Things You Have To Believe To Be A Republican Today!

Hillary made some speeches that the Repubs could slice out sound bites and pretend that she said something she did not. It was especially grievous in Kentucky and the miners. She dd not say what the Repubs put in ads, It was her fault for thinking honesty pays off in America. And for not being scrupulous in her language. The deplorables was a nothing remark that followed Trumps people beating up protesters at his rallies.

"So for example, I'm the only candidate which has a policy about how to bring economic opportunity using clean renewable energy as the key into coal country. Because we're going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business, right?" [Hillary Clinton]
The Project for a New American Century described the neo cons plans. PNAC listed the countries they were going to take over and establish a democracy and a new market in. Bushes.; Wolfowitz and many others signed on and they peopled his cabinet. None of Bush should have been a surprise. Iraq had nothing to do with 911, but it somehow made sense to Bush to get on with the agenda. 7 trillion dollars and climbing later, we are still there.

The Iraq war was justified based on the fact that the Iraqis never complied with the cease fire agreement, that was cause for the cessation of war. Oh and they tried to assassinate a former U.S President, go cry somewhere else and please keep it up it is guaranteeing Trump another 4 years
that is what happens when you have a party that does nothing but lie to voters

they lie about who they represent

because they are constantly losing voters

the old and fading minds of fox viewers are only good for a few years before they expire

the younger generations will always have the internets and it makes it harder to trap them in a world of lies

hence embracing the fucking Russians for help cheating American voters

Just find you a transgendered, bisexual, minority that's in a same sex marriage where both are hemaphrodites as a candidate. Get all of the causes rolled into one.
"The Newsroom" Will McAvoy:

“No, I call myself a Republican because I am one. I believe in market solutions and I believe in common sense realities and necessity to defend itself against a dangerous world. The problem is now I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con. I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride. And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect in the 21st Century. Most of all, the biggest new requirement – the only requirement – is that I have to hate Democrats.”
"The Newsroom" Will McAvoy:

“No, I call myself a Republican because I am one. I believe in market solutions and I believe in common sense realities and necessity to defend itself against a dangerous world. The problem is now I have to be homophobic. I have to count the number of times people go to church. I have to deny facts and think scientific research is a long con. I have to think poor people are getting a sweet ride. And I have to have such a stunning inferiority complex that I fear education and intellect in the 21st Century. Most of all, the biggest new requirement – the only requirement – is that I have to hate Democrats.”

The problem is when someone who thinks same sex marriage and homosexuality is wrong is labeled as homophobic, whatever the fuck that means, when it amounts to nothing more than they adhere to a certain set or morals.

I don't count the number of times people go to church. First, that's not what it takes for salvation, and secondly, even if it was, what other people do doesn't effect me nor determine mine.

When the motivation of that "scientific research" is to push a hoax such as climate change, I'm not denying facts. I'm questioning the motivation.

Poor people are getting a sweet ride. ANY amount that is taken from someone that provides for him/herself in order that it be handed to someone that won't do so is a sweet ride for the ones not doing for themselves. Having to do absolutely nothing yet have things funded for you is far better financially than what they'd have if they relied upon themselves and what they offered. When taxpayer funded food stamps (EBT) provide funding for your meals, taxpayer funded government housing provides you a place to live, taxpayer funded free school breakfasts/lunches provide more meals a day to your kids than you do, and the list goes on, it's sweeter than the sour result one would get if they relied upon themselves and what they did for themselves.

I don't fear education and intellect. I've proven that personally, my wife has proven it personally, and we prove it by providing a 21st century education for our children. Expecting other people to do that for themselves and their children doesn't mean we fear education. Maybe those that refuse to do for themselves or their own fear it.

I don't hate Democrats. I despise the socialist bullshit they support. It's the Democrats that equate not liking WHAT someone believes with hating THEM. Not the same nor will it ever be.
The problem is when someone who thinks same sex marriage and homosexuality is wrong is labeled as homophobic, whatever the fuck that means, when it amounts to nothing more than they adhere to a certain set or morals.

I don't count the number of times people go to church. First, that's not what it takes for salvation, and secondly, even if it was, what other people do doesn't effect me nor determine mine.

When the motivation of that "scientific research" is to push a hoax such as climate change, I'm not denying facts. I'm questioning the motivation.

Poor people are getting a sweet ride. ANY amount that is taken from someone that provides for him/herself in order that it be handed to someone that won't do so is a sweet ride for the ones not doing for themselves. Having to do absolutely nothing yet have things funded for you is far better financially than what they'd have if they relied upon themselves and what they offered. When taxpayer funded food stamps (EBT) provide funding for your meals, taxpayer funded government housing provides you a place to live, taxpayer funded free school breakfasts/lunches provide more meals a day to your kids than you do, and the list goes on, it's sweeter than the sour result one would get if they relied upon themselves and what they did for themselves.

I don't fear education and intellect. I've proven that personally, my wife has proven it personally, and we prove it by providing a 21st century education for our children. Expecting other people to do that for themselves and their children doesn't mean we fear education. Maybe those that refuse to do for themselves or their own fear it.

I don't hate Democrats. I despise the socialist bullshit they support. It's the Democrats that equate not liking WHAT someone believes with hating THEM. Not the same nor will it ever be.

Sounds as though Will Mc Avoy left out one important other thing one must do as a Republican:

When confronted with the Republican horse crap...refuse to acknowledge how very true it all is.
Sounds as though Will Mc Avoy left out one important other thing one must do as a Republican:

When confronted with the Republican horse crap...refuse to acknowledge how very true it all is.

Thanks for proving you're a Democrat piece of shit. Make excuses and call something horse crap because you disagree. Typical Obama NL.
Thanks for proving you're a Democrat piece of shit. Make excuses and call something horse crap because you disagree. Typical Obama NL.

I am not a Democrat...although in your eyes I may well be a piece of shit.

Interesting way of lecturing on keeping an open mind, CFM...and on how to act responsibly to something with which one disagrees.

You must have a degree in how not to do things.
I am not a Democrat...although in your eyes I may well be a piece of shit.

Interesting way of lecturing on keeping an open mind, CFM...and on how to act responsibly to something with which one disagrees.

You must have a degree in how not to do things.

I'm no longer a Republican but that doesn't mean I won't address nonsense posted about them.

If you believed any of that crock posted about Republicans, while you may not be a Democrat, you have my "vision" 100% correct.

It's one thing to disagree. It's another to post nonsense and bullshit. I addressed the latter.

In earning my degrees, I did learn, if you will, that being a Democrat is about the worst thing you could be politically, economically, socially, or an just about anything there is.
I'm no longer a Republican but that doesn't mean I won't address nonsense posted about them.

Looks as though you will also defend them when someone says something truthful about them.

Okay...I get it.

If you believed any of that crock posted about Republicans, while you may not be a Democrat, you have my "vision" 100% correct.

Not sure what you were meaning to say there, CFM. Whatever it was, too bad you didn't succeed.

It's one thing to disagree. It's another to post nonsense and bullshit. I addressed the latter.

If you had finished that series of sentences with "I engage in the latter"...the post would have made more sense.

Obviously you disagree with something (or everything) I wrote...but rather than dealing with it, you are responding with nonsense and bullshit.

In earning my degrees, I did learn, if you will, that being a Democrat is about the worst thing you could be politically, economically, socially, or an just about anything there is.

Then you got cheated when you paid your tuition.

Sympathies for that, my friend.
Looks as though you will also defend them when someone says something truthful about them.

Okay...I get it.

Not sure what you were meaning to say there, CFM. Whatever it was, too bad you didn't succeed.

If you had finished that series of sentences with "I engage in the latter"...the post would have made more sense.

Obviously you disagree with something (or everything) I wrote...but rather than dealing with it, you are responding with nonsense and bullshit.

Then you got cheated when you paid your tuition.

Sympathies for that, my friend.

In other words, you can't refuse what I said just whine like a little NL bitch.
In other words, you can't refuse what I said just whine like a little NL bitch.

No...I just cannot understand your incoherent rants.

Take a look at the "sentence" you just wrote...quoted above. It shows the grammatical skills of a third grader.

If you want to calm down and post reasonable, coherent comments...I will respond in kind.
No...I just cannot understand your incoherent rants.

Take a look at the "sentence" you just wrote...quoted above. It shows the grammatical skills of a third grader.

If you want to calm down and post reasonable, coherent comments...I will respond in kind.

No, someone with a third grade mentality would agree with the OP. That's you, NL.
No, someone with a third grade mentality would agree with the OP. That's you, NL.

Much better, C. (May I call you, C?)

Your grammar was sound; the thought you meant to communicate was clear and coherent; naturally I would dispute the logic, but your comment was well reasoned...and the remark was humorous.

I enjoyed it.

Much better, C. (May I call you, C?)

Your grammar was sound; the thought you meant to communicate was clear and coherent; naturally I would dispute the logic, but your comment was well reasoned...and the remark was humorous.

I enjoyed it.


You call me "Sir" since I'm your superior, boy.
You call me "Sir" since I'm your superior, boy.

You climb back into the gutter too quickly, C.

Don't do that.

I'm 81 years old. You should not call me "Sir" or "boy." I'd love it if you called me Frank...and were at least marginally respectful.
You climb back into the gutter too quickly, C.

Don't do that.

I'm 81 years old. You should not call me "Sir" or "boy." I'd love it if you called me Frank...and were at least marginally respectful.

I haven't climbed anywhere, boy.

I'll call you whatever I damn well please and there isn't anything your 81 year old ass can do about it.

I don't respect people that don't deserve it. You could live to be 1,081 years old and never do that.