This from Bush

I haven't heard much about his stance on Israel. What have you heard?

Umm, he is a minister and wrote and spoke a lot about Israels manifest destiny...
Seems like a conflict of interest to me. A minister as president weighing his responsibility to those of us whom he is supposed to watch over vs his religious beliefs...
Well, I'm a Bible oriented kind of guy and don't think Israel deserves any more attention/protection than any other country, religiously speaking. I suspect because of his denomination Huckabee might put some misguided importance on the nation of Israel but haven't heard such yet.
Secure borders, not being harrassed and threatened by yor neighbors. That's not too much to ask of a soverign nation.

Or is it?
Secure borders, not being harrassed and threatened by yor neighbors. That's not too much to ask of a soverign nation.

Or is it?

Yes, it is too much to ask of the US. They can defend themselves. They don't need us. We can sever our relationship with them and the world will be a better place.
Yes, it is too much to ask of the US. They can defend themselves. They don't need us. We can sever our relationship with them and the world will be a better place.
As we are the ones providing their hostile neighbors with money, it is responsibility to keep said parties at bay, if necessary.

Reduce our dependency on ME oil, and our responsibility is reduced accordingly. :D
As we are the ones providing their hostile neighbors with money, it is responsibility to keep said parties at bay, if necessary.

Reduce our dependency on ME oil, and our responsibility is reduced accordingly. :D

They're their own country. We don't need to stake our security on theirs. They have a couple hundred nukes and the strongest military in the ME. I say bid them a fond farewell.
They're their own country. We don't need to stake our security on theirs. They have a couple hundred nukes and the strongest military in the ME. I say bid them a fond farewell.
You appear to have ignored the issues that I raised, then simply repeated your position.
The issues you raised are wholesale irrelevant.

Only my issues are relevant.

Are you familiar with Ron Mexico?

Well at least you set me straight! :rolleyes:

1. Why is it irrelevant that the US is responsible for enriching muslim fanatics who want to kill Jews?
2. Never hear of him.
Well at least you set me straight! :rolleyes:

1. Why is it irrelevant that the US is responsible for enriching muslim fanatics who want to kill Jews?
2. Never hear of him.

Thus US is not responsible for the intentions of the entire planet, although W seems to think so, but as per usual, he's dead wrong. Israel has the power to defend itself. IT DOESN'T NEED US. That's the point. Why keep giving aid and weapons to a country that doesn't need it?

It would be like subsidizing bill gates because Apple is selling a lot of computers. It wouldn't make any sense.
Well at least you set me straight! :rolleyes:

1. Why is it irrelevant that the US is responsible for enriching muslim fanatics who want to kill Jews?

This is a ridiculous rationalization. It implies we should either provide massive aid to anyone that we (as inidividuals) trade with or block all trade. Do you think we should be arming the muslim nations since we trade with Israel?

Any enrichment of muslim fanatics is done through individual choices in the market. You can do the same to aid Israel if you like. Why should I pay for your guilt.
This is a ridiculous rationalization. It implies we should either provide massive aid to anyone that we (as inidividuals) trade with or block all trade. Do you think we should be arming the muslim nations since we trade with Israel?

Any enrichment of muslim fanatics is done through individual choices in the market. You can do the same to aid Israel if you like. Why should I pay for your guilt.

It's even more ridiculous when you consider that we don't really buy all that much oil from the Middle East with the exception of our "friends" in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait. The idea that Saudi Arabia under its present leadership would attack Israel is just about laughable as it is for Kuwait and Iraq.
Thus US is not responsible for the intentions of the entire planet, although W seems to think so, but as per usual, he's dead wrong. Israel has the power to defend itself. IT DOESN'T NEED US. That's the point. Why keep giving aid and weapons to a country that doesn't need it?

It would be like subsidizing bill gates because Apple is selling a lot of computers. It wouldn't make any sense.

OIC. So we can enrich Israel's enemies and have zero responsibility to help defend her. Is that your position?
This is a ridiculous rationalization. It implies we should either provide massive aid to anyone that we (as inidividuals) trade with or block all trade. Do you think we should be arming the muslim nations since we trade with Israel?

Any enrichment of muslim fanatics is done through individual choices in the market. You can do the same to aid Israel if you like. Why should I pay for your guilt.

Environmentalists have made it virtually impossible to harvest oil and produce energy within the borders of the US. "Choices in the market" do not exist.