Thick Skin Test...

we could also take bets in rep, over who will win the "debate" under the challenge thread, losers get neg rep winners get pos rep....PM the bookie if your interested:cool:

:clink::eek: not fair I am a oldies dude and the kids on here like to bash me...:cof1:
chloe are you mormon? I notice you are from utah.

Also, what's your age if you don't mind me asking? Don't answer that one if you don't want to. I'm just curious.

Im not mormon, Im no religion. I grew up in the 80's I suspect Im old enough to be your mother. I was invited here by Desh who knows me as a poster on another message board. I prefer my anonymity online, I have an ex husband who periodically looks for me and hes a very violent psychotic person, I dont like to give out my real name or too much real information because of that. I met and married him in vegas so pardon the paranoia.:)
Im not mormon, Im no religion. I grew up in the 80's I suspect Im old enough to be your mother. I was invited here by Desh who knows me as a poster on another message board. I prefer my anonymity online, I have an ex husband who periodically looks for me and hes a very violent psychotic person, I dont like to give out my real name or too much real information because of that. I met and married him in vegas so pardon the paranoia.:)

Well, just to set your mind at ease... I'm not him. Although I do feel your pain with the stalking thing. It's the first rule of the board for a reason.

Bloody hell you weren't joking either.

I was wondering what those little green things were and why Water was the only one on the board with a little red thing. Now it all becomes clear.

It's a little funny. None of my actual trolling has received negative comments, it's just like I'm the collective whipping boy of the conservatives here.

And Grind? WTF? That's low Grind.

Latest Reputation Received

From Epic, his whiny ass is complaining about:
Thick Skin Test...

His brilliant comment: Gay.

Dixie's whiny ass whining about:

I always suspected... 01-02-2009 11:38 PM

Dixie: lmao

And Grind giving me negative rep because he loves chaos almost as much as me:

Republicans to leave DC... 01-02-2009 10:56 PM

Grind: ugly
Im not mormon, Im no religion. I grew up in the 80's I suspect Im old enough to be your mother. I was invited here by Desh who knows me as a poster on another message board. I prefer my anonymity online, I have an ex husband who periodically looks for me and hes a very violent psychotic person, I dont like to give out my real name or too much real information because of that. I met and married him in vegas so pardon the paranoia.:)

Wow...thats just sad...sorry I am way too old for ya...I grew up in the sixties...but I feel your pain...peace be with you hun!:)
Wow...thats just sad...sorry I am way too old for ya...I grew up in the sixties...but I feel your pain...peace be with you hun!:)

I probably grew up in the 60's in my past life and died of an overdose...he he maybe we knew each other back then.:cool:
I think I'll be turning on the reputation system. As we are well aware the site is a bit lopsided toward one side of the political spectrum, even if Libertarians are over represented as a percentage of population...

Any thoughts from the users?

Basically it is a silly system that allows people to give positive or negative points to a post, if they have a positive rep themselves, and if they don't try to give out too much.

I figure it will be a fun experiment and we can see how it goes. If we are hatin' it I can always shut it off and we can go on blissfully aware, usually by direct posts, of how people feel about us anyway.


I've used the reputation system on other messageboards. It's fun.