Their name is Legion

So, one time mocking a Jewish poster

Zero times harassing and mocking Buddhist posters

And ten billion times mocking and deriding Jesus and world Christianity as a whole.

I would say you still have an enormous amount of work ahead of you to prove you are a genuinely and consistently irreligious person, and not just a militant anti-christian troll

Jack has a bug up his ass about Jesus. I asked him nicely why that is, but he refuses to answer so now I'm going to weaponize his bipolarism and watch him get himself banned off JPP.
Jack has a bug up his ass about Jesus. I asked him nicely why that is, but he refuses to answer so now I'm going to weaponize his bipolarism and watch him get himself banned off JPP.

How hard is it to just be honest and say:

"Yep, I am not actually a genuinely and consistently principled irreligious person. I am an anti-christian troll."

I have never had a problem telling bible thumpers, atheists, or agnostics what I honestly think.

And it is not a crime to be a troll.
How hard is it to just be honest and say:

"Yep, I am not actually a genuinely and consistently principled irreligious person. I am an anti-christian troll."

I have never had a problem telling bible thumpers, atheists, or agnostics what I honestly think.

And it is not a crime to be a troll.

:) Cypress. Are you attempting to associate the natural characteristics and human qualities of Man, to some 'religious event'?

Our evolution, good or bad, is what brought us to this point. Throughout history, it's been tribal warfare. You see it today.
How hard is it to just be honest and say:

"Yep, I am not actually a genuinely and consistently principled irreligious person. I am an anti-christian troll."

I have never had a problem telling bible thumpers, atheists, or agnostics what I honestly think.

And it is not a crime to be a troll.

Apparently it's impossible for Jack to say. Still, even if he did, that's not good enough for me.

There's a story behind Jack's hatred of Christianity and I'm either going to find out what it is or help him off the forum so no one will have to listen to his bullshit again.
Yes you are, Jack, because now you are my mission, Jack.

I'm going to get satisfaction one way or another. You'll either be taking your meds all the time or I'm going to use your bipolarism against you.

How hard is it to just be honest and say:

"Yep, I am not actually a genuinely and consistently principled irreligious person. I am an anti-christian troll."

I have never had a problem telling bible thumpers, atheists, or agnostics what I honestly think.

And it is not a crime to be a troll.

Please tell me you are not finding fault in Homo Sapiens over some made up 'Garden of Eden' story you found in a religious text.
If you seriously believe that at one point the Homo Sapiens where really just a bunch of nice people living the good life, then ... out of nowhere, they became 'Evil', you really have gone over the edge.
The Neanderthals, good people, not a bad thought amongst them. All the other Hominids, not a bad bone in their body.
If this is what you are trying to say, or convey, or explain, ... you've lost touch with Reality.
Apparently it's impossible for Jack to say. Still, even if he did, that's not good enough for me.

There's a story behind Jack's hatred of Christianity and I'm either going to find out what it is or help him off the forum so no one will have to listen to his bullshit again.

My theory is that most anti-christian trolls were dragged by parents to some Fundy church and have never gotten over the trauma.

Still a mystery to me why anti-christian trolls invest virtually 100 percent of their time mocking christians for the Old Testament, aka Hebrew bible, when it was Jews who actually wrote it and consider it holy scripture.

Have you seen these trolls mocking Jews for the Hebrew bible? I haven't.

You would think the Buddhist concept of Samsara would be ripe for opportunities for trolls to mock Buddhist posters. Everyone on the planet understands the concept of reincarnation. But I haven't seen one single example of the supposedly consistently principled atheist Jack mocking Buddhist posters.

It defies plausible explanation.
My theory is that most anti-christian trolls were dragged by parents to some Fundy church and have never gotten over the trauma.

Still a mystery to me why anti-christian trolls invest virtually 100 percent of their time mocking christians for the Old Testament, aka Hebrew bible, when it was Jews who actually wrote it and consider it holy scripture.

Have you seen these trolls mocking Jews for the Hebrew bible? I haven't.

You would think the Buddhist concept of Samsara would be ripe for opportunities for trolls to mock Buddhist posters. Everyone on the planet understands the concept of reincarnation. But I haven't seen one single example of the supposedly consistently principled atheist Jack mocking Buddhist posters.

It defies plausible explanation.

Hey. Maybe we do come back as different Life Forms. Maybe we have a Soul/Spirit that 'goes' somewhere? There's lots of unknown things. A thousand years from now, people will look at us as Primitive Savages.
I won't press you on your 'Homo Sapiens were gentle, kind, considerate, people living the High Life until that dumbass bitch Eve ate that fucking apple'. I'm sure you have somehow contorted it in your brain to make perfect sense.
I think you have been brainwashed as a child into believing what ever religious institution you were brought to. I'm guessing Greek Orthodox or Eastern Orthodox by your past claim of heritage.

Talk to you later, Cypress. You and Dutch can continue your deep and meaningful discussion.

Oh, PS: I visited the Owl Soap Opera Thread and bashed Dutch for his 'Christian' behavior, and at the same time mocked your 'Homo Sapiens Lived In Paradise' claim. You might want to go over there and clean that up.
Please tell me you are not finding fault in Homo Sapiens over some made up 'Garden of Eden' story you found in a religious text.
If you seriously believe that at one point the Homo Sapiens where really just a bunch of nice people living the good life, then ... out of nowhere, they became 'Evil', you really have gone over the edge.
The Neanderthals, good people, not a bad thought amongst them. All the other Hominids, not a bad bone in their body.
If this is what you are trying to say, or convey, or explain, ... you've lost touch with Reality.

Please tell me your reading comprehension skills do not lead you to equate a tiny kernel of truth with the supposed historicity of a parable about a naked man and woman in a garden.

I think humans are uniquely violent in the animal world. And I have the genocides, mass murders, torture, wars, ethnic cleansing, and unrestrained hatred to prove it.
My theory is that most anti-christian trolls were dragged by parents to some Fundy church and have never gotten over the trauma.

Still a mystery to me why anti-christian trolls invest virtually 100 percent of their time mocking christians for the Old Testament, aka Hebrew bible, when it was Jews who actually wrote it and consider it holy scripture.

Have you seen these trolls mocking Jews for the Hebrew bible? I haven't.

You would think the Buddhist concept of Samsara would be ripe for opportunities for trolls to mock Buddhist posters. Everyone on the planet understands the concept of reincarnation. But I haven't seen one single example of the supposedly consistently principled atheist Jack mocking Buddhist posters.

It defies plausible explanation.

Do the Jews push their beliefs on others?
Please tell me your reading comprehension skills do not lead you to equate a tiny kernel of truth with the supposed historicity of a parable about a naked man and woman in a garden.

I think humans are uniquely violent in the animal world. And I have the genocides, mass murders, torture, wars, ethnic cleansing, and unrestrained hatred to prove it.

Good. Welcome to Reality. We are a Product of Evolution. Like it or not, this is who we are.
There are many people who claim (I am not one of them) that America's Jewish lobby drives American foreign policy and makes us subservient to the interests of the Jewish State of Israel

Yeah. Seems that our government and the RW media focus too much on Israel. And that they try to silence anyone by calling them anti Semitic.
Good. Welcome to Reality. We are a Product of Evolution. Like it or not, this is who we are.

There are a lot of tiny little kernels of truth in the religious texts of the world. It does not mean I think religious texts are historically accurate reports of events and activities..

The Hindu tradition claimed the Earth was billions of years old. That seemed implausible to western scientists of the 18th and 19th centuries. It wasn't until the 20th century that it was confirmed by science the Earth was billions of years old..

Scientists at one time thought the universe was unchanging and had always existed. It wasn't until the 20th century and the discovery of the Big Bang that we realized there really was a moment of creation.

Genetic studies demostrate a Mitochondrial Eve and a Y chromosome Adam.

None of this proves anything in Genesis or the Vedas, it just obliquely shows there are tiny little kernels of truth in some ancient writings, which may well just be coincidence
thats you duck you only care about you and your fellow pervert liberals

I care about drunken, street bums like you, Bob, and also bipolar fuckups who refuse to take their meds like Jack/jakemax.

The bad news for you two idiots is that I'm also a big believer in Tough Love. Punishing you for being fucking stupid is good for you.

I'll be there when you do good too...if you last that long.
I care about drunken, street bums like you, Bob, and also bipolar fuckups who refuse to take their meds like Jack/jakemax.

The bad news for you two idiots is that I'm also a big believer in Tough Love. Punishing you for being fucking stupid is good for you.

I'll be there when you do good too...if you last that long.
sorry duck but your a pervert and you know it , your the kind of person back in the day they would bend over belly first on a barb wire fence then slowly add hot coals under your face and let it melt while they they jammed a sharp pole about 4 inches around up your ass till he came out the other end .
sorry duck but your a pervert and you know it , your the kind of person back in the day they would bend over belly first on a barb wire fence then slowly add hot coals under your face and let it melt while they they jammed a sharp pole about 4 inches around up your ass till he came out the other end .

I'm a good guy, Bob. I'd only do that if to someone who truly deserved it. Why do you think I deserve it, bobbie?