The Weed Shack

Google Harry J Anslinger,he spearheaded illegal pot

Thank you for the the info, didn't know about that prick. However, my Google showed that Hearst was still the major player. But I I did not know about that dick weed. If you don't get it, you never will.

I researched this stuff before the internet. At my local library. I'm serious, I had to use index cards. And the librarian, she came over and asked if I needed help, and then when she saw what I was searching, she politely coughed and had business elsewhere.... LOL wasn't a thing back then, but I laughed.

I appreciate the updates, but honestly, I haven't really researched the history of Marijuana laws in several years. I focus on the current laws now.

I researched this stuff before the internet. At my local library. I'm serious, I had to use index cards. And the librarian, she came over and asked if I needed help, and then when she saw what I was searching, she politely coughed and had business elsewhere.... LOL wasn't a thing back then, but I laughed.

I appreciate the updates, but honestly, I haven't really researched the history of Marijuana laws in several years. I focus on the current laws now.

People use to go to jail for a joint.
something very interesting a weed veteran such as much as discovered so well into my weed partaking...

So I generally vape at night. Lately I've been thinking my tolerance was way too high, I would feel 30 minutes into my sesh completely normal. Then I would take a tolerance break. then same thing, it's like my weed wasn't working at all.

Anyway today I did a rare midday sesh. I don't vape much often during the day. All of a sudden, im like totally lit. and for hours upon hours. im 4 hours into my sesh... still high as balls. same strain.

So what gives? The only thing I can think of is that my brain has gotten used to weed at certain times of the day, maybe it prepares for it or something? I mean I know other chemicals in the body do this. For example your body will produce grehlin, which is the hormone that makes you feel hungry, and it does this based on your own meal patterns. So that is one option.

The other option I was thinking is that at night there is less sensory input for my brain to trip out on. For example right now I hear cicadas outside and birds chirping, there is more general noise, and this things make me notice I'm high more.

But it's literally the difference of night and day. It's really weird, and 100% not in my head. It's a huge difference.

I must do more of this for science.
something very interesting a weed veteran such as much as discovered so well into my weed partaking...

So I generally vape at night. Lately I've been thinking my tolerance was way too high, I would feel 30 minutes into my sesh completely normal. Then I would take a tolerance break. then same thing, it's like my weed wasn't working at all.

Anyway today I did a rare midday sesh. I don't vape much often during the day. All of a sudden, im like totally lit. and for hours upon hours. im 4 hours into my sesh... still high as balls. same strain.

So what gives? The only thing I can think of is that my brain has gotten used to weed at certain times of the day, maybe it prepares for it or something? I mean I know other chemicals in the body do this. For example your body will produce grehlin, which is the hormone that makes you feel hungry, and it does this based on your own meal patterns. So that is one option.

The other option I was thinking is that at night there is less sensory input for my brain to trip out on. For example right now I hear cicadas outside and birds chirping, there is more general noise, and this things make me notice I'm high more.

But it's literally the difference of night and day. It's really weird, and 100% not in my head. It's a huge difference.

I must do more of this for science.

One of our local up north breweries is doing this.
I have started meditating. I've been doing like 40 minutes a day. anyone have experience?

You're up to 40 minutes??

The Fook bro.

I have been trying since I was 17. Lived in a small coastal town, so no worries there. Had a Hill or four you could climb and I freaking climbed all the mountains and all the hills and sat at the top of all of them. ALL of them.

And I sat and I pondered. And I knew I was blessed beyond most people for growing up and living where I was and found no peace.

I'm not going to tell the board where I went next, but, my friend, peace is truly an inner journey. And I highly recommend an external journey to try and find it.

I haven't found mine yet, I hope to someday. Mahalo brother.
I interrupt these musings with an important announcement.... we have buds! For the last month I've been tarping the hoop house in the evening to give the girls 12 hrs. of dark, or almost-dark anyways. It's working! Thanks for your essential book recommendations. Will let you know how harvest turns out.
You're up to 40 minutes??

The Fook bro.

I have been trying since I was 17. Lived in a small coastal town, so no worries there. Had a Hill or four you could climb and I freaking climbed all the mountains and all the hills and sat at the top of all of them. ALL of them.

And I sat and I pondered. And I knew I was blessed beyond most people for growing up and living where I was and found no peace.

I'm not going to tell the board where I went next, but, my friend, peace is truly an inner journey. And I highly recommend an external journey to try and find it.

I haven't found mine yet, I hope to someday. Mahalo brother.

i dont do 40 minutes at a time. I do two 20 minutes sessions. easier to manage.
I interrupt these musings with an important announcement.... we have buds! For the last month I've been tarping the hoop house in the evening to give the girls 12 hrs. of dark, or almost-dark anyways. It's working! Thanks for your essential book recommendations. Will let you know how harvest turns out.





just did my last sesh.

guess i have to go buy more :/

a quarter lasted me two months. not too bad i guess.

I think i just went wayyyy to far on this current session

I've got the echos. Which is what I describe as that feeling as if the whole room is electric and there is a sensory overload.

That's what I got right now.

Oh yeah and by the way yurt, you say some really dumb shit when you are stoned bro. LOL.

Get it together.

Anyway that's the narrative for now. Goodbye you random text on the screen.