You grow one. Marriage is a legal and binding contract. Doubt that, get a divorce and the truth will hit you hard. It has nothing to do with religion, other than a ceremony. Divorce court makes all the decisions when a marriage breaks up. It decides how money will be allotted and who gets the custody of kids. No religion.
Of course someone with your abilities would doubt climate change. Only evidence and scientists backing it.
You are in the group of morons who are unable top process information,
.... but swallow Fox crap like it is fact.
I understand your hate of liberals.
It goes along with your intelligence level.
Educated people are scary to you. So sad.
A pretty good list of things we find laughable with RW simpletons.
Guns for the Rambo wannabees.
Outing the pathologically lying incompetent for who he is and laughing at his massively ignorant supporters.
Christianity? The REAL knee slapper. Tell us about virgin births, will ya’?
Hunting for food. Hilarious, Grizzly Adams. What did that elk steak cost? $150/lb?
Fox News? Refer back to the massively ignorant line.
The Constitution? Hilarious! Illiterate RW morons wouldn’t know it if it bit them.
Patriotism? Priceless! Funny hats, bumper stickers and a big flag in the back of your PU is the RW idea of that concept.
Thanks for the chuckles, tardboy. I really got a good yuck out of your demonstration of stupidity..
Dear idiot; Government didn't invent marriage. Like many things "liberal", Government attempted to make money off of it.
Dear idiot; no one is doubting the planet has been warming. It has been doing that for MILLIONS of years. The notion that man is the cause is laughably stupid and only brain dead twits like you gobble up the stupidity of professed climate scientists who moronically claim it is man.
Irony from a clueless twit who can't think for himself but excels at parroting the stupidity fed to him by the FAKE media and leftist.
Irony from someone who gobbles up FAKE news like a gullible dumbfuck.
I don't hate Liberals; I despise hyper partisan lying leftist dumbfucks....yes, that would be you.
What would a low IQ dullard like you know about intelligence?
Wrong; morons like you who think they are educated are scary. Dunce.
Congratulations. you proved line by line how incredibly ignorant you are. That was not a defense, but a confession.