This from Bush

No, WE are not in a continuance of this. If they are, that's their own damned business, but taking sides in a 3000 year old religious skirmish is not what we base our foreign policy on.

We deal with nations, not religions.

The US government is charged by the People to protect national security. The fact that this threat is by religios zealots doesn't negate that.

It is a 1300 year old struggle where one side insists on taking over the world by force and the other simply wants to be left alone.
Nope it started with Moses and his bunch levaing Egypt as contract labororers and taking over Caanan/Israel and killing all man woman and child that did not flee before them. Murdering all to take back the land they voluntarialy abandoned to go to Egypt to work.

Why if Israel is gods chosen do they need our money and help anyway ?
"Contract laborers"?