Things You Have To Believe To Be A Republican Today!

Now you understand why some find it hard, very hard, to respect Trump. He doesn't deserve nor has he earned it.


1. Unicorns are real
2. Big government is the answer to everything
3. Illegal immigration and open borders is good for the country
4. Welfare creates wealth
5. People would never vote illegally so we don't need photo ID's
6. Guns are evil and make people commit mass homicides
7. Americans are stupid and must be told what is good for them
8. Adding a D behind your name automatically makes you smarter, and honest

If I missed anything please add to the list. :clap:

So true; some other things:

You have to moronically believe that the economy is a zero sum game and rather than expanding, someone has to give something up for others to have more.
You have to moronically believe that the Government has a REVENUE problem rather than a SPENDING problem and that by extracting ever greater sums of money from the American taxpayer you can solve every social problem on the planet.

Yes, Liberals are the dumbest souls walking the planet who ironically, arrogantly, smugly and mistakenly think they are the smartest folks around.
Same sex marriage is just people acting as god made them. Being born gay does not mean you give up your rights.

I am sorry, I cannot find "marriage" in the Bill of rights. Dunce. Marriage isn't a right you moron, it is a privilege and dictated by mores carried through religious beliefs for the intent of procreating.

Claimate change is real. Scientists have a bad save the planet. That is so lefty.

No one has claimed that the climate isn't changing. What is moronic and stupid is the asinine claims from leftist morons that MAN is the one causing it. It is an incredibly arrogant and stupid argument which is not supported by any real facts.

The planet has been warming for millions of years now; long before man invented the gasoline engine.

Poor people life a terrible life.

Do they? Did you poll them to see if they actually think they have terrible lives? What we do know is that those who are living under leftist Marxist regimes or in Democratically controlled leftist urban sewers are not doing well. Just think how much better they would be if Liberals no longer dictated what is good for them?

But many who are poor don't see themselves as "poor" and feel sorry for elitist liberals who appear to be angry their entire lives because they can't control everyone and tell them what to do.

They worry about where they can live, how they can pay utilities and how they can obtain heathcare.

If they are that concerned, they should stop voting for corrupt lying assholes from the Party of the Jackass and foolishly expecting Government to provide for them.

Want a sweet ride..look at Trump.

It is a sweet ride. The economy is starting to boom, wages are increasing and jobs are being created again. Leaving the Obama era behind will raise all economic boats and blacks, Hispanics and factory workers are going to be enjoying the benefits. Let's hope they see the light and stop voting for dishonest corrupt leftists who think they are too stupid to take care of themselves.

Grow a brain dumbfuck.
Now you understand why some find it hard, very hard, to respect Trump. He doesn't deserve nor has he earned it.

It's easy to respect the Office of the President and the FACT that Trump was elected by the people. You just have to remove your collective heads from your assholes.
If believers can believe in an invisible god than why can't we believe in unicorns?

Ironic that leftist haters tell us there is no invisible God and then expect everyone to believe in the quackery science that man can change the climate of the earth. :rofl2:
I am sorry, I cannot find "marriage" in the Bill of rights. Dunce. Marriage isn't a right you moron, it is a privilege and dictated by mores carried through religious beliefs for the intent of procreating.

No one has claimed that the climate isn't changing. What is moronic and stupid is the asinine claims from leftist morons that MAN is the one causing it. It is an incredibly arrogant and stupid argument which is not supported by any real facts.

The planet has been warming for millions of years now; long before man invented the gasoline engine.

Do they? Did you poll them to see if they actually think they have terrible lives? What we do know is that those who are living under leftist Marxist regimes or in Democratically controlled leftist urban sewers are not doing well. Just think how much better they would be if Liberals no longer dictated what is good for them?

But many who are poor don't see themselves as "poor" and feel sorry for elitist liberals who appear to be angry their entire lives because they can't control everyone and tell them what to do.

If they are that concerned, they should stop voting for corrupt lying assholes from the Party of the Jackass and foolishly expecting Government to provide for them.

It is a sweet ride. The economy is starting to boom, wages are increasing and jobs are being created again. Leaving the Obama era behind will raise all economic boats and blacks, Hispanics and factory workers are going to be enjoying the benefits. Let's hope they see the light and stop voting for dishonest corrupt leftists who think they are too stupid to take care of themselves.

Grow a brain dumbfuck.

You grow one. Marriage is a legal and binding contract. Doubt that, get a divorce and the truth will hit you hard. It has nothing to do with religion, other than a ceremony. Divorce court makes all the decisions when a marriage breaks up. It decides how money will be allotted and who gets the custody of kids. No religion.

Of course someone with your abilities would doubt climate change. Only evidence and scientists backing it. You are in the group of morons who are unable top process information, but swallow Fox crap like it is fact. I understand your hate of liberals. It goes along with your intelligence level. Educated people are scary to you. So sad.
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A pretty good list of things we find laughable with RW simpletons.

Guns for the Rambo wannabees.
Outing the pathologically lying incompetent for who he is and laughing at his massively ignorant supporters.
Christianity? The REAL knee slapper. Tell us about virgin births, will ya’?
Hunting for food. Hilarious, Grizzly Adams. What did that elk steak cost? $150/lb?
Fox News? Refer back to the massively ignorant line.
The Constitution? Hilarious! Illiterate RW morons wouldn’t know it if it bit them.
Patriotism? Priceless! Funny hats, bumper stickers and a big flag in the back of your PU is the RW idea of that concept.

Thanks for the chuckles, tardboy. I really got a good yuck out of your demonstration of stupidity..

A pretty good list of things we find laughable with RW simpletons.

Guns for the Rambo wannabees.
Outing the pathologically lying incompetent for who he is and laughing at his massively ignorant supporters.
Christianity? The REAL knee slapper. Tell us about virgin births, will ya’?
Hunting for food. Hilarious, Grizzly Adams. What did that elk steak cost? $150/lb?
Fox News? Refer back to the massively ignorant line.
The Constitution? Hilarious! Illiterate RW morons wouldn’t know it if it bit them.
Patriotism? Priceless! Funny hats, bumper stickers and a big flag in the back of your PU is the RW idea of that concept.

Thanks for the chuckles, tardboy. I really got a good yuck out of your demonstration of stupidity..
