Thick Skin Test...

And I gave you a pos just for giggles. Figures on how you would pay me back.

LOL...that was before ya got the biggee numbers...ya gave me squat...I gave you honesty...and reality...still like ya, ya are funny!:hedb:
Next time I will give ya a pos...but keep it as a reality check!
biggie numbers?
I will still honestly give you squat BB.
I just thought it was funny I gave you a pos and you assumed it was a neg and smacked at me :)
Im not mormon, Im no religion. I grew up in the 80's I suspect Im old enough to be your mother. I was invited here by Desh who knows me as a poster on another message board. I prefer my anonymity online, I have an ex husband who periodically looks for me and hes a very violent psychotic person, I dont like to give out my real name or too much real information because of that. I met and married him in vegas so pardon the paranoia.:)

Whoah! Really? That sucks. Was he abusive to you?
Whoah! Really? That sucks. Was he abusive to you?

he was a psycho, like I wasnt allowed to watch tv or go to the bathroom without asking permission. We both did a lot of drugs back then though so maybe my memory is distorted, he used to lock me in a room after we had a fight because he was afraid i would leave him. he would be gone for a long time and come home wasted and then start a fight with me again. He was just weird, i dont really know how else to explain it. Even though many years have passed since I left him, every year on my birthday he still leaves a voice mail on my moms phone for me.
biggie numbers?
I will still honestly give you squat BB.
I just thought it was funny I gave you a pos and you assumed it was a neg and smacked at me :)

I know...I love that honest concept bout' ya...and no I saw what ya gave me...Damo said to make this fun and not so serious a game...did just that...relax USC...I don't hate ya...I like ya...go figure!
he was a psycho, like I wasnt allowed to watch tv or go to the bathroom without asking permission. We both did a lot of drugs back then though so maybe my memory is distorted, he used to lock me in a room after we had a fight because he was afraid i would leave him. he would be gone for a long time and come home wasted and then start a fight with me again. He was just weird, i dont really know how else to explain it. Even though many years have passed since I left him, every year on my birthday he still leaves a voice mail on my moms phone for me.

Shit. You really went through some stuff there! I've always wondered how I'd react to an abusive relationship. I'm pretty sure it end in a re-enactment of Lorena Bobbit's claim to fame though.
he was a psycho, like I wasnt allowed to watch tv or go to the bathroom without asking permission. We both did a lot of drugs back then though so maybe my memory is distorted, he used to lock me in a room after we had a fight because he was afraid i would leave him. he would be gone for a long time and come home wasted and then start a fight with me again. He was just weird, i dont really know how else to explain it. Even though many years have passed since I left him, every year on my birthday he still leaves a voice mail on my moms phone for me.

Holy shit batman/woman...I thought ya were just kidding about the Partridge dude...this is scarry stuff!:eek:
Shit. You really went through some stuff there! I've always wondered how I'd react to an abusive relationship. I'm pretty sure it end in a re-enactment of Lorena Bobbit's claim to fame though.

I was young & naive I was only 16 when we got married, but now....if anyone crossed me like he did I would....well they would be sorry. Chloe is different now. LOL
Fist scence:

Womans voice.
"Just go to sleep now honey and I will clean the house and cook while your asleep."

Mans voice.
"I am tired, Be sure to wake me for dinner, I going to take a nap"

Last scene:

Womans voice.

"He was very depressed, I kept telling him he needed to go get help but he refused"

Mans voice.

"Now calm down, My fellow officer has called the mourge and they are coming to pick up the body. We will have county services in to help you coordinate the cleanup. Is there family you could call to come be with you?"

the end
ha ha , I think everyone has gone through something harsh, shrug :cool:
Ahhh mo betta now...mine is I can sit back and watch y'all compete for Kindergardner' of the week...keep them stars adding up and going away!:corn::moos:
This will be an interesting study on who has the most aliases. As you are all well aware back on FP I was one of only 2 people on the entire site with only one user name. Maineman was the other.
This will be an interesting study on who has the most aliases. As you are all well aware back on FP I was one of only 2 people on the entire site with only one user name. Maineman was the other.

I can certainly say there was definitely a third person with no aliases on FP.