Thick Skin Test...


Staff member
I think I'll be turning on the reputation system. As we are well aware the site is a bit lopsided toward one side of the political spectrum, even if Libertarians are over represented as a percentage of population...

Any thoughts from the users?

Basically it is a silly system that allows people to give positive or negative points to a post, if they have a positive rep themselves, and if they don't try to give out too much.

I figure it will be a fun experiment and we can see how it goes. If we are hatin' it I can always shut it off and we can go on blissfully aware, usually by direct posts, of how people feel about us anyway.

Sounds like a hoot to me. How often can I give Kingdanomation and Dixie points?
it's basically advanced grind points. i can't wait to punish watermark and usshitizen.

Bloody hell you weren't joking either.

I was wondering what those little green things were and why Water was the only one on the board with a little red thing. Now it all becomes clear.
no asshat. it's going to be an accurate and fool proof system and judge of character of everyone on this site.
no asshat. it's going to be an accurate and fool proof system and judge of character of everyone on this site.

That needed to be said. I've seen other forums where they started to create rules about valid reasons for giving rep. because of the whiners. <rudeness deleted>
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no asshat. it's going to be an accurate and fool proof system and judge of character of everyone on this site.

Ha ha!

You know what I love about it is, the people who take it really seriously and who will start to complain that anyone who gave them bad rep points shouldn't be allowed to for one reason or the other, are the self-proclaimes independents. They always take themselves very seriously. And because they agree with liberals on some things, and cons on some things, and libertarians on some things, then they are the most sensible.

So, if I write something about women's issues, and they say "Hey wait a minute! Now you are getting carried away. I'm all for things like equal pay, but now you've gone too far" then that means I must have gone too far, because they are the final barometer.

They crack me up the most, and they are the ones who will whine about this. You will see.
I vow to do the same I have done on every site that has them.

I will use the positive ones and will never give anyone a neg one.

I have had to have a mod confirm I have never neg repped anyone in the past on a couple of sites when I claimed to not have ever used it.

It always blows people away that I really have never done it.

Not once have I used a neg rep anywhere they are used.

I am fully aware this means I will have nothing but neg reps for the entire time I'm on here because someone is going to feel the need to try and make me neg rep them.

One chick at another site neg reped me like ten times a day. The mod had to change the rules because of it. I still never once neg repped her. Sad thing is I think he later made her a mod.

Oh well let the high school antics begin. It will be good for some laughs.
I resign and major changes start happening. :(

okay I will make you feel better...I thought this guy looked like Bill Gates or was USC's Vietnam he reminds me of you...the dude holding the heart!:cof1: enjoy and feel free to neg me all ya want!

Aloha...hang five or ten if ya dare...remember when I critiqued your first vid attempt? match the lyrics with the scene!:pke:
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we could also take bets in rep, over who will win the "debate" under the challenge thread, losers get neg rep winners get pos rep....PM the bookie if your interested:cool:
chloe are you mormon? I notice you are from utah.

Also, what's your age if you don't mind me asking? Don't answer that one if you don't want to. I'm just curious.
who cares if you have neg reps or not like do people really care about this stuff? O_o

It appears that some do. :dunno:

I've seen people get seriously hacked about things I would dismiss. It doesn't matter what people on the board say about you.
chloe are you mormon? I notice you are from utah.

Also, what's your age if you don't mind me asking? Don't answer that one if you don't want to. I'm just curious.

Chloe, that is Grind trying to pick you up. Please excuse his smooth style.