would get with smoke. Instead you just heat the weed until the THC breaks off. Additionally it makes your weed last way longer. Perhaps 10x longer than if you used a bong or a bowl. It's also very stealthy as it doesn't create any smell and the vapor dissipates quickly.

The vaporizer itself was 200 dollars but there are cheaper ones and they will save you money fast in the long run.
You don't have a tolerance problem, you have a weak weed problem.

Today's tasty treat: GG#4. THC, 22.8%.

no, I am pretty sure it's tolerance. my second strain has THC in the mid 20's. Lab tested.

I have had multiple concentrates for a month straight. like.. a lot. lol. For example concentrates used to lay me on my ass but by the end of june even concentrates weren't lasting super long for me.
I buy normal buds. They sell them in what like look little film canisters. In massachusetts it's 50 for 1/8th, and then mass throws a 20% tax on top. I bought 2 8ths of different strains, and it cost me around 120.

Then I grind up the herb, and put it in my grasshopper.

The grasshopper is a vaporizer disguised to look like a pen. You unscrew the bottom and put the weed inside.

It looks like this:

Then I click the button and I inhale.

Vaporization has numerous benefits. First it's much healthier as you don't actually combust the weed. You aren't getting tar or other carcinogens you would get with smoke. Instead you just heat the weed until the THC breaks off. Additionally it makes your weed last way longer. Perhaps 10x longer than if you used a bong or a bowl. It's also very stealthy as it doesn't create any smell and the vapor dissipates quickly.

The vaporizer itself was 200 dollars but there are cheaper ones and they will save you money fast in the long run.

my second strain has THC in the mid 20's. Lab tested.
good grief..that;s incredible top shelf..
I'm smoking something i would guess at maybe 10% if that..1 toke at a time, maybe 4 tokes a night