This is the worst fucking message-board on the planet

I post lots of places. There are trumptards, but they typically represent the 20% of the population that they are.

Here, it's as if the Trump Spammers represent about 70% of all posts. It's obscene. Yes, there's a difference. Spam is prohibited on most message boards for a reason. People like Truth Detector and Sailor and others should be banned for spamming. (I have both on ignore, but it's still like stepping over dog turds on the lawn).

Yeah, normally when I go to a new board, I post way more than that. Here, however, if I say something controversial like "COVID 19 is real and dangerous", I get 18 replies from about 9 different trumpsexuals who call me a fucking cuck coward who wets the bed.

Why wouldn't you think that's a problem for this board?

Yeah, normally when I go to a new board, I post way more than that. Here, however, if I say something controversial like "COVID 19 is real and dangerous", I get 18 replies from about 9 different trumpsexuals who call me a fucking cuck coward who wets the bed.

Why wouldn't you think that's a problem for this board?
My ignore list is quite extensive. I should add to it, but I still do derive amusement from some of these idiots.
The people who post on a board, ARE THE BOARD, fuckstick.

And this board has all the worst people, just like our so-called president.

No, they are not---- Most come & go, they are called members for a reason. You care to guess what it is??

The bottom line is this, you can't handle your affairs here & no one is going to do it for you.....

You have a choice to make, you don't need help making it.......

You man up, or you man down~down the road...........:cool:
I used to puzzle over his staunch defences of Putin and the Russian state, and had fun calling him a Russian national. That was pre-2016. Then the Obama Administration decided to invent Crossfire Hurricane, and Anatta became an even more comical figure on this board.

Putin gave him a big raise and a new apartment in Moscow.. Includes an open bar & a maid.
Thank you.

This isn't about me "being a bigger person and ignoring trolls." It's about a board overrun with trumptard spam.

lol........ NO it is all about you.PERIOD..

You can't cut it here, that is on you no one else..

Only one here complaining about it is you, wtf, you think you foolin anyone?? :laugh:
Yeah, normally when I go to a new board, I post way more than that. Here, however, if I say something controversial like "COVID 19 is real and dangerous", I get 18 replies from about 9 different trumpsexuals who call me a fucking cuck coward who wets the bed.

Why wouldn't you think that's a problem for this board?
Well big boy you have options, ignore them, challenge them or get out the kitchen...:cool:
I have literally never seen so many pro-trump russia bots on one message board forum.


Does anyone actually moderate this piece of shit? It's just fucking extraordinary. Trump has microscopic approval, and yet it seems ALL of his supporters are here....
Most political forums are shitshows and this one is the top of the bottom. You can find a lot worse and you can find a lot better. Try Debatepolitics if you can't just ignore and laugh off the imbeciles
Most political forums are shitshows and this one is the top of the bottom. You can find a lot worse and you can find a lot better. Try Debatepolitics if you can't just ignore and laugh off the imbeciles

This site isn't bad. I have a lot of fun on here. I DO prefer the USMB site, it's MUCH better than this one. But this site is OK.
Was it the insatiable need to just call someone a fucking imbecile that did you in?

LOL. Well I have been warned multiple times over that. Insulting is a big no no there. What did me in was when they put me on "vacation" for a few days and I got too impatient and created another account, forgetting to use VPN. :laugh:
Nope, no thanks. I prefer a good mix of Lefties and Righties, like we have on this site.

Lol, what planet are you on?

If it's 50-50, that's an imbalance in favor of the RW. WAY more than half of Americans are left-leaning today. Old-people facebook is not a good barometer for what the country currently feels.