This will set off the trumpanzees

It appears he is gay... a fictional character is whatever the writer wants him to be.

You are right, of course. Now watch the obsessive twat repeat the same thing five more times, because in the magical world of Trumptards, repeating lies make them come true. :laugh:
It appears he is gay... a fictional character is whatever the writer wants him to be.
I see "bi" mentioned...not gay....
I guess we'll see...the "reveal" was just publicity for Coming Out Day, after all....
Einstein famously said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."Feb 12, 2015

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[h=3]Great ideas: Is imagination more important knowledge? | Virgin[/h]

You, comparing yourself to Einstein. :rofl2: