Thick Skin Test...

This will be an interesting study on who has the most aliases. As you are all well aware back on FP I was one of only 2 people on the entire site with only one user name. Maineman was the other.

I can go one better. I was one of the people without out even ONE name on FP.
he was a psycho, like I wasnt allowed to watch tv or go to the bathroom without asking permission. We both did a lot of drugs back then though so maybe my memory is distorted, he used to lock me in a room after we had a fight because he was afraid i would leave him. he would be gone for a long time and come home wasted and then start a fight with me again. He was just weird, i dont really know how else to explain it. Even though many years have passed since I left him, every year on my birthday he still leaves a voice mail on my moms phone for me.

CONGRATS! You left him, that was big and brave!
CONGRATS! You left him, that was big and brave!

Indeed it was. I must have missed this post the first time. Thanks for showing it to me, Froggie.

When so many stay, despite the abuse, its always great to see someone make it out and get a fresh start.

How are you doing?

I decided to peek before relaxing to read for the evening!

No one home, but me! It can be such a treat!

How are you doing?

I decided to peek before relaxing to read for the evening!

No one home, but me! It can be such a treat!

I'm good. On the road, as usual, and can't sleep.

I can't find a song online that I want to hear. And there are heavy storms blowing outside.

How are things with you?