"I can't speak for all liberals, but I can't recall ever once suggesting that Exxon or General Motors can't make as much profit as they can within the law."
I understand you cannot, but how many damn threads just on these two sites were started solely on the Exxon making too much profit? People bitching and moaning about it consistently.
"I have said that - given that oil is over 60 dollars a barrel, and Exxon is making record profits - they do not need the special tax breaks that Bush gave them in 2003, and they definetly don't need a plethora of offshore tax havens to avoid american taxes. "
Absolutely NO argument from me. (just for clarification... many of the tax breaks and subsidies they have gotten have been around much longer than 2003)
"Sfreak, honestly you should be glad we have the legal system we do. One thing that is great about america, is that we are the most progressive country on the planet when it comes to protecting individual rights. Even the allegedly "enlightened" western europe doesn't come close to us. "
I agree with you with regards to the system. My problem comes with the monetary awards. They are outrageous and WAY too many people believe that they are justified.... yet few seem to understand that WE are the ones that are paying for them.
"If a Shell Oil refinery in France poisons your child through criminal neglect, or malfesance, you as a french citizen have virutally no recourse for legal redress. You will be told to shut up and deal with it. "
True. Again, I do not have a problem with the system. It is the insane awards that are given out.
"This country is pretty much the only one on the planet, that at least makes a nominal attempt to balance the rights of the average citizen, against large, wealthy business and corporate interests."
Again, agreed.