This will set off the trumpanzees

Bi, Gay, who cares. Why would anyone pay attention?

People who think that gays should not be allowed to get married but it's okay if they shack up and call it a "pairrage?" That's because calling it "marriage" would diminish the value of the blessed union that the homophobe insisting on that never had.* :laugh:

* Taken from The Tales of Toxic TOP, the True Story of a Virtue-Signaling Bigot(c).

Guno was right; their pointy little heads *are* exploding. lol
You sure are posting a lot here for someone whose head is not exploding.

Indeed. :laugh:

Einstein famously said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."Feb 12, 2015

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[h=3]Great ideas: Is imagination more important knowledge? | Virgin[/h]

Nice quote.

I get in debates all the time with people who assert we can only base our beliefs on empircal data and sensory perception. I do not agree with that.
I did not work with older children, unless it was teaching CCD, where the focus was different. "retired", I'll guess...;) The focus with older children/young adults (my teaching experience) is quite different, of sometimes "imagination" is not always "better" than "knowledge"...I'm betting you'd agree.... "retired", I'll guess...;) The focus with older children/young adults (my teaching experience) is quite different, of sometimes "imagination" is not always "better" than "knowledge"...I'm betting you'd agree....
I believe in developing both, but agree with Einstein.