The Who

No, he was investigated for logging on to a child porn site, he said it was for research and I'm inclined to believe him as did the police at the time.
So was he a registered sex offender or not. I need to know before my copy of Tommy gets launched off the deck. :)
I think Townsend was stupid here but his access was obviously related to the essay he was writing. The law is statutory though, and intent is supposed to be irrelevant, but the police clearly felt that this was an extraordinary case. Otherwise he would have gone to prison.
No, he was released without charge.
After a four-month investigation, London police today cleared Pete Townshend of kiddie porn charges. But the rock star will still spend five years on a U.K. register of sex offenders because the co-founder of The Who visited a web site containing child porn images. Townshend was nabbed in January on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children, though no such photos were found following a search of his home and computer. At the time of his arrest, Townshend admitted using his credit card to visit a web site offering child porn, but told cops he was just conducting research. Along with being placed on the sex offender registry, the performer had to submit a DNA sample to police and have his fingerprints and mug shot taken. As part of his "research project," Townshend drafted the below six-page treatise on the easy availability of child pornography on the Internet. So easy, in fact, that Townshend, 57, wrote that he accidentally discovered a photo of a two-year-old boy being raped when he typed the words "Russia," "orphanages," and "boys" into a search engine. Townshend claimed that he reached for his telephone and "intended to call the police and take them through the process I had stumbled upon--and bring the pornographers involved to [jail]," but that he decided not to contact authorities after discussing the issue with an attorney. Townshend's paper, which he once posted on his official web site, also notes that the "pathway to 'free' paedophilic imagery is--as it were--laid out like a free line of cocaine at a decadent cocktail party: only the strong willed or terminally uncurious can resist."

Frisbee toss coming up...

I stand corrected, but it is worthwhile noting the effect Operation Ore had on many innocent people whose only crime was to be a victim of identity theft. Pete Townsend's computer was taken away and no downloaded images were found on the hard drive. He is one of the most intelligent people in the music world and surely if he wanted to get porn for his own gratification he wouldn't have used his own credit card?
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That's a good point but Emo gerbers like 3D shouldn't knock their music. I have to agree that Grace Slick is right about why she wouldn't perform anymore when she said "There's nothing more pathetic than an old Rocker." but groups like The Who are hardly irrelevent, except of course to an Emo gerber who knows nothing about music, like 3D.

I don't think you understand my 1979 comment. A significant event occurred at that Who concert in Cincinnati. It was awful (the event, not the Who, that was one of the best concerts I ever saw).

The Who sucked in 1979, too. They were just younger then, but even having a band like the Stones perform, who were great in their day, is a major buzzkill.
The Who sucked in 1979, too. They were just younger then, but even having a band like the Stones perform, who were great in their day, is a major buzzkill.

Here are the Who when they were at their peak with Keith Moon and John Entwistle.

[ame=""]YouTube- The Who , Won't Get Fooled Again TOTPs[/ame]
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