The Who

Thank you. I've been trying to get a feel of the people on the board before I jumped in. I like the things you can get away with on this board.
Sich bastard:

One web site subscriber operation involved the Landslide site in the US, which was a portal to about 300 sites located primarily in Russia and Indonesia. Subscribers provided credit card details to obtain access. In Operation Ore, which was the UK portion of this investigation, an offender was convicted in 2004 of the possession of over 495,000 images of children in a collection of 10-20 million pornographic images. Among those investigated was the former rock performer Pete Townsend whose name was placed on the sex offenders register in England following an official police caution in lieu of prosecution. series/tandi/281-300/tandi296/view paper.aspx
I was disappointed. Can't the NFL get relevant, non-fossil bands to play at the Super Bowl half-time? Must they always be walking advertisements for the AARP, Cialis, mortuaries, and REALLY OLD PEOPLE???

Your generation is not cool, Who!!!
I love the 60's generation for what they were, but not for whom they grew up and voted for. In retrospect it would've been better if the supreme court would've legalized abortion in 30's.
I was disappointed. Can't the NFL get relevant, non-fossil bands to play at the Super Bowl half-time? Must they always be walking advertisements for the AARP, Cialis, mortuaries, and REALLY OLD PEOPLE???

Your generation is not cool, Who!!!
When they do, they wind up tearing the top off one of the old fogeys.
the who suck and are completely irrelevant. the only way it could have been worse is if they got u2 to play