Thick Skin Test...

Well it's been fun but iv'e gotta run...when ever I see eppicurious name on board I think of this song...Eppi, sorry little dude but ya will never get my goat...have a great night y'all!:cof1:

Closing with Bo Diddley...he be da man!:cool:

flattery never hurts...but in your case since its is just acknowledging, I especially like the goatee !:)
flattery never hurts...but in your case since its is just acknowledging, I especially like the goatee !:)

Thank you very much, milady. I am partial to the goatee myself. It gives me something to fiddle with when I am thinking.

You'll have me blushing.
I've just been having a brief scan of all these odd numbers next to everyone's names.

I suppose one inadvertent benefit of this new reputation system is that it gives people a deeper insight into exactly which posters have multiple accounts.