This will set off the trumpanzees

Question: Wouldn't having sex with Lois kill her? :thinking:

I'd imagine it would "bring the woman out" in her

Your choice, of course...but neither you... nor Einstein... are teaching these
Oh, but I am still teaching, I have a six year old and a two year old in my care. The six year old after school and in the summer. We read and I had work books for him to help him retain what he had learned in kindergarten. He does math at a third grade level. The two year old is verbal, speaking full sentences and already knows his colors. He can also count to ten. We are working on the letter “A” this week, but we do it in a fun, two year old way, I ask him to point it out in the books we read. We are also teaching him to swim. He loves the pool. I think I’m still teaching.
Oh, but I am still teaching, I have a six year old and a two year old in my care. The six year old after school and in the summer. We read and I had work books for him to help him retain what he had learned in kindergarten. He does math at a third grade level. The two year old is verbal, speaking full sentences and already knows his colors. He can also count to ten. We are working on the letter “A” this week, but we do it in a fun, two year old way, I ask him to point it out in the books we read. We are also teaching him to swim. He loves the pool. I think I’m still teaching.
Sounds like you're passing along knowledge to your grandchildren...That's wonderful...but much different than teaching in schools, you know...
Every child should learn to swim (so extra good for you)...that's why we started our team years've seen one of the pictures that was stolen if you recall...;) ( It's Never to late to learn to the very least be waterproofed;))
Sounds like you're passing along knowledge to your grandchildren...That's wonderful...but much different than teaching in schools, you know...
Every child should learn to swim (so extra good for you)...that's why we started our team years've seen one of the pictures that was stolen if you recall...;) ( It's Never to late to learn to the very least be waterproofed;))
Yes, TOP, I know it’s different from teaching in school, I have assisted in the classroom for my children and grandchildren, I’ve also done pre-school. It is why I greatly appreciate teachers and think they are one of the most under paid occupations, along with nurses.
Yes, TOP, I know it’s different from teaching in school, I have assisted in the classroom for my children and grandchildren, I’ve also done pre-school. It is why I greatly appreciate teachers and think they are one of the most under paid occupations, along with nurses.
Being underpaid is the least of the problem these days...It's next to impossible to get great teachers anymore....if you've been in the classroom lately, I'm sure you know why...What a sad situation for parents and children....
Being underpaid is the least of the problem these days...It's next to impossible to get great teachers anymore....if you've been in the classroom lately, I'm sure you know why...What a sad situation for parents and children....
I’m sorry you feel that way. My grands have had excellent teachers, both seasoned and novice. It’s a hard profession and challenging with increased classroom sizes.

Being underpaid is exactly the problem.
I’m sorry you feel that way. My grands have had excellent teachers, both seasoned and novice. It’s a hard profession and challenging with increased classroom sizes.

Being underpaid is exactly the problem.
I didn't say there weren't great teachers...I said it's next to impossible to get them...and keep them and that will be the case until things change drastically......Paying more won't solve the problem....
Paying more is not enough (but deserved, of course)...Teachers want to be able to actually teach...Ask them...;)