Hello Gunny2009.
It is called "hyperbole"...perhaps you have heard if it.
The point is the government is too often the solution.
These days we see those who claim to be on the "right" wanting to government to deal with the problem of Facebook or Google or Twitter
And those on the left wanting the government to deal with those that do no want to bake a cake or take a picture.
It is the reason that we have seat belt laws, helmet laws, smoking bans in private business...just to name a few
Good debate. Thanks for your comment.
Seat belt laws, helmet laws, and smoking bans save lives. That also happens to save us money. It costs us when productive members of society get killed. Everything we invested in them is lost. Whatever job they performed goes unperformed. Taxes they were paying no longer get paid. Survivors may go on benefits. And their family is impacted negatively. If it were not for government, FAR more Americans would be dying from unsafe products and modes of transportation. Capitalism fought most of the safety enhancements now built into cars and travel.
"The point is the government is too often the solution."
NOW we are getting down to our actual disagreement. Now that you have thankfully abandoned the exaggeration of claiming that the left thinks government should be the solution to every problem.
And this is precisely where we disagree. I see our government in a completely different light. I have known, do know, many people who work for the government. These are good people. They are serving our society, doing good things that help people. Their efforts enhance our standard of living. Government can do a lot for us. It helps our society, helps people live good long happy lives. Not everybody is a powerful capitalist. Actually, most people just want to work a job they like, collect their pay, have a nice life. Most people are not even TRYING to get super-rich. That's not the goal for most people. People want to have a nice life they enjoy. Government helps that. We've got a huge choice of services, safety enhancements, parks, libraries, possible jobs, and protections offered by our government. Government is looking out for our safety before we are even aware of a danger. And that's a good thing in this age of technology where dangers can be very hidden, or not present themselves for years or decades after exposure to a product.
We have a wonderful government! Does it have problems? Of course it does. It takes a lot of work to run a government. That work is done by humans. Humans make mistakes. Sometimes they get greedy and try to take things that don't belong to them. Sometimes they get lazy and try to hold a job without really doing the work. That happens in capitalism, too. All part of the challenge of having our big government for our big country. A small one will not serve us better.
The same way the right mischaracterizes how 'the left thinks government should try to solve all our problems' they also mischaracterize the problems which inevitably arise with a large organization like government. If government has problems we should try to solve them. The solution is not to cut it off at the knees and simply try to reduce the size. This is not a simple problem. We are a big country and we need a big government to run it. And that creates big problems that we have to deal with. Corruption, bad workers and bad ideas are all part of it. Welcome to reality. Now, let's roll up our shirt sleeves, do what we can to truly understand our issues and DEAL WITH THEM!
That doesn't mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater.