This from Bush

OIC. So we can enrich Israel's enemies and have zero responsibility to help defend her. Is that your position?

So we can enrich the Muslim world's enemies and have zero responsibility to defend them. Insert China, Taiwan and just about every other nation on the planet.
It's even more ridiculous when you consider that we don't really buy all that much oil from the Middle East with the exception of our "friends" in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait. The idea that Saudi Arabia under its present leadership would attack Israel is just about laughable as it is for Kuwait and Iraq.
If we didn't buy all that il from our "friends" than the price would be much lower. Its called supply and demand.
Yes. We don't have to protect the neighbors of every nation we trade with.
That is a socially irresponsible position. I find it hard to believe that if you had neighbors who have sworn to kill you and I provided them with the resources to do you great harm that you would be OK with that.
Environmentalists have made it virtually impossible to harvest oil and produce energy within the borders of the US. "Choices in the market" do not exist.

Not relevant to th point. You can buy Israeli goods or just send them cash if you like. Further, you could buy from non ME sources, e.g., Venezuela. But make sure to send some money to Brazil, Columbia and Guyana if you do.

Your argument is dumb.
Right...back to History 101 with..........

Yes. We don't have to protect the neighbors of every nation we trade with.

el Beefy..would this also apply with our trade deals with Germany during WWII...if this was the case we all would be using human skin lampshades and speaking German...not a very good argument beefy!
So we can enrich the Muslim world's enemies and have zero responsibility to defend them. Insert China, Taiwan and just about every other nation on the planet.
I think its a matter of degree, for both the increase in wealth and waht they plan on doing with it. But if you are determined to be absolute about it then so be it.
If we didn't buy all that il from our "friends" than the price would be much lower. Its called supply and demand.

So now, we are solely responsible for the market price of oil. Your argument is absurd. Quit making rationalizations to pretend your position is principled and tell us the real reason you feel we should defend Israel.
Not relevant to th point. You can buy Israeli goods or just send them cash if you like. Further, you could buy from non ME sources, e.g., Venezuela. But make sure to send some money to Brazil, Columbia and Guyana if you do.

Your argument is dumb.
My argument may simply be above your ability to debate.

If we buy 1/3 of the world's oil, then we affect the market. We have all the energy sources that we need right here, and the same crew that doesn't allow us to use it is the same crew that would let Isreal die.
So basically your argument is that we have to support Israel militarily because we consume oil?

That fucking stupid.

We have to support Israel militarily because we agreed to when we created her after WW2. We have to provide a lot more support because we have enrichened her enimies, who would otherwise still be supplying their sword swinging soldiers with camel convoys.
So now, we are solely responsible for the market price of oil. Your argument is absurd. Quit making rationalizations to pretend your position is principled and tell us the real reason you feel we should defend Israel.

That's what I'm wondering. The reasons he states are not his real reasons. If they were, he'd be agreeing with you regarding other countries.
My argument may simply be above your ability to debate.

If we buy 1/3 of the world's oil, then we affect the market. We have all the energy sources that we need right here, and the same crew that doesn't allow us to use it is the same crew that would let Isreal die.

Do you really believe that nonsense? Where are all of these glorious energy resources? You've got plenty of hot air to contribute if we could only harvest it, but even if we could I still think there would be a shortfall.
I think its a matter of degree, for both the increase in wealth and waht they plan on doing with it. But if you are determined to be absolute about it then so be it.

You're dumb.

Again, if we enrich foreign people then we do so as individuals freely choosing to do so in the marketplace. Who says you or the state get to decide what are the proper degrees and what is a proper use? You think it important to counter that, send money to Israel.
We have to support Israel militarily because we agreed to when we created her after WW2. We have to provide a lot more support because we have enrichened her enimies, who would otherwise still be supplying their sword swinging soldiers with camel convoys.

So now we're the United Nations? That's interesting.
My argument may simply be above your ability to debate.

If we buy 1/3 of the world's oil, then we affect the market. We have all the energy sources that we need right here, and the same crew that doesn't allow us to use it is the same crew that would let Isreal die.

I have no problem using our energy sources. False dichotomy.
Do you really believe that nonsense? Where are all of these glorious energy resources? You've got plenty of hot air to contribute if we could only harvest it, but even if we could I still think there would be a shortfall.
I don't feel the need to educate you on how much energy potential is within US control, but look at it from a market standpoint. There is oil in Alaska that liberals are fighting to keep in the ground. Same the midwest. Same with natural gas reserves off the coast of the Carolinas. Same with wind farms within sight of the Kennedy compound. Same with geothermal projects in the West. Same with nuclear power in every state!

Instead they have us grow corn, which requires 4 gallons of ethanol to produce 5. :D
You're dumb.

Again, if we enrich foreign people then we do so as individuals freely choosing to do so in the marketplace. Who says you or the state get to decide what are the proper degrees and what is a proper use? You think it important to counter that, send money to Israel.

Our elected officials decide.