The Who

I was disappointed. Can't the NFL get relevant, non-fossil bands to play at the Super Bowl half-time? Must they always be walking advertisements for the AARP, Cialis, mortuaries, and REALLY OLD PEOPLE???

Your generation is not cool, Who!!!
and to think Dixie wants to outlaw abortion. What a tool.
I love the 60's generation for what they were, but not for whom they grew up and voted for. In retrospect it would've been better if the supreme court would've legalized abortion in 30's.
It doesn't matter. Abortion was legal when 3D was born and his parents kept the insufferable little prick anyways. It's a good thing the little gerber knows as little about music as he does politics and women.
Well I've seen the Who (1979 in Cincinnati, if that means anything to anyone) and I've seen the Offspring. Now not considering what happened outside the Who concert anyone who's seen both, like I have, and read your post can only consider that you are mind numbingly stupid when it comes to music. I mean really mouth breathin stupid. I mean like tone deaf, couldn't carry a tune with a bucket, I like Madonna Emo stupid about music. Even Offspring would laugh their asses off to hear someone say something that musically stupid.
mott this isn't 1979. the who looked like corpses up there.
That's a good point but Emo gerbers like 3D shouldn't knock their music. I have to agree that Grace Slick is right about why she wouldn't perform anymore when she said "There's nothing more pathetic than an old Rocker." but groups like The Who are hardly irrelevent, except of course to an Emo gerber who knows nothing about music, like 3D.

I don't think you understand my 1979 comment. A significant event occurred at that Who concert in Cincinnati. It was awful (the event, not the Who, that was one of the best concerts I ever saw).
Why wouldn't he be prosecuted for that? I guess money buys innocence (pun intended).

In any event knowing this I've decided to use my Who vinyl collection as Frisbees. :)
No one has that kind of money. He agreed to register in the UK as a sex offender in lieu of prosecution. I don't know the details. If he was looking at nudies of 17 yo teens, that's a bit harsh. If he was looking at true child porn, he got off easy.
People actually watch the half-time show? I thought it was a time to get the beer together and put more chips in the bowl, maybe make a bit more guacamole...