This from Bush

can we get through the next 12 months, without a war on Iran, with this bozo at the helm?
can we get through the next 12 months, without a war on Iran, with this bozo at the helm?

No. Maybe not fullscale war, but there will be dead people. It will likely be Israel that starts it, and the US that ends up fighting it, but I believe it will happen.
Hurry! Last days! Time is running out! Buy now!
I thought we were going to avert the Iranian war ,because of events in Pakistan. I see that sadly, I was wrong.
They are setting up for McCain to look like the guy who can save us.

He will speak against Bush doing this , Bush will do it and McCain will be able to say he had not choice but to finiish the job Bush started.
The most telling thing for me was when W, the fucking president, became visibly upset that the US public found out that Iran was NOT trying to get the bomb. He didn't even try to hide it.

War with Itan, and if W doesn't do it, McCain or Hillary will!

The voters in NH are all idiots, save 9% of them.
So is your assertion that Iran is not a threat to world peace?

There is no world peace. Bush started a couple of wars, so Iran is not a threat to something that does not exist. I would also say the US is a bigger threat to the lives of the average Iranian citizen than the other way around, and if you disagree with that, you should read the newspapers.
There is no world peace. Bush started a couple of wars, so Iran is not a threat to something that does not exist. I would also say the US is a bigger threat to the lives of the average Iranian citizen than the other way around, and if you disagree with that, you should read the newspapers.
You have a clever way of dancing around the issue.
I haven't heard much about his stance on Israel. What have you heard?

His stance on Israel is summed up here:

You know, holy land, promised land, chosen people, defend Israel or go to hell, That kind of thing.

Israels well being is more important than anything else in the world. You know, the Bible.

Well, I'm a Bible oriented kind of guy and don't think Israel deserves any more attention/protection than any other country, religiously speaking. I suspect because of his denomination Huckabee might put some misguided importance on the nation of Israel but haven't heard such yet.
Well, I'm a Bible oriented kind of guy and don't think Israel deserves any more attention/protection than any other country, religiously speaking. I suspect because of his denomination Huckabee might put some misguided importance on the nation of Israel but haven't heard such yet.

He'd better or he doesn't get elected.