This from Bush

There are only two positions that to which your nonsense can lead. Either you support of a one world government or a total isolationism.
Obviously, you support imperialism and foreign interventionism.

Should American kids die for Israel if they end up in a war over there?
Obviously, you support imperialism and foreign interventionism.

Should American kids die for Israel if they end up in a war over there?

I support cleaning up after our messes. We create it, we defend it.

I'd rather have the other sons of bitches die than our guys. :)
I support cleaning up after our messes. We create it, we defend it.

I'd rather have the other sons of bitches die than our guys. :)

Israel is a mess? So arming this mess to the teeth and shipping them boat loads of money is making the Middle East a better place.

Good logic fellah.
And with this....

And create some new messes. That's stupid.

I must take my leave...the driveway needs snow clearing again! I support the loacal Hardware store...went thru a cpuple of snow shovels already...Next year I will visit the 'Honda' Quad Store...need a quad with a plow...I am beat!
I must take my leave...the driveway needs snow clearing again! I support the loacal Hardware store...went thru a cpuple of snow shovels already...Next year I will visit the 'Honda' Quad Store...need a quad with a plow...I am beat!

Uhhh, ok.

Did you buy a gun for the neighbor of your hardware store's proprietor?
Israel is a mess? So arming this mess to the teeth and shipping them boat loads of money is making the Middle East a better place.

Good logic fellah.

Actually, that is what I'm arguing against doing.

You seem to want the Islamists to have our resources, but the Jews not.
I must take my leave...the driveway needs snow clearing again! I support the loacal Hardware store...went thru a cpuple of snow shovels already...Next year I will visit the 'Honda' Quad Store...need a quad with a plow...I am beat!

I use to have a International Scout tractor, circa 1956. It was cast iron construction and weighed 1000#. I had chains on the rear wheels and four 150# weights (two per wheel). It was useless against Upstate NY snows. Granted it was two wheel drive.

I ended up getting a 10HP track drive walk-behind snow thrower, and with it I could clear 2' or snow from my 150' driveway in 45 minutes. It was faster than my neighbor who used his 4WD Dodge pickup with a plow.

It has nothing to do with religion, unless you're some sort of weirdo who bases his foreign policy on the old testament. It is about nations, not religions.

1. I'm arguing to reduce US money going to OPEC.
2. It has everything to do with religion, starting as early as 700AD. Then Islamic takeover of Jewish lands. Then Islamic invasions into Europe. We are simply in a continuance of this.
1. I'm arguing to reduce US money going to OPEC.
2. It has everything to do with religion, starting as early as 700AD. Then Islamic takeover of Jewish lands. Then Islamic invasions into Europe. We are simply in a continuance of this.

No, WE are not in a continuance of this. If they are, that's their own damned business, but taking sides in a 3000 year old religious skirmish is not what we base our foreign policy on.

We deal with nations, not religions.
1. I'm arguing to reduce US money going to OPEC.
2. It has everything to do with religion, starting as early as 700AD. Then Islamic takeover of Jewish lands. Then Islamic invasions into Europe. We are simply in a continuance of this.

Nope it started with Moses and his bunch levaing Egypt as contract labororers and taking over Caanan/Israel and killing all man woman and child that did not flee before them. Murdering all to take back the land they voluntarialy abandoned to go to Egypt to work.

Why if Israel is gods chosen do they need our money and help anyway ?