Things You Have To Believe To Be A Republican Today!

I haven't climbed anywhere, boy.

I'll call you whatever I damn well please and there isn't anything your 81 year old ass can do about it.

I don't respect people that don't deserve it. You could live to be 1,081 years old and never do that.

You are a class guy, C.

Low class, but...class. That's why I used "climb" when getting you back into the gutter.

The Internet is the perfect place for people like you. You can be as tough and nasty as you choose...and since you don't have the balls to use your real name and since no one is standing in front of can be Rambo. My guess is that in non-cyber are a punk.

Nothing wrong with you being a punk, though. No one will ever realize it here on the Internet.

In the meantime...thanks for the many laughs you provide me.
The Iraq war was justified based on the fact that the Iraqis never complied with the cease fire agreement, that was cause for the cessation of war. Oh and they tried to assassinate a former U.S President, go cry somewhere else and please keep it up it is guaranteeing Trump another 4 years

It's always refreshing when someone posts the truth. TY
This is a great thread that illustrates why liberals are the biggest lying hypocrites on the planet. Thank you for proving it so clearly with this massive pack of laughably stupid lies.

You really are THAT fucking dumb. :rofl2:


1. Unicorns are real
2. Big government is the answer to everything
3. Illegal immigration and open borders is good for the country
4. Welfare creates wealth
5. People would never vote illegally so we don't need photo ID's
6. Guns are evil and make people commit mass homicides
7. Americans are stupid and must be told what is good for them
8. Adding a D behind your name automatically makes you smarter, and honest

If I missed anything please add to the list. :clap:
Dear idiot, your source is a leftist web site. Grow a brain already.

You are perhaps a step over retarded. Perhaps not. I suppose a dictionary is lefty too. You know, I hope, that you can look these things up and educate yourself. Maybe you are beyond hope. You could look up PNAC too. That was the constitution of neocons. Note who wrote it. Read whop signed on. You are as always wrong.
The problem is when someone who thinks same sex marriage and homosexuality is wrong is labeled as homophobic, whatever the fuck that means, when it amounts to nothing more than they adhere to a certain set or morals.

I don't count the number of times people go to church. First, that's not what it takes for salvation, and secondly, even if it was, what other people do doesn't effect me nor determine mine.

When the motivation of that "scientific research" is to push a hoax such as climate change, I'm not denying facts. I'm questioning the motivation.

Poor people are getting a sweet ride. ANY amount that is taken from someone that provides for him/herself in order that it be handed to someone that won't do so is a sweet ride for the ones not doing for themselves. Having to do absolutely nothing yet have things funded for you is far better financially than what they'd have if they relied upon themselves and what they offered. When taxpayer funded food stamps (EBT) provide funding for your meals, taxpayer funded government housing provides you a place to live, taxpayer funded free school breakfasts/lunches provide more meals a day to your kids than you do, and the list goes on, it's sweeter than the sour result one would get if they relied upon themselves and what they did for themselves.

I don't fear education and intellect. I've proven that personally, my wife has proven it personally, and we prove it by providing a 21st century education for our children. Expecting other people to do that for themselves and their children doesn't mean we fear education. Maybe those that refuse to do for themselves or their own fear it.

I don't hate Democrats. I despise the socialist bullshit they support. It's the Democrats that equate not liking WHAT someone believes with hating THEM. Not the same nor will it ever be.
Boom! Nailed it.
Boom! Nailed it.

Same sex marriage is just people acting as god made them. Being born gay does not mean you give up your rights.l

Claimate change is real. Scientists have a bad save the planet. That is so lefty.

Poor people life a terrible life. They worry about where they can live, how they can pay utilities and how they can obtain heathcare. Want a sweet ride..look at Trump.
Dear idiot, your source is a leftist web site. Grow a brain already.

Every single name on the list is a neo con. Are you too stupid to know that?....Oh, i am sorry. Of course you are. Kristol wrote the PNAC maifesto. The rest are well known. Many were in Bush's cabinet. But of course, you did not know that either. you are operating is a very low information place.
Same sex marriage is just people acting as god made them. Being born gay does not mean you give up your rights.l

Claimate change is real. Scientists have a bad save the planet. That is so lefty.

Poor people life a terrible life. They worry about where they can live, how they can pay utilities and how they can obtain heathcare. Want a sweet ride..look at Trump.

All of them? There are people with a lot of money who live terrible lives and there are people without a lot of possessions that live great lives. Yes, having you basic needs met is almost always better than not having them met. But you hear too many stories of people who grew up poor but said there house was full of love. There are people who grow up in homes with money but don't have the love.

1. Unicorns are real
2. Big government is the answer to everything
3. Illegal immigration and open borders is good for the country
4. Welfare creates wealth
5. People would never vote illegally so we don't need photo ID's
6. Guns are evil and make people commit mass homicides
7. Americans are stupid and must be told what is good for them
8. Adding a D behind your name automatically makes you smarter, and honest

If I missed anything please add to the list. :clap:

The only one you got correct there, idiot, is #8

1. Unicorns are real
2. Big government is the answer to everything
3. Illegal immigration and open borders is good for the country
4. Welfare creates wealth
5. People would never vote illegally so we don't need photo ID's
6. Guns are evil and make people commit mass homicides
7. Americans are stupid and must be told what is good for them
8. Adding a D behind your name automatically makes you smarter, and honest

If I missed anything please add to the list. :clap:

The only one you got correct there, idiot, is #8

Obviously, YOU are far from proof of it...
You are a class guy, C.

Low class, but...class. That's why I used "climb" when getting you back into the gutter.

The Internet is the perfect place for people like you. You can be as tough and nasty as you choose...and since you don't have the balls to use your real name and since no one is standing in front of can be Rambo. My guess is that in non-cyber are a punk.

Nothing wrong with you being a punk, though. No one will ever realize it here on the Internet.

In the meantime...thanks for the many laughs you provide me.

Whatever you say Francis. It must be lonely being an 81 year old dumbass.
Same sex marriage is just people acting as god made them. Being born gay does not mean you give up your rights.l

Claimate change is real. Scientists have a bad save the planet. That is so lefty.

Poor people life a terrible life. They worry about where they can live, how they can pay utilities and how they can obtain heathcare. Want a sweet ride..look at Trump.

God didn't make people in a way that He considers an abomination.

The push behind the climate change hoax has nothing to do with the planet but to redistribute money. That is so lefty.

If you want a sweet ride, actually do something with your life instead of constantly demanding someone else provide you with something you're unwilling to earn. The poor choose the latter then wonder why those actually doing something with their lives say no when those demanding continue to do nothing but beg. If you bleeding hearts care so much for the poor, why haven't you personally provided for them instead of supporting a system where others are forced to do it.
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